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Home for the Holidays

Page 29

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“You have no idea,” I say, making her burst into laughter.

“Show me the clothes.” I lead her to the closet.

“Damn. He got all of this?” Carey starts to go through them.

“I thought the same, but I guess if I’m pretending to be engaged to a very wealthy man I need to dress the part.”

“You’re not his doll,” she says, reading my mind. She pulls one of the dresses off the hanger. “This is totally you. It won’t make you look as though you’re some Stepford wife.”

The skirt is a soft gold and flowy. It’s paired with a green knit sweater that has little bows on it. It’s adorable and is my style. That said, you can tell it didn’t come from a store that I shop in. I’m sure it cost twenty times more than I usually pay for clothes.

“Are you finding everything you might need?” Logan asks. He’s been checking on me every thirty minutes. It’s silly, but I swear he just misses me. I know this because I’m feeling the same.

“There is more than I need, Logan.” I motion to the clothes.

“I want you to feel comfortable here.” He shifts on his feet, looking adorably unsure. “Is that a problem? Did I overstep?”

“No. It was really sweet of you. When do we leave?”

“Soon.” Logan doesn’t look as though he wants to go at all.

“Okay. I’ll be ready in a little.”

“Good call on the lipstick, Carey,” Logan tells her.

“I’ve got your back. Just get our girl back here.”

“Working on it.” He winks at me before leaving Carey and me alone again.

“You’re a goner. Stop fighting it.” I’m pretty sure my best friend is right. I am a goner. Hell, I might even be in love.18Logan“This place is amazing.” I keep Angel tucked into my side as I show her around my parents’ estate. We managed to slip in without my mother or brother seeing us. The party is in full swing, and I introduced Angel to some people. We’re already been here over an hour. I’m actually not having a terrible time. “So much history.”

“Too bad it’s not good history. I bet your house is filled with warm memories. That can’t be said for this place.” I’ve never given much thought to how I was raised. Being around Angel’s family and in their home has made me a little resentful. It’s given me a glimpse into what I missed.

“It is. My parents came a long way. I have no doubt they can afford a nicer house, but that’s where they raised us. As you can see, my mom is already having a hard time with an empty nest. She said maybe they’ll move when she gets some grandbabies.” Angel lets out a laugh.

Instantly my mind goes to Angel being pregnant. My cock hardens. Angel will get married one day and have kids. The idea of her doing that with another man ignites an anger inside of me that I’ve never felt before. It knocks the air right out of my lungs.

“Sorry your parents are jerk faces. You know you can break that cycle when you have kids.” I guide her toward the indoor glass patio. “Wow,” she breathes when she sees all the lights strung up in here. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t talk about your parents like that.”

I sit down on one of the benches. She starts to sit down next to me, but I pull her into my lap.

“Not mad at you, Angel. Relax.” She melts into me. “Are you going to move in with me?”

“You still want me to after I said that about your parents?”

“Calling them jerks is too nice of a title for them. You haven’t met them yet. When it comes to them, know that I’ll always side with you over them. I should have told you that before we came here. I have no loyalty to them. The same as they have none to me.” She tilts her head. I lean in and kiss her, unable to help myself. “Move in with me. Make this the best Christmas of my life.” I go in for the kill, knowing she thinks Christmas has some magical power to it.

“Okay,” she agrees.

I kiss her again. I’ve got her now. “We could get married in the spring.”

She jerks back at my words. “Wait. What?”

“Why not? This doesn’t have to be a fake engagement. A marriage between us would be beneficial to both of us.”

She lets out a laugh. “Marriage isn’t a business deal, Logan.”

“It’s a contract,” I point out. It is. She gives me a half smile, and I know I’m fucking this up. “Just think about it. I’d be good to you.” I know it’s not what her parents have, but it’s all I’m capable of right now.

“I know that, Logan.” She runs her finger down my jaw. I lean into her touch. But I can see the disappointment in her eyes.

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