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Searching for Someday (Searching For 1)

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She stared down at her own ring, the gorgeous round stone simply and beautifully cut, sparkling on her finger like a million rays of joy. Finally. It had been so worth the journey to get here. With a light heart, Kate settled back into her recliner, with her dog and her remote, and waited for the man she loved to walk through the door.


THE SUN STREAMED through the open windows and over my fur, warming my body like a heated blankie. I snuggled deeper into my bed and gave a big sigh. Bunny Squeak lay close to my paw, and the delicious scents of meat drifted in the air. Hmm, dinner. Mommy and Daddy were talking behind me. Laughing. Then the sound of slurping. Kissing they called it. I closed my eyes halfway and dozed for a bit.

I remember when I was able to run, really really fast. I had all my legs then, but I wasn't happy. The bad people hurt me, and I tried to keep being better, but I was never good enough. The first time I saw Kate, I thought she was an angel. She picked me up from that hill and saved me. Her eyes were very big and very kind.

I didn't think she'd want me. My legs were broken, and I knew I couldn't run and play anymore. But she didn't care. She got me a cool cart and taught me to run as fast as the wind, and she spent hours talking to me about important things. I always listened. I loved watching silly movies with her, and cuddling in bed, and staying with her when she cried. I hated when she cried, but then she'd hug me and laugh and things would be okay again.

I always wanted a daddy, for her and me, and now I have one. He gave me Bunny Squeak and walks me at the park and loves Mommy. He got me the best chair and now my butt feels so much better when I lie down. I finally have a real family, just like the other dogs at the park.

I'd rather have no legs and be with Mommy and Daddy. I never thought love existed or if it was really meant for me, but I was wrong.

I guess if you never give up and keep fighting, eventually you find the one meant for you. Or the ones.


I picked up my head. Daddy's arms linked around Mommy's waist. He held up two bags of treats. "Peanut butter or bacon?"

I barked once.

"Bacon it is."

Daddy walked over, patted me on the head, and gave me my treat. I munched on the crunchy treat, pulled Bunny Squeak closer, and felt happy. I guess sometimes you can't give up hope, even if you are broken.

I hope other dogs and other humans realize it and take their shot.

With a big sigh, I dropped my head back on the mat and slept.

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