Off Course (Off 4) - Page 15

"What are you doing here?" My voice comes out gritty, as if someone scrubbed my throat with sandpaper.

Cady shoots me a cheerful grin. "Cillian invited me out to dinner. He suggested we come here... so, here we are. Can we sit in your section?"

I just nod at her and wave her over to a table, muttering I would be with them in a second. I can't help but notice that Cillian guides Cady over to a table, keeping his hand on her lower back. He pulls out the chair for her, and they both sit down.

Did I miss something? When did Cady become interested in Cillian? Because if she is, then I feel horrid for kissing him. I would never have stepped in on her territory if I knew that. What's even worse is that Cillian could so easily move on. But really, it's what he did five years ago when he couldn't have what he wanted. Why should it be any different now?

Stiffening my spine and putting a smile on my face that I hope didn't reflect the insincerity I was feeling, I walk over to their table. Their heads are bent close together and they're laughing.

"What do you two want to drink tonight? We have Guinness on special for four Euro."

They break apart at my words and Cady flashes me a grin. "Hey, Renner. Cillian has invited us to go with him to see this really great band playing this weekend at O'Shea's. Won't that be fun?"

I try to return her smile, but I know it's lame. "I'm sorry. I can't... gotta work."

"No, you don't. I already asked Da if you could switch shifts so you could go and he said that was fine."

I sneak a quick glance at Cillian, who is now leaning back in his chair and watching me intently. I look back to Cady. "I don't think so. It's really not my thing."

"What do you mean it's not your thing? You love going to listen to music." Her eyes narrow at me, as if she's daring me to contradict her.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling into it. But you two will have a great time, I'm sure. Now, what do you want to drink?"

Cady stands up from the table so abruptly, it startles me. She tells Cillian, "We'll be back in just a second."

She grabs my arm and hauls me off. I flick a backward glance at Cillian, who has a smackable smirk on his face.

Cady drags me to the back storeroom, which is always empty since we stock the coolers twice a day. Shutting the door behind us, she turns to me and glares. "What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" I pick at my nails in a display of casual disinterest.

"I mean, why the brush off? You love going out, you love me, and you love music. Why would you say no?"

Sighing, I lean back against the door. "I don't want to be a third wheel with you and Cillian. And it wouldn't hurt to tell your cousin you have an interest in him. Since when do you hide things from me?" My words come out a little more forceful than I meant, but part of me is already sad that this fling with Cillian is most assuredly over.

Cady stares at me for maybe five seconds, then she throws her head back, clutches her stomach, and starts laughing like a maniac. She even doubles over, she's laughing so hard and when she straightens back up, she has tears running out of her eyes.

"What's so funny?" I demand.

"You thought I had an interest in Cillian?" She's still snickering and I almost pinch her in the arm to get her to stop.

"Well, don't you?"

"God, no! He's like an older brother to me. That's super gross."

"But you said he invited you to dinner. And you looked pretty chummy with him."

Cady takes a step forward and pops me on the forehead.

"Ow," I grumble.

"You're an eejit, Renner. Why wouldn't I accept his dinner invitation? He's my friend. And... we're affectionate. Always have been. But again, he's like a brother."

"Oh," is all I can say, and I make busy with looking at my tennis shoes, embarrassed at my reaction.

"So, you'll come with us Saturday night?"

I look up at her, and her eyes are shining with excitement. "Are you sure Cillian really wants me there?"

"Absolutely. In fact, he invited you specifically. Well, he invited you, me, and Teagan, but he specifically mentioned your name."

I hesitate for just a moment, wondering if this is really a good idea. I mean... it could be awkward with Cillian, and I'm a little afraid to be around him. I have no clue what his feelings or intentions are, and it makes me nervous wondering.

But then I say to myself, why not? Why not be spontaneous and just say yes, and worry about all that other stuff later.

"Okay. Sure. I'll come."

Cady squeals and gives me a bone-crushing hug.

All I can think to myself is, Cillian has created a spontaneity monster in me.



I glance at my watch for like the tenth time in the last five minutes and impatiently tap my foot. Where are they? They should have been here over half an hour ago.

"Dude... stop looking at your watch. They'll be here."

I shoot a fuck-off look to Sean, and he just grins back at me. We got to O'Shea's a bit early to get a good table. We managed to snag a tall one that is designed to stand around and it's pretty close to the stage. Cady, Renner, and Teagan said they would meet us here, and glancing at my watch again, I note they are now thirty-seven minutes late.

I'm thankful that my "disguise" is working tonight. I have a baseball cap covering my hair and I shaved before I came out, which makes me look about five years younger. Adding on my glasses, I don't think I'm too recognizable and only a few people have come up to talk to me or ask for an autograph.

Sean is another matter. No disguise can hide that he is Sean Lundie, drummer for OTE. I can only assume no one comes up to him because he looks scary as shit.

"Holy. Fuck," Sean says with awe.

I look at him briefly, and see his gaze is on the door. I turn around, and holy fuck is right. Teagan just walked in and she's wearing a black leather bustier with mounds of boobs spilling over the top, black satin pants that I'm pretty sure were painted on her, and heels that have to be at least five inches tall. She has her hair pulled back severely in a bun and her lips are painted bright red. Every man in the pub turns to watch her walk our way.

My eyes flick over her briefly and I see Cady right behind her. She looks pretty in a blood red dress that's probably hugging her a little too tight for my approval, but then, Cady's like a little sister and I don't like to think about her flaunting her stuff. My eyes search, and they land on Renner, bringing up the rear.

HOLY! FUCK! She looks gorgeous, and I know I won't spare another glance at Teagan in her dominatrix outfit for the rest of the night.

Her hair is flowing down her back with locks of it resting over her shoulders. It's so shiny, that it glimmers in the dim lighting. She's wearing a black miniskirt that doesn't ride too high but is hugging her ass like a second skin. She has on a silver halter-top that is cut low and looks like it's tied around her neck with dental floss. Her feet are encased in silver sandals that are sporting a heel as high as Teagan's.

I seriously don't think I've seen anyone as hot as she looks right now. Visions of me hiking that skirt up to see what lies underneath flood my brain. I'm betting black lace, and I know it would look amazing against that creamy skin.

Teagan reaches us first and blows me a kiss. Then she squeals when she sees Sean and

rushes right by me to give him a hug. I often wondered if those two had ever hooked up in the past, but I never asked. None of my business really.

Bending over, I give Cady a quick hug, looking over her shoulder at Renner. She holds my glance, even as I slowly slide my eyes down her body and back up again. By the time I make it back to her face, her cheeks are flushed.

I release Cady and step toward Renner, intent on giving her what would look like a friendly hug to the rest of the group. She's surprised when I wrap my arms around her, in a brotherly fashion, because I know Cady's probably watching. I may not be able to cop much of a feel right now, but I use the opportunity to lean in close to her ear. "God help me, Ren. You look like a goddess."

I can feel her flinch in surprise at my words, but I quickly release her and turn toward the group. We all crowd around the table, and it doesn't escape my notice that Renner stands on the opposite side of me, which is fine by me for now. It means I can stare at her all I want.

Taking a sip of my beer, I watch as Cady introduces Renner to Sean. I don't miss the gleam in his eyes as he checks her out, and it takes everything in my power not to punch him. I watch Renner's reaction, because I'm sure she's never seen someone as tatted and pierced as Sean is. She shows no hesitation and immediately engages him in conversation about his piercings, which he is all too happy to discuss.

While Sean is entertaining Renner, Cady, Teagan and I use the opportunity to head to the bar to get everyone some drinks. It takes us what seems like forever, but I expected a big crowd tonight to hear this band.

When we return, Renner is holding her stomach and laughing hard at something Sean is telling her. I'm almost afraid to know what, but as I set the beers down, Sean claps me on the back. "I was just telling Renner about that time we were on tour this past year, and that crazy naked lady ran through our hotel lobby, screaming for you. Remember that?"

I cringe inward, because I do remember that, and while I can easily laugh about it, one thing I don't want to do is remind Renner that my lifestyle can be a bit wild. I don't want to frighten her off just yet. Not until I get her out of my system, anyway.

"Yeah, how about we just forget the crazy stories tonight and let's just listen to some good music?"

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Off Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024