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Valentino's Love-Child

Page 23

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“So, what is stopping you from agreeing?”

“I’m not sure I want to live in the same house as you,” she answered honestly.

He reeled back as if struck. “You hate me so much.”

“I don’t hate you at all, but I’m not sure this is what is best for us.”

“It is best for the baby and that is all that matters


“On that point we agree.”

“So, you will move in.”

“You’re stubborn.”


She sighed.

He took it as acquiescence, if the grim satisfaction on his face could be believed. “How soon?”

“I haven’t agreed, Tino,” she pointed out. “If I decide that’s the best course of action, and provided your parents approve the idea, I would move in after the baby is born.”

“You need looking after now. Tonight proves that.”

“Tonight I thought you were telling me that the father of my unborn child wanted to marry another woman. A suitable Sicilian woman.”

“Stress induced your stomach upset?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“We will have to make sure you are not distressed in any way from this point forward.”

“I would appreciate that.” If she had known it would be so easy, she would have played the illness card earlier. Exhaustion overcame her, like it did sometimes lately. “I’m tired,” she said, knowing he had to be able to see it. “We can talk more about this at a later time.”

“Very well.”

She reached up and brushed his cheek, needing to say one last thing before he left for the night. “I’m sorry I slapped you.”

“I forgive you.”

“Thank you,” she slurred as sleep overtook her.


FAITH had fallen asleep. Just like that.

Thirty seconds later and her breathing had already leveled out into true somnolence. It always amazed him how she could do that, though the only other times he’d seen it was after they had made love. They hadn’t done so tonight.

Yet, here she was—sleeping. Dark bruises marred the lovely skin below her eyes. Her pregnancy was taking it out of her. It bothered him to see her looking so frail. Was she taking her vitamins? Had she gone to a doctor? There were so many questions he needed answered, but she wasn’t going to be satisfying his need to know right now.

It wouldn’t be until morning, if he had his way and she slept the night through. He was careful not to jostle her unduly as he removed her clothes to increase her comfort. He could not help but stop and look at the changes her pregnancy had already wrought on her beautiful body.

With near reverence, he cataloged each one. Her breasts were slightly bigger and the aureoles had darkened. She had an exhausted air about her, but she glowed too, her skin reflecting an overall abundance of health. He could see no evidence of the baby within in the curve of her belly. It was no bigger.

The need to touch was intense and he carefully placed his hand over her lower abdomen, a sense of awe permeating him. It might not look different, but although he might be being fanciful, he would swear he could feel the presence of his child in her womb. Usually when he massaged her tummy, the flesh was soft with feminine give. Now below the silken skin, it felt hard, solid. Amazing.

She made a soft noise and turned on her side to curl into her pillow.

He found himself smiling, but then frowned in thought. He knew she expected him to leave, but he wasn’t going to. He’d agreed not to argue; he hadn’t agreed to vacate her apartment, leaving her alone, with no one to care for her needs.

He flipped out his cell and called home to tell his parents he would not be returning tonight. Thankfully, his father answered, so Tino was not subjected to a barrage of questions when he said he would not be home that night. His mother tried calling ten minutes later, but he let the call go to voice mail. He wasn’t ready to speak to her yet.

He and Faith had some explaining to do and Tino was determined to do it on his own agenda and in his own way.

Faith woke up with a sense of well-being that had been missing for the past several weeks. The sense that she had been held in strong arms all night long tickled at her conscience, but she dismissed it as leftover dreams from the night before. Just like so many other mornings.

Her stomach was slightly upset, but nothing like the night before. Memories of Tino’s visit beset her, but she wasn’t ready to deal with the implications of his discovery. Not if she wanted to keep a handle on the physical side effects of her pregnancy. She would keep her mind blank, and if she moved slowly, hopefully she could avoid anything beyond the mild nausea.

She started with opening her eyes and orienting herself to her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was the mug of tea on her bedside table. Steam was coming from it. The cheese and crackers on the plate beside it looked fresh, as did the grapes accompanying it.

Trying to make sense of the fresh libations, she sat up carefully. No matter how curious she was, she wasn’t going to jostle her queasy tummy.

As the sheets slid against her skin, she realized she was naked.

Completely and totally.


Despite the evidence of his presence, she was still shocked when he came rushing in. And looking too damn good in nothing but his boxers, too. “Are you all right, piccola madre mia? Did you try the tea? It should settle your stomach. Do you need help to the bathroom?”

The babbling would be endearing if, well…maybe it was endearing regardless, but still. And calling her his little mother, that was…it was…she didn’t know what it was. Cute? Maybe. “What are you doing here?”

“Caring for you, as you can see.” He swept his hand out to indicate the mug and plate of food.

“I meant what are you doing here at all?”

“I spent the night.”

“In my bed?”

“Your small sofa is much too short. Besides, you might have needed me in the night.”

Once she got used to the fact he was there, with her, in her apartment, she had no problem believing he had spent the night in her bed. And while she knew it should bother her, it didn’t. It made her feel cared for, darn it. He hadn’t made sexual overtures after all, he’d just been there for her.

The sensation of having been held throughout the night was not her imagination, nor had it been yet another hollow dream. The fact that she wanted it so badly made her cranky. “You said you were leaving.”

“I did not.”


“I promised not to argue with you last night.”

Right, and she had assumed that meant he would accede to her wishes. “You are sneaky, Tino.”

“I prefer to think of it as resourceful.” He gave her the smile that had been melting her heart for almost a year. “You should drink your tea and eat. The doctor said it would be most helpful if you partake before getting out of bed.”

“Taylish used to have soda crackers and a glass of flat Seven-Up ready for me in the morning.” She sighed, looking around her small room. “I’d forgotten.”

“Would you prefer that?” Tino asked with a flat voice. “Only the doctor recommended these items.”

“This is fine.”

He nodded and left the room.

Mentally shrugging at his strange behavior, she drank her tea. She’d eaten the crackers and cheese and several of the grapes as well before Tino returned. They did help. She felt almost normal, certainly not in any risk for a hasty trip to the bathroom to void her stomach.

Tino was still wearing nothing more than his boxer shorts, a luxurious emerald-green silk she wanted to touch. Which was really, really stupid, but true all the same.

Her nipples tightened—aching a little because they were tender from the hormonal changes in her body—and reminding her of her total nudity beneath the sheet and blanket. “You undressed me last night. While I was sleeping.”

“If I had done it while you were awake, I am sure the outcome would have been quite different.” He gave her a heavy-lidded look that sent sparks of arousal straight to her core.

“No.” She shook her head in further denial, trying to convince them both that what he was suggesting was not an option.

He sat beside her and cupped her nape, his hand warm and big against her neck. “Are y

ou sure about that?”

“We can’t. Tino, no sex.” Though her body was aching for the feel of his.

“Why?” His expression grew worried and his entire body tensed. “Has your doctor identified a problem with your pregnancy.”

“No,” she admitted, knowing she was going to sound paranoid. “He says that I’m healthy and so is the baby.” He’d also said that the vast majority of miscarriages in the first trimester could not have been avoided. It was simply a matter of an unviable pregnancy ending itself.

She wasn’t that clinically detached.

“So, why no sex?”

“Do you know the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester, Tino?”


“It’s 12.5 percent. The number is probably higher because some women miscarry before they even realize they are pregnant, but one in eight known pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first trimester. But even if it was only one in a million, I wouldn’t do anything to risk it.”

“Certainly, if making love increases the risk, we will not do so. I am surprised Maura’s doctor never said anything.” Tino sounded angered by that fact.

Faith had to be truthful. “Um, there’s actually no evidence to suggest that normal sexual activity increases the risk of an early trimester miscarriage.”

“But you are still afraid of taking the risk.”


“So, we will abstain,” he said with the air of a man making a great sacrifice if not with pleasure, without recrimination. “It will make for an interesting wedding night, though.”

“We aren’t getting married.” At least not right now.

“We shall see.” He stood up. “Now I believe it is time to ready ourselves for the day. Do you need help in the shower?”

“I’m pregnant, not an invalid, Tino. I can bathe myself.”

“That is probably for the best. Prolonged exposure to your wet, naked body would not be good for my self-control.”

“You always talk like I’m some sort of femme fatale.”

“Perhaps that is because you are death to the control I exercise over my libido.”

She laughed, feeling pleased when she knew she shouldn’t. After all, they were no longer a couple. But, like the night before, she had a hard time remembering that, when it felt so right to be with him.

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