Onyx Shadows (Catnip and Cauldrons 2) - Page 10

Can you see anything?

Onyx concentrated on the darkness surrounding them.

Out of nowhere, Kipp, Martha, Oscar, and Deacon came before them and dropped to the ground on one knee and bowed their heads. Ivan came running out of the brush, with nothing but a pair of half-fastened shorts. He stopped short when she saw the others kneeling. He looked from Cole to Onyx then down at Marie. He nodded and took a few steps to the right of the werecats.

Onyx addressed the werecats, “What are you doing?”

A strong, unfamiliar voice boomed out of the darkness. “This is why magic-makers and wereanimals are not supposed to mix.”

Onyx whipped around trying to place the voice. She brought her hands up to protect herself from harm. “Who the hell—”

Onyx was cut off by an older gentleman she had never seen before stepping out of the shadows. His short, compact body sported a large potbelly. His bright white hair stood out against the inky dark surrounding them.

Her eyes darted to Ivan whose eyes were wide as he turned to face the newcomer and backed away from the group one slow step at a time.

The old man raised one hand and pointed at her chest. “You eliminated two elders. You're their leader now.”

Cole took her hand and edged in front of her, placing himself between her and the stranger.

The man noticed and smirked.

“Calm down, wizard.”

Tension roiled off Cole in thick waves. No, he was not going to relax any time soon.

“You, Lynx,” he called to Ivan. “Stop sneaking around behind me, and come up here where I can see you.”

Ivan shuffled up hands outstretched to show he posed no threat.

Dismissing Cole and Ivan completely, the old man addressed Onyx again.

“These cats are yours to lead now.”

Onyx stepped forward and eyed the stranger. “That's absurd. I don't want to lead. I just want everyone to have the freedom to do what they want with their lives.”

The old man shrugged. “Rule as you see fit. Times have changed. The Elders will have to adjust, but you will lead, young lady. Weres struggle to fit into both the human and supernatural worlds. They need a strong leader to help them balance the two.” He shook his head and lowered his voice, “Boy they're going to love a female leader with a wizard lover.” He snorted then continued in a louder voice. “You've all rejected your clowders and formed your own new one. Every clowder needs a leader. It has always been this way. That will not change. Her connection to the wizard has brought her great power. You will be safe under her protection.”

Deacon looked up. “But her power only comes from her association with Cole.”

The old man turned his stone cold gaze on Deacon. “Are you challenging her new leadership already?”

“No, sir. Just curious.”

“Good because while it's true her power is triggered by the wizard, by their”—he paused and wrinkled his nose—”bond, she is quite powerful in her own right. It just came about sooner because of him.” He flipped his hand loosely in Cole's direction.

Powerful? Me?

“Sir, maybe you have me confused with someone else.”

“I know exactly who you are. Onyx Knight. Catling of Jade and Max Knight of Catcall Falls.”

Onyx clamped her lips shut and looked down at the ground. This guy scared the ever-living crap out of her.

Message delivered, he shifted into a large amber colored cat with black spots and disappeared into the night.

Baffled, Onyx turned and shrugged at Cole. He raised his hand and pointed behind her. Onyx turned her head. Cole stepped back so they were no longer touching. He was telling her to lead them. She couldn't do this. She wasn't a leader. She was a young, clueless woman. A student who was still learning about how to be a cat. How dare she try to lead others.

“Guys, get up. Nothing's changed.”

Kipp raised his head first, but he didn't get off the ground. “I'm so sorry. I never thought Anita was behind any of this.”

Onyx moved bit by bit through the thick grass to stand in front of Kipp. He bowed his head again. She couldn't read his exact thoughts, but she sensed the truth of his words. “Kipp, please get up.”

Still keeping his head bowed, he stood up.

“Look at me.”

He met her gaze. Anguish was written all over his face, from the slight tremble of his bottom lip to his downcast eyes.

“Kipp, I trust you.”

Relief flooded his features.

She looked at the rest of the group. “Guys, please get up.”

One by one they all stood.

She addressed them as a group. “We still have a huge problem. Where is Molly?”

Oscar opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of a car engine roaring to life cut him off. Onyx whirled toward the parking lot.

The one person who might know how to find Molly was getting away.


Tags: Autumn Jones Lake Catnip and Cauldrons Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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