Onyx Night (Catnip and Cauldrons 1) - Page 7

“If you can get it open, I can shift and you can toss me out the window,” she suggested.

“It's worth a try. My parents are supposed to be at the meeting circle. You should be clear. Come back in and open the door so I can get out. I need to get Bess and get the hell out of town.” Denny ran his hands through his hair. His desperation to get to Bessie was obvious. Onyx loved him—platonically—even more for it.

She nodded at him and shifted.

“Cover your eyes.”

Onyx scurried into the corner opposite the window. Denny picked up her sweatshirt and wrapped it around his fist. He jumped up and punched at the window. The first time it splintered but remained intact. The second time it shattered. With the third jump, he cleared a hole big enough for her to get out.

“Be careful, Nyx, you're going to slice your feet up.”

A small price to pay.

He picked her up and it was a strange feeling for her friend to hold her in her cat form. He looked in her eyes for a moment, then launched her out the window. Onyx landed on her feet and somehow managed to miss all the jagged shards of glass. She looked around the yard frantically. Instinct was telling her to high tail it out of here, but she couldn't leave her friend behind. Not when he risked so much to save her. She wriggled inside the kitty door and entered the kitchen. She shifted and reached for the basement door. Denny came flying out. He ripped off his T-shirt and handed it to her so she could cover herself. Watching the muscles of his arms and shoulders, eyeing his naked chest, did something strange to her. She hugged him. She told herself it was a friendly hug, but the way she rubbed herself against him was more horny-feline than friendly.

“Onyx. Your heat’s coming. We need to get out of here.” With great effort she pulled herself away and nodded. They flew out the back door.

She ran smack into Cole.

“Cole! How did you find me?”

Cole stepped back and eyed them both coolly.

“Nyx, I have to go get Bessie, are you okay?” He looked back and forth between Cole and Onyx.

Finally Cole spoke up. “She's safe with me.”

Denny looked at her for a long moment. Onyx didn't need to read his mind to know he was afraid to hug her in front of Cole. She smiled and jerked her head toward the door. He nodded at them and ran to his car.

“Are you hurt?”

“I'm fine. Can you take me back to my house, to get some clothes and shoes?”

“Of course.” He stepped closer and kissed her cheek. “Worried sick doesn't describe what I've been going through.”

His words made her melt. He'd been worried about her and had come to rescue her. He picked her up in his arms and held her close to his chest like a child.

Then they simply vanished into thin air.

They reappeared in her bedroom and she struggled to get out of his arms. “What the hell? How did you...What did you do?”

He chuckled. “It's part of my powers, which after spending some time here have amplified. Get dressed.”

She casually tossed Denny's T-shirt on the ground. Cole's eyes widened in surprise...and something else. Onyx cocked a hip and put her hand on it. “Thank you for the rescue.”

“You're not mad at me anymore?”

“No. I'm not mad.”

“Uh, Onyx, are you okay?”

She strolled over to the open bedroom door, shut it and locked it.

“Onyx, we need to get out of here.”

“I'm safe now. You saved me.” Like a predator stalking her prey, she closed in on him. When she reached his side, she bumped her body up against his and tilted her head up for a kiss.

“We shouldn't be doing this now.” His voice was hoarse. She almost had him. Any other time she would think it was sweet that he naturally wanted to take things at a slower place, but the fire building inside her demanded action. The warmth flowing through her veins swiftly grew hotter. She needed him now.

Her hands came up and fisted the material of his shirt, lifting it so she could peek at his flat stomach. She brushed her knuckles against his abs and he groaned.

“You're awfully sexy for a professor,” she whispered.

His arms came down and tightened around her, pulling her close so he could lean down and brush his lips over hers. Using her body, she nudged him toward the narrow bed. Before his legs hit the back of the bed, he whipped her around and threw her down on the bed. Her laughter rang out, deep and strangely sexy to her ears. All of this was still so new and exciting.

She crooked a finger and motioned for him to join her. Staring down at her, he threw off his shirt, shucked his pants and fell on her. She wrapped her legs around him and arched up to meet his body.

Breaking their kiss, he looked down and brushed the hair from her face. “You're in heat again.”

“I don't care. I want you.”

“Do you have...anything...here?”


He lifted himself off her and dug around in her nightstand until he came up with two condoms. He showed them to her and cocked an eyebrow. She shrugged “I was curious.”

He shook his head and ripped the package open, sheathed himself quickly, then settled himself over her again.

“Where were we?”

She lifted her legs and used them to rub his sides, her heels resting on his butt. “Right about here.”

He plunged into her, shouting unintelligible words as she arched her hips up to meet each thrust. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and flipped them so she was on top.

She moaned and purred at the same time. The change in the angle he was penetrating her with felt so good. Her hands strayed to her breasts and she mindlessly plucked her nipples.

“Good kitty. Let me see you play with your breasts while you ride me.”

His dirty words sent shivers up and down her spine and she spread her legs wider to take him fully inside her. She ground up and down against his cock until she was on the edge of exploding.

“Come for me, kitten. Come for me,” he chanted while he used his fingers to tug at her nipples. The dual sensations sent her orgasm washing over her, chasing away the unbearable heat. She howled in pleasure.

Exhausted, she fell on top of him and kissing his neck, using her tongue to trace a path to his nipples, sucking one into her mouth and flicking her tongue across it. “Fuck!” He held her hips tight and powered up into her until he shouted his own release.

Onyx drifted for awhile. When she shivered, Cole pulled her down next to him and covered her with the blanket. “I'll be right back,” he said, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Shouts outside the house made her throw off the covers and go to the window. Denny was running up to the house yelling her name. He carried a limp form in his arms.

“Cole! Denny needs our help.”

He came running back into the room, and without asking questions, jumped into his clothes. “I'll go get him, get dressed and meet me downstairs.”

She was already yanking clothes from her dresser so she didn't answer him.

When she raced downstairs she was not at all prepared for the site before her. Bessie, in Denny's arms on the living room floor, covered in blood.

“Oh my god! Is she breathing?”

Denny looked up. Tears trailed down his face. “Yes. I think so.”

Cole took action. “Set her on the floor. Onyx, grab me a bowl of water, some towels, and candles.”

When she came back into the room, he was chanting and working his hands in the air above Bessie's body. The powerful pull of his magic tugged at her skin, but she knew better than to disturb him. She set the items down beside him, then sat next to Denny and took his hand.

“Concentrate Denny. Concentrate on healing her,” Cole urged.

Denny nodded and they both closed their eyes, pushing healing energy toward Bess. Cole's chanting became louder and more urgent. Onyx didn't understand the words, but she didn't need to. She understood their intent.

When Cole fell silent, Onyx opened her eyes. He was still bent over Bessie, his lips moving silently. He laid a stone on her forehead and another charm on her chest. There was so much blood, Onyx choked on a sob. Cole didn't look up.

“Keep channeling your energy.” His voice was tight. She closed her eyes and grasped Denny's hand harder.

Bessie moaned. Moaning turned to shrieks. “Shh. You're okay,” Cole soothed.

“Nyxie,” she whispered.

Onyx opened her eyes and grabbed her friend's hands.

“I'm so glad you're safe. Marie told me, she had you...” Her voice trailed off.

Denny frowned. “I don't think I want to know the answer, but who hurt you, Bessie?”

She wouldn't look at Denny. “Your mother.”

“I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I thought she would stop this crazy mating idea if I told her I was in love with you and we were planning to marry. None of this would have happened if I hadn't opened my big mouth.” He reached over and gathered her in his arms after getting a nod from Cole.

“Can we please get out of here?” Bess asked.

Denny nodded and helped Bess up. Onyx ran to the laundry room and grabbed some clean clothes for Bess.

Bess looked down at her own sticky, ruined clothing. “Guess there's no time for a shower?”

Denny let out a relieved chuckle and hugged her close. “It can wait. You were right—we should get out of here.”

Onyx hugged her friends and cried as they left, not sure when she’d see them again.



Cole held Onyx tight while he shimmered them back to his house.

“I'm so sorry I ran,” she whispered when he set her down.

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about your mother.”

“I was so stupid! I should never have left here!”

“Shh, it's okay. If we hadn't been there, we wouldn't have saved Bessie.” That mollified Onyx for now.

“Where do we go from here?”

“You're going to stay put for another few days.” He gave her a pointed look.

Her face burned with shame and she bowed her head, still feeling miserable about running away. Relief washed over her when she thought about how differently things could have gone if Denny wasn't such an honorable friend. “I promise.”

“Denny took Bessie far away. So with him gone, there's no way to have the two of you mate.”

“So then, I'm safe?”

“I think so, but I think you should still stay here a little longer. Then, if you want, I'll take you back to your mother's home town.”

Onyx looked up at him with wide eyes. “You want me to leave?”

“Well, I want you to be safe.”

“I'll be safe with you,” she insisted.

“Onyx—” Cole started to explain, but she cut him off.

“You don't want me?” She got up to leave the living room.

Cole stopped her with a hand on her arm. “I want you more than anything, Onyx. But you're so young. You should meet someone your own age.”

“Just how old are you?”

“Over one hundred.”

“Wow. You give new meaning to dirty old man.”

His mouth quirked into a smile, but he shook his head. “You're going to want to be with your own kind,” he persisted.

“I reserve the right to change my mind in the future, but I've had enough of my kind for now.”

He chuckled at her. “I don't want you to have any regrets.”

“I'll never regret loving you.”

His expression softened.

“I'm not a child, Cole. I know what I want.”

He smiled and brushed the hair off her cheek. “I'll have to set you up with another advisor at school.”

It was the last thing she expected him to say and she burst out laughing.

“I love your laugh, so I hate myself for saying this, but we need to talk more about your mother's journal. I think Marie and Wilson are responsible for your parents' deaths.”

“I kind of got that impression when they kidnapped me. I mean, even before I was starting to have my suspicions. I won't let them get away with it, Cole.”

He pulled her close, burying his face against her hair. He whispered in her ear. “I know you won't. And I’ll be right by your side.”

Tags: Autumn Jones Lake Catnip and Cauldrons Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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