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Hyde (The Devil's Roses 3)

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He laughed, "Well it's true. I'm trying to work something out with Henry but unfortunately he hates me just as much."

She laughed.

He continued, "The cop is a tough guy I'm sure but at the end of the day, he's a human. Hanna that’s a dangerous game to play. Aimee is with a human and she hides it everyday, from everyone. Shane never comes here, ever. If she sees him it's behind closed doors at his house or her dads new place."

She looked upset by the answer.

He felt guilty but smiled weakly, "Look at it this way, if you ever got angry someone like me or Marcus could defend against the beast whereas Andy would probably die. Or worse end up like Giselle, changed into a monster just to survive."

"How do I make myself stop wanting to be with him?"

He laughed, "When you find the answer to that you let me know."

She looked at him, "Aimee?"

He nodded, "I loved her more than I can tell you." His stomach ached as he spoke the words.

"You still love her?"

He nodded again, "Of course, in a way. How does the heart stop wanting what it feels is best?"

She sat on the bench by the water, "If I never see the cop again I feel like that human, simple, fun loving part of me will be dead. I will live in the darkness and magic of this world. All that will be left of the old me is the memories of when I was a simple regular human."

"Hanna once a long time ago I was a regular boy thinking I made the right choice to help my father. It's been six hundred years and I can't seem to find an end to this world. You just have to accept what you are."

Her eyes glistened, "Have you done it yet?"

He shook his head, "Not completely."

She laughed, "Is that why you haven’t asked Giselle out yet?"

"I don’t know." He laughed, "I can't stand the way she babbles on about nothing. She uses the word 'like' as if she has no education. She constantly tells me things I know, stupid things that everyone knows. She lacks common sense and she shops too much."

"You like her, no one gets that worked up about how much someone shops unless they like them. Or they have to pay the bill."

He shook his head, "She drives me insane."

"What if she went on a date with another guy?"

His chest tightened, "Why? What do you know?"

Hanna laughed at him, "Nothing. I barely know her. She hangs with Aimee all the time. Aimee's not really my type of fun. I'm just saying though that Giselle is hot, blind men can see how hot she is. Someone is going to ask her out."

He smirked looking up the hill, "Not while you're around."

Her smiled vanished, "Ha ha ha, have you ever been stalked?"

"Yeah, I have the same problem as you. I thought we had this discussion."

She laughed, "So you think I should pick Marcus?"

"I think you should do whatever feels right but I think you should also think about why you're choosing Andy. Is it love or the fact he makes you feel like you used to?"

A dark voice interrupted them, "Aleks, my dear brother is this her? Is this the infamous Siren? Dear god someone has gotten you ruffled up lately haven’t they love?"

Aleks watched Dorian walk down the path.

Hanna smiled at him, "Who are you?" She looked lost in his eyes.

Aleks put his hands over his eyes, "Not a good time Dorian."

Dorian glared at him, "You can't have all the single girls to yourself." He grinned at Hanna.

Aleks could smell her response to Dorian, it was strong.

"Shall we?" Dorian asked offering her an arm.

Hanna took it, not even looking back at Aleks, "See you later Aleks." She muttered still staring at Dorian.

"You smell delicious."

Hanna smiled, "Imagine how we would smell together?"

Aleks watched them walk half way up the yard and called out to Sam and Ben, "Guys, Dorian thinks he's won her over."

Ben phased into a wolf mid air and Sam vanished only to reappear behind Dorian. Aleks hadn't even realized Sam could travel like that.

Suddenly Hanna screamed as Sam and Dorian both grabbed at her.

Aleks flashed behind them instantly. He shoved them into each other and grabbed her.

Away from the scent of Dorian and his magical eyes, she came out of his spell. He could tell she was puzzled, "What was that?"

He laughed, "Dorian. You need that charm bracelet."

She looked confused seeing that they were standing beside her car. She hugged him, "Thanks Aleks. I think."

He waved as she drove away and went to the backyard to watch Dorian in his death match.

He chuckled seeing that Sam appeared to be the champion. Ben was unconscious and naked on the grass while Sam held Dorian on the ground. It appeared as if Dorian was missing a large piece of thigh.

"Okay guys she's gone. Sam is the winner."

Sam laughed, "Where is she? Where is my prize?"

Aleks shook his head, "She went home, she doesn’t like violence."

"You traitorous bastard." Dorian shouted at him, climbing off the ground and brushing dirt and blood off his designer jeans.

Aleks laughed, "You were using your mojo on her. You know that’s against the house rules."

"She uses hers. I could sense her from the front of the house."

"Not the same, she can't control it. You were cheating."

Sam shoved past him, "Cheater."

Dorian growled, "Next time that kid leaves the house, it's on."

Aleks laughed watching the skin fill in on the bite marks, "You got beat up by a couple kids."

Dorian raised an eyebrow, "The guards prevent me from using my powers."

"Not the ones that get you into trouble unfortunately."

"Where did she go?"

"I would imagine Marcus Dragomir's house."

Dorian snorted, "You mean his castle. Insufferable wanker." He gave it thought and frowned, "Is Henry still there?"

Aleks nodded, "Yup and he really likes Hanna."

"Not worth it, even if she is in heat."

"You're an animal."

Chapter Forty-Two: Steam Boat Hanna


She drove around the block but decided her need was too desperate. She went back to the house sneaking through the halls. She crept up to Lydia's room to find her alone.

"Hanna dear how are you?" She asked from what had appeared to be a coma.

Hanna laughed, "I guess I should have expected you to know I was here."

"Yes and I know why." She opened her eyes and reached for a small box on her night table. It was white with shells on it.

She passed it to Hanna, "This will stop the ones that wouldn’t normally be attracted to you. The ones your charms are forcing."

Hanna took the small white box and opened it. Inside was a small white bracelet with four small shells hanging from it.

"Thank you Lydia."

Lydia frowned, "The ones who can smell what you are, like Dorian and Sam and Ben and Marcus, this won't stop them. Regular humans and a few odd special people will be safe from you."

Hanna tried not to be disappointed, "Okay. What can I do about them?"

Lydia laughed, "Run."

Hanna frowned, "Will they always just love me?"

"The cure is the only hope. You have some?"

Hanna nodded, "I have a little. I can ask Marcus to make more though."

Lydia smiled like a sweet old grandma, "I would save what you have for people you will be around a lot."


Hanna took the bracelet in her hand and closed the box. She passed it to Lydia, "No dear you keep it. Always store it in there. It is charmed to make it protected against anyone who would try to take it. Only a Siren can open the box." She paused and gave Hanna a once over making her uncomfortable.

"You know you're blasting sexual energy right?"

Hanna blushed stammering, "W-W-What?"

Lydia nodded, "The last book on the shelf over there, the one that has the dark purple spine. You may borrow it. It will explain things. The bracelet probably wont be able to handle the work load until you're feeling more yourself."

Hanna turned humiliated and picked the book up from the shelf. The book was old with a broken spine. She turned back, "I'm going to go home now. I'm so sorry. I didn’t know."

Lydia shook her head, "No dear, never be sorry for what you are. None of us can help it. If you were down town tricking humans into giving you all their money and possessions then I would expect that sorry."

Hanna raised an eyebrow, "I can do that?"

"Read the book." Lydia chuckled.

Hanna turned and walked out of the room, "Thanks for everything Lydia."

"Lorri will be coming to see you next week. You're being tested for the Roses. If you want?"

Hanna paused in the doorway, "The Roses? Me? What can I do?"

Lydia's eyes sparkled, "I guess we will have to wait and see."

Hanna nodded sneaking back out of the room and down the hall.

"There you are. I knew I could still sense you here." Words were whispered into her neck.

She felt someone press against the back of her. He smelled like dessert. She turned to see Sam.

His hands wrapped around her waist pulling her into him. He spun her around. His lips met hers instantly.

His tongue invaded her mouth. Her free hand slid up into his hair pulling him down into her. His hands reached back lifting her up into the air. Her legs wrapped around him. Her tongue caressed his.

His mouth slipped down her throat kissing and caressing her. She moaned.


He froze and slowly placed her on the ground. Hanna stepped back from him panting.

Annabelle put her hands on her hips, "Now this aint that kinda of house. You needs to be doing that nonsense in your rooms."

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