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Sweet Home (Sweet Home 1)

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I scurried to the seats, covering my face with my Big Gulp, completely humiliated and chanting under my breath, “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!”

I tried to ignore the catcalls and whistles directed my way. Ally and Cass sat on either side of me, laughing and clapping along with everyone else. I was just thankful that I’d decided to apply more makeup than usual and had assured that my mass of brown hair was at least in a stylishly messy chignon.

After a few minutes of tortuous fan-focused hell, which also included the cheer team facing me and waving their pom-poms—except for Shelly, who scowled and refused to acknowledge me—the introductions of the starting team began on the big screen. Cass whooped and hollered and dragged me to my feet to dance along to the music pumping through the sound system. When a segment showcasing Romeo’s highlights played to Planet Perfecto’s “Bullet in the Gun,” I couldn’t help but jump up and giggle along with my crazy Texan friend as the pregame infectious atmosphere took hold.

The music changed as the starting line-up’s pictures travelled across the big screen. Romeo’s picture was last, and his stats came up accompanied by the deafening roar of the crowd.

The announcer took to the microphone as the cheerleaders rushed along the band’s spirit line from the tunnel to the field.

“Alabama, get to your feet for your Crimmmssssooonnnn Tiiiddddddeeeeeeee…”

The team exploded out onto the pitch and the stadium almost lifted from its foundations with energy. Austin and Jimmy-Don led the team, pumping their hands to get the crowd going.

I looked frantically for Romeo, and at the very back, slightly behind everyone else, he ran out, waving his helmet in his hands, the camera following his every move.

As he reached the pitch, it seemed like every single supporter began to chant, “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss,” over and over until I was sure it could be heard in the next state over. Ally grabbed my hand as Romeo’s amused face dominated the north and south Jumbotrons, and with a salute of his hand, he turned towards the direction of our seats and broke into an easy jog.

When he got to the end of the field, our gazes met, and he crooked his finger for me to go to him. The crowd only seemed to increase in volume at his playfully cocky action.

My feet planted to the ground, fear seizing me on the spot. I knew my eyes were as wide as saucers as they darted around the roaring crowd.

I felt a hand on my back and Cass pushed me forward, forcing me to move. “Go on, girl. Don’t keep him waiting in front of all these folks!”

I threw her a dirty look over my shoulder and she waved her hand in dismissal. I faced the field once more and Romeo stood only metres away with a hungry expression and his hands on his hips, waiting to see what I would do.

“You can do this, you can do this,” I repeated in a quiet chant as my boots propelled me forward.

When I reached the edge of the field, Romeo grabbed my hand and launched me forward into his chest, his other taped-up hand cradling the back of my head.

The crowd lost control.

He pressed his forehead to mine, leaving me no other choice than to focus solely on him, letting the deafening stadium noise fade into the background.

“Hey, Mol.”

“Hey, you.”

“You gonna give up that lucky sweet kiss?”

“If that’s what you want.”

His nostrils flared. “It most definitely is.” He tipped my head and pressed his mouth to mine—passionate and all-consuming—before pulling back, winking, and taking to the field, leaving me stood like a mindless, love-drunk dunce.

For a moment, I didn’t think I could walk, but I turned and, without lifting my head to face the screams, practically ran back to my seat. Ally and Cass were laughing at my embarrassment, and we stayed on our feet as the game kicked off.

Rome was having an unbelievable game. At least, it looked as though he was, and by Ally’s and Cass’s nudges and high-fives, I was pretty sure I was right. By halftime, they were leading by twelve and everyone was confident it was going to be a convincing win.

I was sitting back in my seat, just enjoying the electric atmosphere, when I caught Ally staring at me. “What?”

She tilted her head in assessment. It caused me to fidget. “You know, in all this time, I’ve never seen your hair down. Is it long?”

“Yeah, probably to nearly the bottom of my back. Why?”

Her eyes sparkled with scheming. “We’re going straight home after the game.”


“You, Miss Molly, are gonna look hot tonight,” she enthused.

“I don’t think I could ever be classed as hot, Ally.” I was pretty sure she’d had too much sun.

“That’s because you’ve never been shown how. I’m gonna fix that tonight. We’re about the same size in clothes, so you can wear one of my dresses. One that’s gonna have Rome all freaked out.”

“Go for it, Molls. Why not have Bullet panting to f**k your fine ass!” Cass added, doing her best to be encouraging.

Tipping my head back, I groaned loudly. “Not a bloody chance. What do you think this is, some flippin’ cheesy teen movie or something?”

Anger showed in Ally’s brown eyes. “My makeover skills are unrivalled. You’re doing it.”

I stared at Ally’s face and bowed my head. “Ah, sod it! I’m actually pretty intrigued to see what you manage with all this,” I said, gesturing to my mountain of hair.

She dropped her frown and danced on her seat. “Doubt me if you will, but Rome will go crazy when he sees you. We’ll tell him to meet us at nine and not a minute before.”

“Whatever you say. Just don’t make me regret this!”

The game kicked off for the second half and in the end, they won. Rome did his usual interviews after the match, and Austin was given MVP, which had Lexi flipping about the place in sheer joy.

I stood at my seat, waiting for the crowds to calm before telling him we were heading home. With a slap on the back to his teammates, Rome came running over and when he reached me, he picked me up and swung me around, causing the men to jeer and the women to “aww.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, “Well done, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you,” he croaked with a raspy voice full with emotion, and he brushed a feather-light kiss on my lips. When he lowered me to the floor, Ally came over and hugged him in congratulations.

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