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Sweet Home (Sweet Home 1)

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Romeo recoiled. “Don’t start this shit again, and while you’re at it, treat Molly with some f**kin’ respect!”

Mr. Prince exaggerated a regal bow towards me, a derisive smile on his lips. “Your Majesty, how is the queen?” Shelly and Romeo’s mother laughed at his actions, and my scalp prickled in humiliation.

“You invited us here for dinner, to meet her, why?” Hurt laced every note in Romeo’s voice. “Was it all bullshit? Was your plan to rip on her the minute she walked through the damn door?”

Mr. Prince snarled. “Why the hell would we want to meet a gold-diggin’ whore, let alone entertain her at dinner? She probably struggles to even use cutlery she’s so friggin’ poor. Shel’s told us a lot about your girlfriend.”

I didn’t flinch, trying to seem unaffected. I wasn’t sure if it was working.

Mr. Prince laughed at my silence. “Tonight was an intervention. We had to get you to bring your new titbit before us somehow. A dinner invite seemed best. So, now you’re here and we have your attention. You’ll do as instructed and end this charade. Immediately. Send your little British slut on her way… preferably back across the Atlantic.”

Romeo stumbled. “You invited us here to break us up? Christ, this is extreme, even for you!”

His mother laughed and her fully replenished amber drink splashed over the edge of her glass. “Molly here needs to know that her scheming won’t work.” She met my gaze. “Leave him alone. You have no idea who you’re taking on, do you? Shelly is engaged to Rome and some trailer-trash nothing will not get in the way of that. It’s been arranged for years.” Her cold eyes were beyond scary. “I always get what I want, darlin’. You just remember that.”

“I’m not engaged to her and never will be! Screw your f**kin’ fortune; I want nothin’ to do with it!”

Romeo clutched my hand and pulled me towards the door. I watched his mother storm towards us and as Romeo swerved to see what had caught my attention, she raised her hand and smacked the back across his face, the crack of skin-on-skin contact causing me to cry out and cover my mouth.

“You insolent child! You dare speak to us like that after everything we’ve given you? You’re the worst thing that ever happened to this damn family, you ungrateful piece of shit! You never get anything right, do you? Always screwing things up, and bringing that into our lives is the worst to date,” she shrilled, pointing her finger extremely close to my face.

“Take that back,” Romeo said through gritted teeth as he protectively blocked me with his broad body.

Mrs. Prince brought her red manicured hands to her mouth and snorted. “Or what, Romeo? You gonna hit me, your momma? You gonna hit a girl?”

“Enough!” Romeo’s father barked, silencing the room. He walked forward and put his hand around Romeo’s shirt collar, dragging him close. Romeo just let him do it, adopting a blank look in his eyes.

“You ever speak to your momma like that again and I will end you. I won’t discuss this any further. Quit f**kin’ the girl and get on board with what’s happening. Your one f**kin’ purpose in this life is to do as we say and do your duty as a Prince! So do it! And stop being such a pig-headed ass**le!” His voice was deep and sinister, demanding Romeo’s complete obedience.

Mr. Prince threw Romeo back towards me and I had to brace myself to stop him knocking me down to the floor. Romeo righted himself and put his hands on my face, checking that I was okay. I wasn’t. I don’t think anyone would’ve been after getting attacked in such an abhorrent way. He saw my pain reflecting back at him and with a moan, he wrapped me securely in his embrace.

His worst nightmare had just come true.

Romeo faced his parents. “I’m through with y’all. I choose Molly. I choose to not be in this f**ked-up life anymore. Jesus Christ! What more can you do to me?! You’re the worst f**kin’ people I’ve ever known. I’m your only son and you can’t stand me.” He stepped slightly forward, imploring his parents to listen. “Have you ever even loved me? Ever just once felt anythin’ for me?”

Mr and Mrs. Prince looked at each other and cracked up, their cackles echoing around the grand room. I was convinced I’d just witnessed the personification of pure evil.

His father stepped forward. “How can anyone love you? How can anyone love a stone in their shoe? You’re just one giant disappointment. But you will do your duty to this family, regardless. We’ll find a way to make you see reason, you mark my words.”

Shelly shuffled on the chaise longue, unable to hide her discomfort at the whole scene. At least she didn’t seem as vindictive as his parents, more like a clueless pawn in their scheme.

Romeo took my hand and I almost cried out loud at the constriction of his fingers around mine. “We’re leavin’. The biggest disappointment of your life is out for good.”

Romeo yanked me with him and I risked a look back over my shoulder and saw the unbridled rage on his parents’ faces.

“Come back here, boy! This is not the end!” Mr. Prince screamed. Romeo didn’t stop, and I had a feeling we’d just fanned a very dangerous flame.

We burst through the doors and Romeo pulled me to the truck. He opened the door and practically threw me in, and I watched as he vaulted in beside me and spun his wheels down the driveway.

Droplets of water splashed on my pale hands that were braced on my thighs, and when I lifted my shaking hand, I found tears mixed with black mascara were pouring freely from my eyes. Romeo radiated tension. He never once looked at me as I slowly sank into desperation in the soft black leather upholstery.

“Romeo…” I whispered.

“Not now. God! Just…be quiet…” he snapped as his eyes crinkled in pain.

I flinched and curled myself against the window and away from his anger.

He’d warned me; Ally had warned me. I didn’t listen, had ignored the truth. I had witnessed his father attack him, but I never imagined that Romeo had lived with that. Endured years of cruelty and violence like that.

My shoulder pressed hard against the metal car door as Romeo made a sharp right and I noticed we were heading to the creek. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to forget the whole night and figure out what the hell to do next.

The gentle flowing creek came into view, almost silver in the dusky twilight, and I was surprised when we didn’t stop.

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