"There you are," Zeke says from behind us. He's carrying a large bottle full of some kind of brown liquid, holding it by the neck. "Come on. I found something."
Shauna and I look at each other and shrug, then follow him to the doors on the other side of the Pit, the ones we first went through after jumping into the net. But instead of leading us toward the net, he takes us through another door--the lock is taped down with duct tape--and down a pitch-black corridor and a flight of stairs.
"Should be coming up--ouch!"
"Sorry, I didn't know you were stopping," Shauna says.
"Hold on, almost got it--"
He opens a door, letting faint light in so we can see where we are. We're on the other side of the chasm, several feet above the water. Above us, the Pit seems to go on forever, and the people milling around near the railing are small and dark, impossible to distinguish from this distance.
I laugh. Zeke just led us into another small moment of rebellion, probably without meaning to.
"How did you find this place?" Shauna says with obvious wonder as she jumps down onto one of the lower rocks. Now that I'm here, I see a path that would carry us up and across the wall, if we wanted to walk to the other side of the chasm.
"That girl Maria," Zeke says. "Her mom works in chasm maintenance. I didn't know there was such a thing, but apparently there is."
"You still seeing her?" Shauna asks, trying to be casual.
"Nah," Zeke says. "Every time I was with her I just kept getting the itch to be with friends instead. That's not a good sign, right?"
"No," Shauna agrees, and she seems more cheerful than before.
I lower myself more carefully onto the rock Shauna is standing on. Zeke sits next to her, opening his bottle and passing it around.
"I heard you're out of the running," Zeke says when he passes it to me. "Thought you might need a drink."
"Yeah," I say, and then I take a swig.
"Consider this act of public drunkenness a big--" He makes an obscene gesture toward the glass ceiling above the Pit. "You know, to Max and Eric."
And Evelyn, I think, as I take another swallow.
"I'll be working in the control room when I'm not training initiates," I say.
"Awesome," Zeke says. "It'll be good to have a friend in there. Right now no one talks to me."
"Sounds like me in my old faction," I say with a laugh. "Imagine an entire lunch period in which no one even looks at you."
"Ouch," Zeke says. "Well, I bet you're glad to be here now, then."
I take the bottle from him again, drink another mouthful of stinging, burning alcohol, and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "Yeah," I say. "I am."
If the factions are deteriorating, as my mother would have me believe, this is not a bad place to watch them fall apart. At least here I have friends to keep me company while it happens.
It's just after dark, and I have my hood up to hide my face as I run through the factionless area of the city, right by the border it shares with the Abnegation sector. I had to go to the school to get my bearings, but now I remember where I am, and where I ran, that day that I barged into a factionless warehouse in search of a dying ember.
I reach the door I walked through when I exited, and tap on it with my first knuckle. I can hear voices just beyond it and smell food coming from one of the open windows, where smoke from the fire within is leaking into the alley. Footsteps, as someone comes to see what the knocking is about.
This time the man is wearing a red Amity shirt and black Dauntless pants. He still has a towel tucked into his back pocket, the same as the last time I spoke to him. He opens the door just enough to look at me, and no farther.
"Well, look who made a change," he said, eyeing my Dauntless clothes. "To what do I owe this visit? Did you miss my charming company?"
"You knew my mother was alive when you met me," I say. "That's how you recognized me, because you've spent time with her. That's how you knew what she said about inertia carrying her to Abnegation."
"Yeah," the man said. "Didn't think it was my business to be the one to tell you she was still alive. You here to demand an apology, or something?"
"No," I say. "I'm here to hand off a message. You'll give it to her?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll be seeing her in the next couple days."
> I reach into my pocket and take out a folded piece of paper. I offer it to him.
"Go ahead and read it, I don't care," I say. "And thanks."
"No problem," he says. "Want to come in? You're starting to seem more like one of us than one of them, Eaton."
I shake my head.
I make my way back down the alley, and before I turn the corner, I see him opening up the note to read what it says.
Someday. Not yet.
P.S. I'm glad you're not dead.
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