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Edge of Obsession (SKALS 3)

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Stunned, he searched her eyes. He saw no hints of deception or flattery lingering in their silvery depths, just a simple and eloquent truth. His heart wrenched with a staggering combination of guilt and pride. She never should’ve had to endure those things. Laychee’s men should have never touched her, but she was being so brave. So strong. It hurt to think that could all just be a show for his benefit. As much as he wanted things to return to normal, he needed to know that Taylor was coping with what happened. He supposed that was something that would come on its own time.

A sad smile plied his lips. “You are full of surprises.”

“Hopefully, that’s a good thing,” she said, scrunching her nose and pressing the cold tip against his.

Sebastian winked. “Most of the time, darling.”

The circles under her eyes seemed even more pronounced in the shadows. He stroked one of the purple smudges with the pad of his thumb, wishing he could find a way to erase them. Wrapping his hands around hers, he blew between them and tried to rub the chill from her fingertips. The gesture earned him one of those looks of complete adoration he’d come to crave so much. She was the only one who ever managed to look at him that way. Despite everything.

“I love you, Taylor. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that when you woke up. I wanted to more than anything, but that place…” he faltered, searching for the right words. “They watch everything, and I have to be a different person there.”

He studied her, watching while relief warred with something unnamable. Both ravaged her beautiful features until they crumpled and her strained swallow echoed between them.

Hanging her head, Taylor nodded. “I know, Sebastian. I get it. I know what Marx expects from you and who SKALS wants you to be. I don’t always like it, but I still love you.”

Shielding his shame, he held her close and ran his hands up and down her back. So many things raced through his mind, making it impossible to grab hold of any one thought. Guilt, rage, and remorse clashed with the overwhelming desire to seek revenge. There was no end to the suffering and pain he’d harvest when he finally settled that score. He clutched Taylor tighter, focusing on the feel of her heart beating against his, searching for a way to stay anchored until another shiver drew his attention.

Keeping her tucked beneath one arm, he grabbed the glass off the banister and steered her back toward the house. Josh and Monique were carrying in the last of the dishes from the dining room when they entered. His sister turned at the sound of the glass doors sliding open and greeted him with a hesitant smile. Sebastian let his gaze burn into her for a long moment before turning to Taylor.

“Go pick out a movie or something, baby. You need to relax and take things easy.”

“But I feel fine,” she said, looking around at the kitchen. “I’m capable of cleaning up. Can’t I at least rinse--”

Pressing a forefinger against her mouth, he silenced her. “What did I just say?”

“Yes, Sebastian.”

Her pout didn’t go unnoticed. Nor did her begrudging tone. Staring after her, he gave a frustrated shake of his head. She was damn lucky he loved her as much as he did. Growling beneath his breath, he turned his attention back to his sister. She stood rooted in front of the sink, hands wringing in a nervous tell. His eyes narrowed.

“I am in no mood for your drama tonight, Monique. Josh has enough on his plate without having to correct you, and I certainly don’t need any of it upsetting Taylor. Is that clear?”

Paling, she nodded.

“I hope so, because I won’t take kindly to telling you again. Straighten up or get out,” he snapped.

She winced at the harsh tone. He strode toward the sink, not missing the way his sister scuttled out of his way when he drew near. Josh leaned against the archway, arms folded, as he quietly surveyed the scene. Ignoring them both, Sebastian slammed on the faucet and snared a plate off the counter. His head whipped to the side as Monique approached. Despite her fear, she reached for the dish in his hand.

“Let me get those. It’s the least I can do. Please, Sebastian. I want to help.”

“Smart move,” Josh said, levering off the wall to join them. He urged Monique along with a smack hard enough to rock her onto her toes and draw a quiet yelp.

Sebastian resisted a smirk as he watched his sister try to rub the sting out of her butt. It was no wonder her and Taylor got along so well. In some ways, they were like two peas in a pod. Always pushing the boundaries and looking for guidance. He offered his partner a brief nod of acknowledgement before turning to join Taylor in the living room. He paused in the foyer as Josh fell into step beside him.

“I’m sorry about earlier, Baas. I don’t know what got into your sister today. I’ll straighten her out.”

“I know you will,” he said, fighting to mask his impatience.

He raised an eyebrow as Josh grimaced and scrubbed a hand across his nape. It was a sure fire sign his partner had something to say and didn’t know how to spit it out.

“Is something else on your mind?”

“I was thinking if it is okay with you, we’d uh…hang out for a couple of days. Aiden is visiting my mom, and a little downtime for all of us sounds just like what the doctor ordered,” he stammered.

Sebastian tilted his head and pinned his partner with a hard stare. Though sheepish, Josh met his gaze. There wasn’t an ounce of deceit in those eyes. What was the reason then? His attention flickered toward the kitchen. Was this Monique’s doing? If she’d wanted to stay before, he’d almost guarantee she didn’t now.

“I don’t need a babysitter,” he said flatly.

“Neither of us does. I just thought it would be nice to chill, BBQ, watch some movies. I don’t know about you, but I think it’d be a nice change of pace to see people besides us getting blown up for once.”

Sebastian snorted at the reminder and glanced toward the living room. Despite his concerns, Taylor seemed to enjoy Monique’s company. She deserved a little fun and laughter. Josh and Monique had done a lot to help them. Things he could never repay. Sighing, he offered a reluctant shrug.

“Yeah, okay.”

Josh grinned and Sebastian shook his head. For whatever reason, it was obviously important to his partner. He just hoped the decision wasn’t one he would come to regret.


Taylor startled at the light touch against her back and swallowed the frightened cry that threatened. Her heart slowed some as the warm, woodsy smell of Sebastian’s soap washed over her and she realized she was safe. His breath fell across her nape, followed by the gentle scrape of stubble as snared her hips and moved against her in a languid sway.

“What did you pick?” he asked, plucking the decorative pillow from her hands.

“I couldn’t decide,” she admitted. “I don’t know what sort of stuff Josh and Monique like to watch.”

Stepping around her, he tossed the pillow on top of the chaise lounge she’d been arranging. “This isn’t about them, baby. My house, my rules. Pick out something that will make you happy.”

“Yeah? What if I choose some sappy romance?” she asked, quirking a brow in his direction.

Sebastian prowled closer with a soft chuckle. “I’ll live, but I wouldn’t pick anything too sexy if I were you. Three weeks is a very, very long time to go without enjoying your body. I don’t know how much more restraint I can have.”

She laughed, trying to squirm away as his arms snaked around her and he gave her butt a playful squeeze. A low rumble rose in his chest. Taylor faltered, unsure if it was enjoyment or a noise of caution. Regardless, the deep, rolling sound sent a shiver down her spine as his hold tightened.

“You know better,” he warned in a silken rasp. “Stop trying to get away.”

Her breath caught. Apologies danced on the tip of her tongue as Sebastian fisted her hair and tugged her head back. Relief swept through her when one of his pale green eyes dropped in a wink. Fingers curling in the front of his shirt, she held on for dear l

ife as he branded her with a slow, passionate kiss that left her head spinning. The probing sweep of his tongue awakened her desire. Sebastian shook with silent laughter when he released her and she still clung to his clothes as if clutching a lifeline.

“Do you still want to try and escape from me?” he asked.

Taylor tried her best to keep her coy smile at bay. “Maybe…”

His eyebrows jumped in surprise. Snatching her, he hauled her against him and pinned her arms behind her back. She twisted in his arms as he chomped at the side of her neck.

“Seb! Stop! I can’t breathe!” she squealed, trying to pry free.

“You’re not going to be able to sit if you keep it up,” he warned, though his voice held the lilting notes of play. “Quit squirming.”

“I can’t. It tickles!”

Josh cleared his throat from the archway, causing Sebastian to release her. Backing away, Taylor smoothed her rumpled clothes, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as the other man glanced between the two of them.

“We interrupting something?” he asked.

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