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His Christmas Gift

Page 13

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“Yes,” I said between gritted teeth. “Please don’t tell my mom about what you saw in there.”

But Helen had caught me red-handed, and wanted to inflict some pain.

“Laurie, I’m sorry,” she said with a mock frown. “But, I have to inform Rowena. Fraternizing between co-workers isn’t allowed. You know that. Besides, interns here are up for potential jobs. It would be a major conflict of interest.”

“You don’t care about that, Helen,” I snapped.

Her look was one of feigned shock.

“Laurie, if I saw any superior having sex with an employee, I would report it,” she said. “It’s not fair, and it’s against company policy. We want to do what’s right for Chic-Wise.”

“That rule was implemented specifically for me,” I said angrily. “You know that.”

“I don’t know if that’s the case or not,” Helen said, smiling evilly. “Nonetheless, I’m not comfortable about what I just saw. You should have just disclosed your relationship to H.R.”

“We don’t have a relationship,” was my grim reply. “Because nothing’s going on.”

“Whatever it is then. Laurie, either you need to tell your mom about the intern in your office, or I will. It’s up to you.”

I wanted to scream at Helen, but it would be pointless. The woman didn’t care what I said no matter what. I looked back at my office, stomach in knots. What were we going to do? Shawn was still inside … and yet the taboo act had felt so good.



Oh shit. Did I get my woman into massive trouble? Multiple pairs of eyes darted towards me and then away with voices speaking in a low hush. There was gossip simmering in the air.

When Rowena showed up, no one could tell exactly what was being said between Laurie and her mom, but it sounded heated. I didn’t want to be responsible for her getting penalized or even fired. Oh shit. What next?

Before I could act, Laurie’s mom left without saying a word to anyone, stalking out with her high heels clacking. And then Laurie appeared, eyes puffy as she walked towards the exit.

I didn’t care what people would think. I decided to follow her, and caught up to the female just as she was trying to get into the elevator.

“Shawn, not now,” she said while weeping.

“Just tell me what happened,” was my rumble. “I’ll talk to your mom. I’ll tell her everything was my fault, that you didn’t—”

“I said not now!” she mewled, wiping at her eyes still. “Shawn, get back to work.”

She pressed the elevator button impatiently.

“Your mom’s not going to fire you,” I stated.

She laughed, rolling her eyes.

“I won’t let her,” was my vehement promise.

Laurie took a deep breath then before meeting my eyes.

“Shawn, we’re not going to be together,” she said. “We’re not going to sleep together anymore. We’re not doing anything anymore, okay? I tried telling you that before, but… this is what I get for being with you.”


“No one was supposed to suspect that I was fraternizing with an intern,” she said. “It doesn’t just look bad for the company, it makes me look like a whore. It makes me seem like a fucking wreck.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I worked so hard to make the people in this office take me seriously,” she said, taking a shuddering breath. “Rumors consistently go around this building about me and how I got the job. Now, it’s all true.”

The elevator finally arrived, and she got in it. I followed her in, determined to make a difference.

“Tell me what happened,” was my growl.

The brunette took a deep breath.

“Shawn, I was already on thin ice with my mom about this kind of thing,” she admitted. “Rowena caught me messing around with an employee in the parking lot one time almost a year ago, and she almost got rid of me then. She said I’d have another chance, but now… Now, I don’t have anything. She’s done.”

My heart sank. “I don’t—”

“Rowena says that now she’s thinking of ‘hiring someone more serious for the position,’” she spat bitterly. “This has destroyed me. My career at Chic-Wise is over.”

Oh shit, and it was all my fault. I didn’t know how to respond or what to say.

“But I’m an adult,” Laurie continued, taking a deep breath. “I could’ve said no to you, but I didn’t. That was my fault, not yours. Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”

The elevators opened and she stepped out.

“Laurie, wait—”

“Shawn, please go back to work.”

“Laurie,” I said desperately. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m destroyed by this, too. I mean, I really, really like you. I’ve loved the time we’ve had together.”

“You really like having sex with me,” she stated, lips pressed into a line. “You don’t know me. Don’t start talking like that.”

That took me aback.

“I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

“Shawn, please just leave me alone,” she said. “I can’t anymore. I’m so sorry.”

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