His Christmas Gift - Page 23



Eight months later …

Shawn invited a bunch of people over for a surprise birthday party. After all, it was my thirty-first birthday. I’d woken up feeling depressed about being old, but Shawn took my mind off any negativity right away. He’d brought me breakfast in bed, we went jogging on the beach together, and when we got back, everyone was waiting.

Plus, my parents had finally accepted Shawn. Dad would often comment on how laid-back Shawn was, his easygoing personality suiting my alpha female ways. By contrast, Rowena praised Shawn’s initiative. After working a couple months at Sports Life, my man was promoted from writer’s assistant to a staff writer, and he was kicking a lot of ass with no signs of slowing down.

As for me, I still worked as the editor-in-chief at Chic-Wise. Thankfully, my mom never brought up replacing me after that fateful day when we confronted her. Plus, the longer we stayed together, the less my co-workers seemed to gossip about me. Many of them seemed genuinely happy for me, seeing that I used to be depressed before. Some of them were even invited to today’s party.

In the middle of the festivities, Shawn stood in front of everyone and called the crowd to attention. The whole room became silent as he swung penetrating blue eyes my way.

“Laurie,” he said. “First, I want to say thank you. I’m so glad that you were born.”

The room clapped. He nodded, a grin on that handsome face.

“Please hold your applause,” he rumbled. “I guess most of that credit should actually go to Mom and Dad. So, thank you, Rowena and Jim for having such a beautiful daughter.”

Jim lifted his glass in a toast, but Shawn wasn’t done yet.

“I have a confession to make,” my man growled. “I didn’t just invite all our friends and your parents over for your birthday. I wanted my dad to be here too, but… Well, he’d be here if he could. He sends his love, and you’ll be getting a birthday card soon.”

Where’s he going with this? I thought to myself.

“Laurie, ever since we met, you’ve been there for me in more ways than you can possibly imagine,” Shawn said. “When I was running late with writing projects, you were always there to help me get them done. Whenever I’ve been sick, you took care of me. When I’m well, you make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

My heart skipped so many beats that I was forgetting how to breathe.

“Our story has only just begun,” he continued. “As far as I’m concerned, we’ve barely even gotten started. You’ve been with me on every part of our journey, and I fall more in love with you by the day. Now I want to ask you to come with me again.”

He got down on one knee, sending gasps all around the room. I bit my lip, knowing full well what his question was going to be.

“I’d like to ask you to be my wife.”

He took out a jewelry box from his back pocket and opened it up to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. It was one that I’d told him I loved on a day we were out shopping together in the city. I knew how much it cost, and it was expensive. Tears filled my eyes.

“Laurie, will you marry me?”

I couldn’t even speak. I nodded silently, tears of joy slipping down my cheeks at this extraordinary birthday gift.

My handsome alpha male slid the ring on my finger, and then stood to press a kiss against my eager lips. He picked me up off the floor, and the crowd went wild. Everyone clapped and cheered as triumphant music began to play.

“I asked your dad for permission almost two months ago,” Shawn whispered in my ear. “I wanted to wait until I’d saved up enough to get you the diamond. And I wanted to wait for the right moment.”

“It’s perfect,” I whispered back. “I’d love to be your wife, Shawn Payne.”

Everyone was rushing up to congratulate us. Through the hugs, I could hear Shawn talking to my parents. My friend Piper literally jumped up and down, thrilled for me.

“I’m glad you didn’t take my advice about Tinder,” she chortled. “If you’d stopped messing around with guys on that app, you would never have found Shawn!”

“I’m glad I didn’t listen to you too,” was my laugh. “Who knew that this could happen?”

“He’s a great guy, Laurie,” Piper burbled, agreeing. “Set a date, and let’s start looking for dresses right away!”

That night, after the party had ended and the room was officially clear of loved ones and other guests, Shawn and I walked slowly to the master bedroom.

At the moment, I felt submissive to this handsome, dominant male. I was turned on by his assertiveness, and delighted to call myself his.

But instead of our usual items, he used his belt as a makeshift binding device for my hands, tying them together tightly. Then he kissed me all over my nude body, biting me in some places to leave tantalizing red marks.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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