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Annabelle's Courtship

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He could not understand why. Surely she would have nabbed a husband by now if the truth had been made known. The lady’s family were all fools, but he would not complain. Her secret fortune was the answer to his current tribulations.

The Scottish laird took Lady Annabelle by the waist and swung her into his curricle.

Uncouth barbarian. William frowned. Why would even a barbaric Scotsman court the unimpressive spinster? Had William been betrayed? Had Spinks sold the information of her fortune to other gentlemen of the ton? If Spinks had been foolish enough to do so, he would pay for his folly. Cursing, William stepped back into the shadows as the carriage came near.

He tossed the small posy he held onto the cobblestone. He would not be thwarted now that his luck had turned. He would marry Lady Annabelle and save his hunters. He stepped on the flowers, crushing their fragile petals into the cobblestone. No one would stand in his way. No one.

* * *

Ian could not help smiling at Annabelle’s hurried breaths, pleased by the evidence that she was not immune to his touch. Sitting with her back ramrod straight and her gaze fixed in front of her, she admonished him, “That was not necessary, my lord. A simple hand up was all I required.”

He shrugged, unwilling to admit that he could not help touching her. “I’ll remember that in the future.”

“See that you do.”

When he did not take the turn toward Hyde Park, she squirmed in the seat beside him. He continued past two more roads that would have led him to the park. He could feel her tension mounting.

She said, “Perhaps you are not aware, but you must turn up one of these streets to the left in order to go to the park.”

He smiled at her condescending tone. “Lass, what good would going to Hyde Park do my courting?”

She turned her head so quickly, her bonnet nearly went sailing. Putting up a hasty hand to right it, she stared at him. “But you told my aunt we were going to the park.”

“Nay, ’twas you who told your aunt that.”

“What of meeting the ladies on my list?” she asked, her voice heavy with accusation.

“If you see any of these ladies, you’re welcome to point them out to me.” He could not be more reasonable than that.

“How convenient, however it is highly unlikely that we will see any ladies of the ton while driving aimlessly about.”

Although he enjoyed the angry sparkle in her eyes, his intention was not to incite further hostility. “If your heart is set on going to a park, I’ll oblige you.” She sighed heavily. “It is not that I wish to go to the park. What I wish is to present my list to you and convince you that you have better prospects elsewhere for a wife.” He did not reply. He was busy trying to avoid an urchin who had run in front of his horses to retrieve a ball. Deftly handling the reins, he missed the boy by inches. The youngster looked up and saluted Ian with a cocky wave of his hand before running back to a tree-lined park.

“Here is a park. Will it do?”

“Frankly, you could take me for a drive through Cheapside. All I want is for you to listen to me about my list.”

He would listen to her list and then he would explain that he had already made his choice.

The commons looked pleasant and empty of the crush of people they would be subjected to at Hyde Park. The few people present appeared to be children with their nursemaids or mothers. Their dress indicated that although it was near fashionable residences, the park was not frequented by the ton. In the middle of the park a small pond glistened in the sunlight. Waterfowl swam near its shores.

Ian offered Annabelle his arm. She ignored it. He sighed. The stubborn set of her jaw did not bode well for courting this day. He took her hand and led her to the water.

She surprised him by asking about his list rather than trying to tell him about her own. “How did you come up with your requirements for a wife?” She looked at him sideways, her eyes lit with curiosity. “In general, I’ve noticed that men are looking for beauty, money and youth. Yet, you spurn all three.” How much should he tell? “I dinna trust beautiful women.”

“Why not?”

He struggled with the answer. He had never told anyone about Jenna and wasn’t sure where to start. “I was engaged to a beautiful woman. In truth, she was the most beautiful lady of my acquaintance. When she discovered better prospects elsewhere, she set her sights on him instead.”

Annabelle laid her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. That must have been terrible. Did you love her very much?”


“How sad.”

Sad? Not likely. If he had loved Jenna, her betrayal would have been even more devastating. He did love his brother and the thought of Edward’s disloyalty still had the power to make his gut churn.

“’Twas for the best.”

“Surely, you don’t think all beautiful women cannot be trusted because of one incident.” She sounded incredulous.

“A plain woman is not going to tempt other men.” Annabelle stiffened beside him. “That’s a terrible thing to say. I cannot believe that you would exile yourself to life with an ugly wife just to avoid the possibility that another man might find her attractive.”

He had offended her, again. “I dinna say ugly. I said plain. ’Tis no an exile,” he added.

“What else could it be? If you don’t believe other men will be tempted by your wife, I assume you won’t be either.”

Tears sparkled in her eyes. They brought back the feeling of helplessness he had experienced the night before in the face of her hurt. He stopped walking and pulled Annabelle around to face him. She looked away. He put his hand under her chin and gently guided her face until her eyes met his. “I didna say I wasn’t tempted, lass.”


“I would show you just how very tempted I am if we were no in a public park.”

“You said—”

“I wasna talking about you.”

“I’m plain. You want to marry me so other men won’t be tempted.” He didn’t like hearing it come out of her mouth. It sounded brutal and cruel on her lips. “You are no plain.”

She shook her head. “I’m not beautiful.”

“You tempt me.”

“I don’t understand.”

Releasing her face, he began walking again, pulling her beside him. “’Tis no difficult to understand. You are tempted as well. ’Tis another way we will deal well together.”

“I am not tempted. You should not say such a thing.” He did not reply. If she wanted to hide from the truth, he would let her. For now.

“What of your other requirements? Why do you want a woman of modest means?

What could be wrong with getting a substantial dowry with your wife?” Her questions came out in a rush.

He felt on firmer ground with this answer. He couldn’t possibly provoke her. She was plainly not a lady of great means. In the two weeks he had been in Town, he had never seen Annabelle wear expensive jewels or ornate gowns. “A woman with a large dowry naturally comes from a wealthy home. She is accustomed to every desire being met. I have an estate full of tenants with many needs. I dinna want to indulge a wife who would have new ball gowns while her tenants starve.”

“Surely you do not think that all ladies of means would be so cold-hearted.” Annabelle frowned.

What had he said now? “Perhaps not, but a modest dowry still recommends a wife to my way of thinking.”

Her hands clenched at his coat. “Being an heiress certainly would not indicate that a lady was spoiled, or willing to see her tenants starve while she bought more new gowns.

Your attitude is ignorant in the extreme.”

Retreat seemed the wisest course of action. “Perhaps.” She harrumphed. “Might I ask why you prefer a woman of advanced years such as myself to the more congenial and, I am told, more easily molded young debutantes?”

“There are two reasons for that, lass. I found the young ladies just out, in Edinburgh, to be mindless widgeons.”


“And the second reason?”

He may as well be honest, but Ian expected an eruption after his words. “I thought an older lady would be easier to persuade to marry quickly as her prospects were dwindling.”

Her glare was hot enough to singe him.

“In essence then, you want a wife who will not tempt your neighbors, requires no consideration on your part and is willing to live without luxury in order to see your estates prosper?” Annabelle’s voice began in a deadly quiet but rose with every word until she was almost shouting.

“’Tis no exactly that.” Although she was close enough to the truth that he did not contradict her.

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