Annabelle's Courtship - Page 7

“My lord, you are insufferable.” She stopped walking, forcing him to stop as well.

“Do you not realize that no lady, however desperate and advanced in years, would wish to marry a gentleman so unwilling to expend any effort to see her happy?” Why could she not understand? He was looking for a mate, not a spoiled beauty whose every whim must be catered to. His experience with Jenna had shown him that no amount of physical beauty was worth the consternation it brought. However, he did want a content wife. What man did not?

“’Tis no that I dinna want a happy wife, ’tis simply that I dinna want to spend all of my time making her that way.”

“I know of no lady, no matter how old, ugly and poor, who would not desire some regard from her husband.”

“I dinna wish to marry a woman for whom I have no regard. I want to marry you and I hold you in great esteem.”

Annabelle laughed mirthlessly. “How very kind of you. You have known me but two short weeks. All that you esteem is my supposed desperation to marry, which I promise is not the case.”

“I ken you well, lass.”

“What exactly do you think you know, besides the erroneous conclusion that I am desperate to marry?” She met his stare with unflinching regard.

He said, “You are an intelligent and practical lady of good humor, with a compassionate nature and fine breeding.”

Her eyes softened momentarily, then hardened again. “I am not nearly so practical as you believe. I have no desire to marry without love.” All women wanted to marry. ’Twas their lot in life. Someone had forgotten to tell Annabelle this truth.

She turned and faced the pond. “Do you know that according to the Common Law of England, when a woman marries she loses all of her rights?” From the tense set of her shoulders and the fervent tone of voice, Ian knew her words were important. He strained to understand what she tried to say. “I dinna ken your meaning.”

“If I were to marry you, even the clothes on my back would become your property. I would have nothing of my own, no recourse if you mistreated me. If we had children, you would have sole control over them.”

The image of Annabelle big with his child sent pleasure coursing through him. “I willna mistreat you. We can protect your dowry with a marriage settlement.” Annabelle shook her head. “Without love, I have no guarantee.”

“Love is no a guarantee either.”

She sighed. “I know, but without it, marriage is a bleak prospect for a lady.”

“I canna promise love, but you will be happy.” He wanted her to believe him. “I will never betray you and I will protect you and your property. You will no be forced to sell your things to finance my whims.”

He would not make the same mistake his grandfather had made. His wife and children would never pay for his beliefs.

“It won’t work. I must have some security. Marriage has little enough as it is. I will have love.”

Ian frowned. Love was the one thing he could not give her.

Chapter Four

The ball was an absolute crush. The Markham townhouse, already crowded with heavy, ornate furniture, reverberated with a cacophony of voices and movement. Lady Markham and her husband had a penchant for Gothic furnishings and entertaining. No one turned down an invitation issued by the elderly couple.

Perfect conditions for slipping away to a clandestine meeting, thought Annabelle.

Except that Ian stuck to her side like paste. Just as he had at every social occasion for the past week. Although she took some small satisfaction in introducing him to women on her list, his persistence had an adverse affect on her equilibrium. In addition, if she didn’t dislodge him and her aunt soon, Annabelle would never be able to make her meeting.

“Lady Beauford, what a pleasure to see you.”

Annabelle turned and saw Miss Caruthers, the current toast of the ton, greet her aunt.

Although Ian had made his view of beautiful women clear, Annabelle thought he would be unlikely to stand against Miss Caruthers’ charm. A diamond of the first water with her blonde ringlets and peaches and cream complexion, Miss Caruthers could be just the diversion Annabelle needed.

“Miss Caruthers. I believe you know my niece, Lady Annabelle.” Lady Beauford then turned as if to go.

Miss Caruthers smiled. “Indeed I do. Lady Annabelle, how very nice to see you again. I so enjoyed our discussion of music at Lady Diddisham’s.” Annabelle arrested her aunt’s progress with a hand on her arm. She had no intention of giving up this opportunity to break away. “Miss Caruthers, you played charmingly at the last musicale.”

“Thank you, Lady Annabelle.”

Annabelle returned the girl’s smile before introducing her to Ian. “Lord Graenfrae, may I present Miss Caruthers?” She leaned toward Ian, speaking in an undertone. “She is not on the list, but perhaps she should be.”

Ian raised his brow mockingly at Annabelle before bowing politely over Miss Caruthers’ hand. The debutant fluttered her eyelashes at Ian as Ceddy arrived to claim her for the current dance. Ceddy greeted Annabelle and her party before offering to lead the beauty out on the floor.

“Oh, Lord Finchley, I’m certain I could not dance another step without a bit of refreshment. It is that hot in here.” Miss Caruthers fanned herself, managing to draw attention to both her grace and her bosom at the same time.

Annabelle had to admire the other girl’s obvious skill in campaigning while unaccustomed feelings of jealousy beset her. Her plan to slip away from Ian lost merit by the second.

Ceddy replied, “Must get you some lemonade then, eh what? Perhaps you could sit with Lady Beauford while you wait.”

Miss Caruthers gave Ceddy a dazzling smile, but it dimmed when Ian spoke. “How kind of you to escort her ladyship to a seat, Finchley. Lady Annabelle and I will take advantage of the forming set. ’Tis a dance with some Scottish flair.” He placed his hand to the small of Annabelle’s back and led her into a set shy one couple. She bristled at Ian’s cavalier treatment. As they faced each other to begin the dance, she admonished him. “Do you not think you could have asked me?” Though, her wayward heart insisted on thrilling that Ian had indeed been immune to the beauty’s charms and had made his preference for Annabelle’s company known.

The steps of the dance separated them and Ian did not answer. However, when they came together again, he said, “Las—Lady Annabelle. Your eyes sparkle like the stars above my home when you are angry.”

Nonplussed, she stared at him. He had not apologized, but he had given her what she considered a very nice compliment. “That is not the point.”

“Dinna argue with me now. I’m enjoying the Scottish music and dancing with such a fine partner,” he coaxed.

Annabelle gave an exaggerated sigh. “Very well.” When the music ended, Ian escorted Annabelle to her aunt. As they approached, Annabelle could hear Miss Caruthers’ voice. “Does he spend a great deal of time in Scotland?”

“Should say so. Don’t think he likes the season much. Just here to find a wife, eh what?”

“But surely he wouldn’t expect his wife to live in the wilds of Scotland all year,” she exclaimed.

“On the contrary, Miss Caruthers. I canna imagine living in England and would expect my wife to reside with me in Scotland. My estate requires a great deal of attention,” Ian said as he escorted Anna

belle to her aunt.

Miss Caruthers blushed becomingly.

Ceddy came gallantly to the rescue. “MacKay, I’ve just been telling how we met.

Don’t you know?”

Annabelle thought she could guess who had raised the subject and she was sure it was not Ceddy. Interested to see how Ian responded to Miss Caruthers, she said nothing.

He had appeared immune to her charm earlier, she wondered if that would hold in the duration of their acquaintance.

Ian turned to his friend. “Finchley, you’ve been my boon companion.” Ceddy puffed up under the praise. Annabelle noticed and liked Ian better for his kindness to her old playmate.

Miss Caruthers looked pointedly at the dance floor. “Ah, I do believe the next set is about to begin.” She managed a convincing look of distress. “I have no partner and I’m weary of sitting.”

Annabelle did not like the speculative gleam she saw in Miss Caruthers’ eyes when she looked at Ian. The girl acted like she had been sitting for hours, rather than for one dance.

Ian fell for the bait. “May I have the pleasure?” As they walked away toward the dance floor a young swain who had been making his way to Miss Caruthers’ side stopped abruptly and cursed as he watched her take the floor with Ian.

As Ian took the younger woman into his arms, Annabelle said to no one in particular,

“That certainly didn’t take long.”

Ceddy asked, “What was that you said?”

“Oh, nothing, Ceddy.”

His eyes searched hers. She tried to appear unaffected. Ceddy asked gently, “Won’t you do me the honor?”

She nodded. Trust her old friend to come to the rescue of her pride. They joined the set with Miss Caruthers and Ian. Annabelle smiled brightly at Ceddy, determined to show Ian that he held no particular place in her affections.

Tags: Lucy Monroe Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024