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Annabelle's Courtship

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“It is narrow thinking like yours that has kept women under the tyranny of men for centuries.”

At the look of shock on Diana’s face and the fury on Robert’s, Annabelle knew she had gone too far.

“Is that what reading that Rights of Women book has done to you? You think I tyrannize my wife?” Robert’s angry words slashed at her like a knife.

“I didn’t say anything about Diana. I was talking in general and for your information, Wollstonecraft is not the only voice in the debate about women’s rights.” Robert made a sound of disgust. “I know. They are having some lecture in Cheapside tomorrow on this very issue. My solicitor’s wife has insisted on attending. He is beside himself what to do with her. And I have the unenviable task of deciding whether or not to get another solicitor.”

Annabelle grew cold. She almost blurted out that she planned on attending as well.

Would he then consider getting another sister? Sanity intervened, though. It was no use.

She and Robert simply came from two different viewpoints.

Diana’s soothing voice entered the fray. “Come, Robert. Do not argue so vehemently with Annabelle. You and she do not have to agree on this issue.” Annabelle felt unexpected tears prick her eyes. If only her parents had lived. They would have understood her need to do something. Even Diana did not comprehend how important this issue had become in Annabelle’s life.

Ian had sat silent during the argument. He now reached out and squeezed Annabelle’s hand. “’Tis all right, Belle.”

She swept her gaze to his and read nothing but sympathy in his eyes. No condemnation, just compassion. She felt comforted. She turned her hand under his and returned the pressure, feeling an immeasurable peace at the contact.

Ian met Robert’s still angry gaze. “Dinna raise your voice to your sister. ’Tis no gentlemanly.”

Pleasure rippled through Annabelle at Ian’s support. He knew exactly what to say to her brother as well. Robert prided himself on being the perfect gentleman.

Her brother laughed and her eyes flew to his. “I’m sorry, Annabelle. I don’t know what came over me. I know how you feel about your causes. Call pax?” Unwilling to remain angry with him, she nodded. She smiled at her brother’s use of their childhood term. “Pax.”

She did not let go of Ian’s hand.

Chapter Six

The chatter of women’s voices washed over Annabelle as she stood near the back wall of the public room. She did not see Vivian anywhere. Perhaps George had foiled the other girl’s plans to join Annabelle at the lecture in Cheapside. A woman walked up to Annabelle and shoved a paper in her hand. It depicted a woman behind bars and each bar was labeled with a law that restricted the rights of women. Clever.

A hand gripped her shoulder. “Lady Annabelle, I must admit I am surprised to find you here.”

Annabelle turned swiftly to place the country accents of the man speaking. “Squire Renton, I did not realize you had an interest in the Rights of Women.” In fact, astounded would be a better word. Like many Englishmen, Squire Renton’s chief interests seemed to be hunting and his club.

The squire extended his neck, turtle-like, to see the crowd around them. “Can’t say that I am. Came to find out what she has to say. A gentleman should not get too set in his ways.”

She smiled at him. “Why, Squire, that’s very forward thinking.” Considering her brother’s blatant rejection of the efforts women were making for improved laws, she was all the more impressed with the squire’s apparent interest in the cause.

“Not at all, my dear. A wise man knows when to adjust his thinking. That’s all.” She was taken aback by the fact that the squire managed to make a humble speech sound quite superior.

Spying Vivian on the other side of the room, she said, “I believe I see my friend. If you will excuse me, sir.”

Squire Renton nodded. “Of course. Perhaps I will see you both after the lecture.” Her attention more on her friend than the man at her side, Annabelle agreed absently.


She made her way through the crowd of milling women, noting that the squire was one of less than half a dozen men in the room. It surprised her, but she recognized one of the other gentlemen. He had asked her to dance at the last few soirees she had attended.

Perhaps men in the ton were starting to see how serious an issue reform was.

Annabelle gave Vivian a smile of welcome. “Miss Graves, you made it. I had almost given up hope of you doing so.”

“I was not sure I would.”

“I thought perhaps your brother had gotten wind of your plans and scotched them.” Vivian grimaced “Very nearly. He took it into his head to stay home today. I could not believe it. The last time my brother stayed home from his clubs he had a head cold.”

“What did you do?”

Vivian leaned forward and whispered, “I told him I was going to the lending library.” She blushed after her admission.

“Well done.” Annabelle believed in honesty, but some things required subterfuge.

Her and Vivian’s activities on behalf of the rights of women was one of those things.

Annabelle had become involved with women’s rights after the flu epidemic that took both of her parents in one devastating blow. She stumbled upon a meeting quite by accident. The speaker at the meeting had been so very passionate. Afterward Annabelle had waited to speak to the lecturer and soon found herself involved in the dissemination of pamphlets and attending lectures both in London and in the country. However, she accomplished most of her work in London.

A hush fell over the crowd. Annabelle and Vivian craned their necks to see the speaker. Annabelle thought it would have surprised those who passed her on the street to discover that Mrs. Burnaby, a short woman of matronly appearance, was one of the great orators for Reform.

She began speaking and all talking ceased. Not even the occasional rustle of clothing could be heard as the charismatic woman mesmerized her speakers with tales of efforts to gain advances on behalf of women in England and abroad. She quoted Wollstonecraft and other voices of their movement.

Annabelle was entranced and did not at first notice the men filing in through the doors. They came in silently, but eventually her head and others began to turn. Several men now filled the small spaces that had been open in the aisles. The lecturer ignored them and continued her speech.

One of the men near Annabelle raised his voice to speak. Burly, he stood a head taller than most of the men crowded into the room. “What you tryin’ to do, duck? Talk our women into acting like men?”

Several men guffawed. Another man spoke from the opposite side of the room.

“Next thing you know you’ll be wanting to wear trousers and share a pint down at the pub.” The men broke out in raucous laughter.

The speaker did not flinch. She caught the eye of the man and spoke coolly, “Yo

u may keep your pubs and your pints. We seek equality in rights and property.” Annabelle nodded her head in agreement. She noticed many other women doing the same thing.

The big man glared at the speaker. “Ye wants us to give up our manhood is what ye wants.”

At that the men cheered.

Annabelle had endured all that she was going to. First her brother, now this ruffian.

Could the men not see that she and the others sought equality, not emasculation of their men? She started forward, ignoring Vivian’s pleas not to get involved.

Annabelle poked the huge man on the back. He turned around and she spoke to him.

“Sir, you may hold your own public forum, but right now Mrs. Burnaby is speaking and I and the rest of the audience would like to hear what she has to say.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Raising his voice, the man asked, “Do we wants to hear this Burnaby woman speak, lads?”

A resounding chorus of “no’s” went up.

Annabelle was incensed. How dare this man make light of Mrs. Burnaby in this way? She raised her own voice, glad that Aunt Griselda was not there to hear her unladylike bellow, “That will be quite enough, sir. No one invited you and your uncouth friends to join us. I think you should leave.” The man advanced on Annabelle forcing her to back away. “Who’s going to make us, ducks? You?”

Annabelle raised her parasol and pointed at the man. “I should not have to make you leave. Good manners should be enough to make you realize that you’re not wanted here.” She punctuated each word with a poke from her parasol to the man’s chest. Now he was backing up and her voice had risen to unladylike proportions once again.

Vivian hissed at her. “Lady Annabelle, stop that. Come back here.”

Annabelle ignored her friend’s pleas and continued to berate the intruder. “We are doing nothing to warrant your foolish interference.” The man’s face mottled with rage. Perhaps she should not have called him uncouth.

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