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Annabelle's Courtship

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Ian did not laugh at her attempt at humor. “As long as necessary, Belle.” His answer had not reassured her. Ian could tell from the look of worry in her eyes.

He sighed. Evidently, she had not reconciled herself to their future yet. He removed his greatcoat, taking the keepsake box with her ring out of the pocket before laying the coat across the other chair.

Turning away from her, he put the small box down and poured himself a glass of port from the bottle on the table. “Belle, I asked you once to be my wife and live your life with me in my Scottish home.” He turned back to face her and took a sip from his glass of wine. “At the time, you made it clear that you expected to be courted.” He waited for her to acknowledge his words.

She nodded.

“I have courted you.”

“Ian, the courting is but a small part of the picture.” The earnest expression on her face told him she believed what she was saying. “I want an abiding love in my marriage.” Love. He cursed and her eyes widened. “I have proven to you that you are not immune to me, Belle. It should be obvious that I am not immune to you either.” Her gaze flew to his and seemed to ask a question.

“I want you more than I thought possible to want a woman.” Heat stole into her cheeks, but at the look of warmth in her eyes, he knew his words had pleased her. He put his wine down and picked up the ring box. Pulling her into a chair, he knelt on the floor in front of her. “Will you be my wife and share my life with

me, making my days bright with your quick wit and my nights warm with your generous heart?”

She didn’t answer him immediately. He wanted to press her, but knew the time for that was done. He placed the box on her lap and waited for her to answer.

She opened it and gasped when she saw the ring inside. She touched the filigree rose with the tip of her finger. “Do you love me, Ian?” The words sounded torn from her.

He stiffened, but resisted the urge to jump to his feet and put distance between them.

“I care for you and want to be with you. The passion between us is too strong to deny, Belle. Say you will marry me, lass.”

Would it be enough? He did not know. Looking into her face and seeing the sadness there, he wished he could give her the words she wanted to hear. He could not be weakened by love.

She was convinced that love would guarantee happiness; he was living proof that it did not. Jenna had vowed her love for him, but it meant nothing. She married his younger half brother when he ascended to his father’s title. His brother loved him, but that had not stopped him from betraying Ian.

“Will you be faithful?”

The words were barely more than a whisper, but had the effect of a bucket of water from the lochs back home being tossed in his face. His head snapped back as if she had struck him. Did she not ken him better than that?

“Aye. I’ll be faithful.”

She searched his eyes, seeking an answer beyond his words. “You will never take a mistress? Not even for one night?”

Her words conjured up a fury so intense he had to get control before he answered.

The idea of taking any woman to his bed besides Belle was obscene to him now. She questioned his honor by asking again. Did she not understand that?

“You have my word.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

She bit her lower lip. Her gaze dropped to the ring in her lap. “It is beautiful.” Her eyes came back to his face. “The thought of settling for marriage without love frightens me.”

A cold wind blew through his soul. His father had taught him about his duty to the land and its people. His stepfather had taught him about many things, honor the most

important among them. Neither man had taught him about love. The only experience he had with the emotion had left him bitter. Love had caused his own brother to betray him.

He laid his hands over hers. She was trembling. “I canna promise you love, Belle, but I can promise you devotion. I will never take another woman to my bed.”

“But will you want to?”

Words were not going to convince her. Only one thing would show Belle that her fears were unfounded. Passion.

Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers. She remained stiff against him. He coaxed her lips with his own, tenderly kissing her until he felt her body relax. With a soft moan of surrender, her trembling hands stole around his neck. He rejoiced in her response to him. His lips moved more purposely over hers and he slid his tongue across the seam of her mouth, silently demanding that she part her lips for him. She complied and his heart filled with joy as his tongue slipped into the sweet recesses of her mouth.

Her fingers tunneled through his hair and he groaned. She made him forget his motive in kissing her. All he could think about was how much he enjoyed the feel of her tender lips under his and the sensation of her hands in his hair. He leaned completely into her, forcing her back against the chair. His hands moved to cup the sides of her breasts.

She squirmed against him, making erotic noises in the back of her throat.

She broke her lips away from his. “Ian.”

His name was a demand. He smiled. Love was a mystery to him, but this was not. He knew what she wanted and he was more than willing to give it to her. He deftly unbuttoned her pelisse and removed it. The thin muslin of her gown did nothing to hide the points of her erect nipples. Taking one between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed. At the same time, he covered her mouth with his, swallowing the scream that his touch evoked.

Her legs spread and he pulled her body flush against his own. She moved restlessly against him and he felt his body heat with desire. He wanted her so much he would die of it. His hands locked behind her, holding her body prisoner against him. Breaking the kiss, he panted. “Do you truly believe that as long as I have you in my arms, I will ever want another woman?”

“I don’t know. I don’t understand this, Ian.” She sounded like a bewildered child.

“Ah, but I do.” Once again he sealed her lips with his own. He kissed her until she writhed against him with abandon.

“Ian, you must do something. I cannot stand this.” Carefully, wanting only to prove to her that they did indeed have a physical bond strong enough for marriage, he drew the cap sleeves of her dress down over her shoulders. She groaned. With shaking fingers, he caressed her soft skin. She moaned, her head falling back against the back of the chair.

“Please, Ian. This is too much.” Her broken words only fueled his passion.

“Nay, ’tis not enough, Belle.” He stood up and she protested when he pulled away from her.


Spreading his great coat on the floor before the fire, he said, “Just a minute, lass.” She stared at him, her eyes clouded with passion. He took off his cravat and waistcoat before pulling her to her feet. His hands shook with desire as he

undid the tapes on her gown. She made no protest as he slipped it off of her. She stood before him in a chemise of fine lawn. The dusky points of her breasts tantalized him through the nearly transparent fabric. He almost exploded then and there at the sight of her feminine body exposed to his view.

Reaching out to her, he drew her to the floor beside him.

“Are we going to make love, Ian?”

He couldn’t help smiling. She sounded both curious and passionate. “Nay, but I am going to prove to you that with you in my arms, I will need no other.” She stilled against him. “Truly?”

“Aye, lass, truly.” He went about proving it. Within minutes, he had her so hot she was tearing at his shirt seeking his bare skin.

He didn’t mind at all. He caressed her thighs, teasing her with little circles that drew ever closer to her feminine center. When he finally touched her there, her entire body came off the floor. She would have brought the innkeeper running with her shout if he had not covered her mouth with a passionate kiss. He gently massaged her with his fingers until she convulsed around him.

His breathing was ragged and he wanted to bury himself in her softness so badly that he almost gave into the temptation. He could not do that however. She would be his in name as well when he joined his body with hers in the complete act of making love.

Holding her tightly, he willed his body to relax. “Ian?”

“Hmm?” How she could talk now was a mystery to him.

“You didn’t experience what I did again, did you?” She sounded worried.

“I experienced it with you, Belle. Your pleasure is like taking my own.”

“So, you don’t particularly want me to do this?” He was unprepared for the rush of almost painful pleasure when she rubbed his hardness through his pantaloons.

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