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Annabelle's Courtship

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Take a deep breath and calm yourself, my gel.” She patted Diana’s hand. “That’s right.

Much better.”

Not wishing to cause Diana any more distress, Annabelle decided to bow to the inevitable. “You may post the banns this Sunday, Ian.”

“I say, famous. Where’s Creswell? This calls for champagne.” Ceddy rang for the butler and Robert requested champagne. Creswell left the room beaming.

* * *

Sunlight filtered through Annabelle’s conscious. She opened one eye and confirmed that her maid had opened the drapes and the bright sun bounced off her white coverlet nearly blinding her. She quickly closed her eyes again and snuggled deeper into the covers. It must be late indeed if Purdy had opted to wake her. Unsurprised, she rolled over and tried to ignore the sunlight beating on her eyelids. She had lain awake almost the entire night reflecting on her decision to marry Ian.

The smell of chocolate wafted to Annabelle, tempting her to open her eyes once again. The maid had placed a tray with chocolate and toast on the table beside her bed.

The melting butter on the thick slices of toast made Annabelle’s mouth water. Groaning, she sat up. Purdy was nowhere to be seen. Relief filled Annabelle. She wasn’t up to another bout of congratulations by her ecstatic maid.

The thought of marrying Ian terrified her. Yet, she knew that no other course would do. She could not imagine life without him. When he had kissed her and touched her the day before, she had finally realized that she had no choice. If she didn’t marry Ian, she would always wish she had. She found him too appealing for her peace of mind. He said that he wanted her too and if the previous afternoon had been any indication, he did.

It didn’t make any sense to her, however. The man thought one of her chief attractions was her ordinary appearance. How could he be so attracted to her? She was still frightened that one day he would wake up and realize that he wanted someone more exciting than The Ordinary. Would he break his word and take a mistress? The thought sent her stomach churning.

She took a hasty bite of toast and chastised herself. No matter what Ian felt in the future, he would never betray his word to her. The thought that he might desire to do so continued to haunt her. She had to believe that she truly was all that he wanted. If that were true, then he must care for her. If he could care for her and desire her, he could love her. She was sure of it.

Hurried footsteps sounded outside her door. What could Purdy be in such haste over?

Perhaps Ian had called and here she was, not even in her wrapper. The thought galvanized her into action. Throwing back the covers, she leapt from the bed. She took another quick bite of toast before beginning her morning routine.

The door flew open, but it was not Purdy’s happy face that greeted her. It was the chalk-white countenance of Diana. She looked about ready to collapse.

“What is the matter? You look as if you have seen a ghost,” Annabelle said.

“It’s Mr. Thorn. He sent a messenger telling me to meet him again today with another hundred pounds. He threatened to sell the letters to a scandal sheet if I did not do so.” Diana’s words came out in a near-hysterical rush.

Annabelle pulled her friend to the window seat and forced her to sit. “Then we shall have to meet him. Now, you must calm yourself.” Diana turned wild eyes to Annabelle. “How can I be calm? You heard Robert yesterday. Everything must be proper. He would hate me if I brought scandal to his name.” She broke down and began sobbing. “I could not stand it if he hated me.” Annabelle rubbed Diana’s back, trying to soothe her. “Hush. Robert is not going to hate you.”

Diana began sobbing in earnest. “He already does. I’m sure of it.” Exasperated, Annabelle, admonished her, “Don’t be a goose. Robert loves you dearly. Anyone can see that.”

“Not anymore.” The tears did not abate. “Not after what I’ve done.” Robert must know about the pearls. “Even if he is angry, he will get over it.”

“He won’t. He looked so hurt. I’ve never refused him my bed before. Not in all the months we have been married.”

Annabelle began to feel as if she was at the theater and did not know her part. “Your bed? What are you talking about?”

“Last night. I was afraid he would realize that something was wrong and so I told him that I was too tired.” Diana wrung her hands. “He offered to just hold me and I told him I would rather not. He’ll never forgive me.” Annabelle felt on very shaky ground. What did she know about marriage? Still, Robert loved his wife and wasn’t going to hate her for something so trifling. When she said as much to Diana, the other woman’s eyes flickered with hope.

“Do you think so?” Then she collapsed in tears again. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t sleep with him tonight either. I must avoid him or he will discover something is wrong and then he’ll find out about Mr. Thorn. Then he’ll hate me.” Annabelle wasn’t about to point out to Diana that Robert was bloody well going to figure out something was wrong when his adoring wife started avoiding him. Ian would have to find Mr. Thorn and soon.

“Really, Diana, stop crying like this.” Annabelle handed Diana a handkerchief. “Mr.

Thorn has played into our hands quite nicely.” Diana mopped up her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“When he comes to meet you at Gunther’s today, Ian will follow him.” And this time, he won’t lose him, she mentally added. “He will discover where Mr. Thorn lives and retrieve the letters for us.”

Diana stared at Annabelle as if she had suggested dancing naked down St. James Street. “You cannot think of telling Ian. He would tell Robert and all would be lost.” There was nothing for it. Annabelle explained about Ian discovering the sold pearls and following Mr. Thorn once already. “He already knows? This is a disaster.” Annabelle grew impatient with her friend. “On the contrary. This is a blessing and I suggest you see it as one. Mr. Thorn is no match for Ian in any way.” Diana gave her a watery smile. “I see that you think very highly of your fiancé.” Annabelle felt herself blushing and turned away. “That is neither here nor there. The fact is, we can trust Ian and he will take care of finding Mr. Thorn’s lodgings.” Diana grudgingly agreed.

“What time are you to meet Mr. Thorn?”

When Diana named the time, Annabelle sucked in her breath. It was less than an hour away. “Quickly, I must dress and send a note to Ian.” While Diana pulled out clothes for Annabelle to wear, Annabelle wrote a note for Ian telling him about the events of the morning and instructing him to find them at Gunther’s and follow Mr. Thorn to his lodgings. She sealed it and rang for Purdy. When the maid came, Annabelle handed her the missive. “See that this is delivered immediately to my fiancé at Lord Finchley’s home.”

“Yes, milady.”

A short time later, Annabelle and Diana entered Gunther’s with trepidation. They had not seen Ian. Annabelle feared that he might have been out when the message was delivered. She and Diana ordered ices and took a table in the corner, partially shaded from view by a Chinese screen.

Annabelle steamed with fury. Every nervous gesture detected in her friend just served to increase her rage at the callous monster who could so spitefully use Diana this way. She wished for the hundredth time that she had not given Diana that horrid promise not to tell Robert about the blackmail.

She had a great deal of confidence in her brother, regardless of his sometimes sanctimonious ways. She believed he would have thoroughly dealt with the menace of Chester P. Thorn. When she said so to Diana, the latter became almost hysterical in her pleading for Annabelle to keep her secret.

“Calm yourself, Diana. I gave you my word and I intend to keep it. Robert will not hear of your secret from me.”

“I’m glad to hear that, yer ladyship,” said Thorn as he pulled a chair from a nearby table to join the ladies.

“You can’t sit here. Are you mad? Someone will see and it will be remarked upon,” said Diana anxiously.

“What, I can’t sit with my own cousin?” asked the oily


Some of Annabelle’s fury spilled over. “You may have these spurious letters you have threatened Lady Hamilton with, but there is absolutely no proof that you and she are in any way related. You will not address her as such either.”

“High and mighty, aren’t we? Well, your friend here,” he pointed at Diana with his thumb, “knows I mean what I say. If you don’t want my company, then the easiest way to rid yourself of it is to pay me the money that you owe me.”

Annabelle saw no sign of Ian. She needed to prolong the meeting with Thorn for as long as possible. “First, you will show us the letters.”

“You know I only bring one at a time like.” He pulled a creased piece of paper from his wrinkled coat and placed it on the table in front of Diana. She took it and slid it immediately into her reticule.

“I’ll take my money now.” He put out a hand, dirt encrusted under his fingernails.

“When can I have the rest of the letters?” Diana asked desperately.

“I told you. One at a time.” Thorn was starting to sound agitated.

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