Annabelle's Courtship - Page 32

She flinched and he felt guilty for putting the fear back in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak.

His arms tightened around her of their own volition. “Dinna say another word, Belle.”

She opened her mouth to protest and he put his hand over it. “Not one word.


She nodded her head. He removed his hand.

And then she proceeded to do exactly what he’d warned her not to. She spoke. “I’m sorry, Ian.”

When he did not respond, she clung more tightly to him. “The world can be a frightening place, especially for a woman. I sometimes fight the fears that beset me with conviction that I can face any circumstance as well as a man, but…” She paused and shuddered. “I cannot deny that there are times my limitations are as frightening as my circumstances.”

He recalled that day in the park, when she had explained her reasons for not wanting to marry without some certainty her husband would cherish rather than harm her. The law was not a good enough protection, neither was common decency, as she had learned today.

“I knew you would come for me, but I should not have said what I did about your timing. It was uncalled for.”

But true, which was where some of his fury came from. The sense that if he had not arrived precisely when he did, she would have been irreparably harmed. And that if he had come a few moments earlier, he would have caught the blackguard.

“Shh…it is all right, lass.”

They rode in silence until they reached the edge of West London. Ian hailed a hansom cab.

Belle chewed her lower lip. “What are you doing, Ian?”

“Did ye want to arrive at your aunt’s doorstep in my lap?” She seemed to consider it for a moment. “Well there is that, but I’m not exactly in your lap. I mean, I’m actually in front of you.” The cab stopped and Ian swung down off of his horse. He reached up and pulled Belle down.

She stared up at him, her eyes wide. “Are you going to send me in the carriage alone?”

That was exactly what he had intended, but the continued fear in her eyes changed his mind. “Nay. I’ll tie Nightsong to the back of the carriage and ride with you.” Her shoulders relaxed. “That is an excellent idea.” She bit her bottom lip. “Thank you.”

She was too independent by half, but he had to admit that he did not like seeing his feisty blue stocking so subdued.

“It will be my pleasure, lass.”

He secured his horse and gave the driver his direction before swinging up into the carriage behind Belle. She sat on the cushion, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. He ignored the empty seat opposite and sat down beside her. Then, he lifted and settled her snugly in his lap. He began to rhythmically rub her back.

She shuddered again and buried her face against his chest. Her tears started almost immediately.

“They were going to hurt me, Ian. They wanted to play with me.” She clung tightly to him. “If you had not come…” Her words trailed into a sob.

“Ye would have found a way to free yourself, lass. You have resources they know nothing about.” He couldn’t stand the brokenness he heard in her voice.

She hiccupped against him. “Do you really think so? What resources?”

“Intelligence. They wouldna know what to do with your brains, lass, considering they have none of their own.”

He felt like a rich man indeed when she let out a small laugh.

Sighing, she snuggled closer. “I was terrified.”

“Aye. But you were no helpless. You were giving them more trouble than they knew what to do with.”

“I was foolish to get out of the cab.”

He didn’t say anything. She hadn’t been just foolish, she had been a bloody idiot, but he wasn’t going to tell her so and start her tears all over again.

“Dinna ever do that again,” he said.

“I won’t.”

Her fervent promise soothed his nerves until he remembered the sight of her stretched out between the two men, battling for her freedom. It was not a sight he would ever forget.

Needing the reassurance that she was indeed all right, he tipped her head up and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

She smiled. “That was nice. Thank you, Ian.”

“You dinna have to thank me for kissing you. I enjoy it.” She blushed. “That’s not what I meant, you daft man. I was thanking you for saving me.”

He grew serious. “You promised me that you would let me search for Thorn. You broke your word to me, Belle.”

“We waited for you, but you never came. I was certain that we would lose our chance to catch Mr. Thorn if I didn’t follow him.” He could not believe her reasoning. “Do you think that matters one bloody bit if you end up hurt, or worse?”

She jumped at his roar. “Do not shout at me. I have had enough of bad-mannered men to last me a long while.”

“You dare to compare me to those two bastards?” He wanted to toss her off his lap. He was furious that she would accuse him of being like the two men who would have done unspeakable things to her. Ian cared about her, damn it.

“That is not what I meant.”

He was having none of it. He pulled her arms from around his neck where they had come to rest and began to set her on the cushion opposite.

She clung to him. “What are you doing?”

He glared at her. She had managed to lock her hands behind his neck again. “I wouldna want you to force you to endure my mannerless touch.” He again tried to put her away from him.

She wouldn’t budge. “No.”


She scooted even closer to him, until her body was molded against his thighs and chest. Even in his fury, he reacted to the feel of her sweet bottom against his thighs.

Annabelle appeared oblivious. “I’m not going anywhere. I have had a terrible experience and I need comfort.” She burrowed against him. “You are my fiancé and it is your job to comfort me.”

He stared at her. “’Tis my job, lass?”

She nodded. “Yes.” Then two lone tears trickled down her cheeks. “I need you to hold me. I told you I know I was foolish and that I am sorry. I certainly did not mean to compare you to those awful men. You are not usually so easily offended,” she said with a small sniffle.

She was right, but he was still angry with himself and despite her apology, frustrated with her actions. Regardless, she deserved his tender care, not anger. He would finish yelling at her later, when she was feeling better. For now, she needed his comfort. She had said so. It was his job. He smiled.

He wasn’t sure what to do. She said she wanted him to hold her. So he did. Putting his arms back around her securely, he held her as if he never wanted to let her go. He didn’t.

It must have been what she needed because she gave a satisfied sigh and relaxed against him. By the time, they arrived at her aunt’s home, Belle had calmed down considerably. Her hands no longer trembled and there was not a tear in sight. He expelled a sigh of relief. He did not like seeing his spirited lady terrified and weepy. As the carriage drew to a halt, she laughed softly.

“What is amusing you, Belle?”

“I am now in your lap, Ian. Is this more proper than us arriving together on your horse?”

He smiled at her humor. “Aye, lass, no one can see us.” She agreed. “In the ton appearance is all.” Perhaps that is what he needed so desperately in Belle. Everything about her went bone deep. She did not use a flirtatious manner and tantalizing cleavage to hide a cold heart. Her passionate nature was as much a part of her as breathing. She was passionate in his arms. She was passionately loyal. She was passionate about her cause. Although, he wished she were not.

Her character and courage influenced everything she did. The knowledge that Belle was everything he could ever want in a wife humbled him. He vowed that she would never regret her decision to marry him.

Tags: Lucy Monroe Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024