Annabelle's Courtship - Page 43

She grew worried at his odd reaction. “You did mean it, didn’t you? You do still want to marry me.”

He gave her a fierce frown. “Never doubt it.”

“Poor Aunt Griselda. She will be heartbroken to give up her wedding plans,” she said.

“She can have as fancy of a wedding as she desires.” Ian crossed his muscular arms across his chest. “So long as she can have it planned in three days time.”

Chapter Seventeen

“Are you all right?” Diana’s concerned voice pierced the fog surrounding Annabelle.

The closed carriage jolted over the road as the ladies made their way to the Pall Mall to do their last minute shopping before Annabelle’s wedding. She wanted to purchase something for Ian as a wedding gift.

Diana wanted to make sure that Annabelle’s wedding outfit lacked no accessory. It had taken some subterfuge for the ladies to leave. Ian had insisted that Annabelle stay home and receive no one without her aunt and John Footman present.

Looking at her friend in the shadowy interior of the carriage, Annabelle gave a reassuring smile. “Yes, of course, I’m fine. I’m getting married tomorrow. I should be ecstatic.”

“But, you are not?”

Annabelle did not know how to respond to Diana’s question. She was thrilled to be marrying Ian. Her love for him grew each day. It was his unwillingness to let himself love her that had her worrying.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” She sighed. “I want to marry Ian more than anything I have ever wanted. That frightens me.”

Diana put her hand over Annabelle’s and squeezed. “You’re not the first bride to have wedding nerves. I cried the morning of my wedding, remember?” Annabelle smiled. “Yes, I remember. You were an absolute watering pot.” She lifted the curtain from the carriage window to see how far they were from the Pall Mall. “I just wish I could be sure I was not making a mistake.” Leaning forward, Diana squeezed Annabelle’s hand. “You and Ian were made for each other.”

Annabelle agreed, but she wanted Ian to realize his good fortune as well. She wanted more than just his desire to marry her. She wanted his love. “Diana, what if he falls in love with someone else after we are married? I could not bear it.”

Diana stared at her as if she had just suggested Ian would murder the Prince Regent.

“Do not be ridiculous. Ian has eyes for no one but you. Even a fool could see that.” Then she must be a fool, because she didn’t see it. “But he does not love me.”

“What do you mean? Of course he loves you.” Diana sounded completely disbelieving. Her compassionate eyes searched Annabelle’s face.

“No he doesn’t,” Annabelle argued, “He told me.” Diana’s look of concern turned to amusement. “Oh, really, Annabelle. I thought you were wiser than that.”

She desperately wanted to believe Diana’s views. Ian said she was beautiful and that he wanted her. That he would never let her go. Yet, he was adamant that he did not love her. “I wish I was wise enough to see into Ian’s heart.” Diana looked at her pityingly. “Surely you realize that gentlemen would rather lose a bet at Whites than admit their tender feelings.”

“I don’t see Robert having any difficulty where you are concerned.” Diana laughed. “Do you forget so quickly the two years I set my cap for him and he pretended I did not exist? You know he did not even tell me he loved me when he proposed. Had I not been so certain of his love, I would have sent him packing.” Annabelle was shocked. She knew her brother could be stupid, but this was beyond her imagining. So unlike the Robert she witnessed now with his wife. “He’s so affectionate.”

“Yes, several months of married life and good battle tactics on my part convinced him of the error of his ways.” Diana straightened her gloves and gave Annabelle a considering look. “You are the last person I would expect to give up the contest before you have even begun the campaign.”

Diana’s words had a ring of truth in them. Was Annabelle a weak-willed miss who would concede defeat before she even saw combat? No. She was a modern woman. She did not need to wait for Ian to come to his senses. She would help get him there. She would set siege against each of Ian’s defenses and see them fall.

“You are right.”

Diana nodded. “Anyone with eyes in their head cannot miss the way Ian looks at you as if he’s thirsty and you’re the only drink available.” Annabelle grew warm at her friend’s words, but they gave her pause. She believed passion did not equal love, but maybe it preceded the deeper emotion. She could not deny

that Ian felt a great deal of passion for her. He would have to be a better actor than Keen to have pretended his overwhelming reaction to her body.

Perhaps her battle tactics should begin with a kissing campaign. She chuckled at the thought, but considered that it might well work. It could not hurt and she certainly liked kissing Ian.

They arrived at their first destination, Hatchard’s Bookshop. Annabelle wanted to buy a book on the latest farming techniques for Ian. Diana had made a list of those Robert liked the most.

A clerk greeted them upon arrival. “Something I can get for you ladies?” Annabelle replied, “Yes, I’m looking for a book on farming or sheep. I’ve got a list here of likely prospects. Do you carry any of these titles?” She handed the list Diana had made to the clerk.

The clerk nodded. “Several. Yes. Several. Perhaps some more beside.” Indicating two chairs near the door, he suggested they sit and wait while he collected the books.

Annabelle agreed. She and Diana were busy discussing the changes in Annabelle’s favorite magazine, The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufacturers, Fashions and Politics, when the door opened.

“I know you like your weightier matters, but I like it better now that it has more fashion and less politics,” declared Diana.

Annabelle was about to argue when she recognized Chester P. Thorn. Her insides grew tight. She tried to get Diana’s attention, by kicking the toe of her boot. Still in the throes of her argument, Diana ignored Annabelle’s tap. Her back to the door, she had not seen Mr. Thorn come into the bookshop.

Mr. Thorn looked haggard with dark bruises under his eyes and his appearance even more rumpled than usual. He smiled at her, showing tobacco-stained teeth.


Diana sucked in air and seemed to hold it. She whipped her head around. “Mr.


Annabelle did not like the look of pallor that came over Diana. She glared at the intruder. “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Perhaps I came to find a book.” Not likely. The vermin was too busy tormenting innocent ladies like Diana to find time to read. More likely he had followed them. The thought rankled. If he had followed

them without detection, then that horrible squire could as well. Annabelle wanted to let out an unladylike curse. She had to find a way to turn this situation to their advantage.

“What do you want?”

Mr. Thorn chortled nastily. “You’re a right blunt one aren’t you? More spirited than your friend here.”

Diana looked like she was trying not to be sick.

“Your observations do not concern me. Tell us what you want. Do you have another letter to sell? You must realize that we won’t have the money on us to buy it.” Thorn nodded. “Yes, exactly. I want to sell all of the letters. I want five thousand pounds for them and not one penny less.”

Diana exclaimed, “I could not possibly come up with five thousand pounds without telling my husband what it was for.”

Approval coursed through Annabelle. Diana played her part to perfection. Her friend might be nauseous from her pregnancy, but contrary to what the rat before them believed, she did not lack spirit.

“Ask your friend here for the blunt. In fact, I want her

to bring it.” He turned his attention to Annabelle. “Meet me at the North entrance to Hyde Park with the money at six o’clock. Come alone.”

Annabelle nearly sighed aloud with relief. That would give her plenty of time to find Ian and make their plans. Renton had to be behind this. It would be his idea to get her to come alone. They would catch both men in their own trap.

“I must at least bring a footman or a maid.”

Mr. Thorn lost his smile. “You go where you please without escort. If I see anyone else with you, I will leave and the letters will be published this week.” Although she knew that the foul man would not succeed, the cruelty in his voice sent shivers down her spine. She nodded. “Very well. I will come alone.” Diana protested. “I will not have it.”

Mr. Thorn ignored her. He turned to leave as the clerk approached. “Be there.” Then, he was gone.

Annabelle hurriedly selected a book about new farming techniques and one about sheep breeding. She and Diana left and headed to the bank.

“Shouldn’t we go home and alert Robert and Ian to this development?” Diana asked.

“Mr. Thorn may still be following us. He will expect me to go to the bank,” Annabelle replied.

Diana nodded. “I won’t feel safe until we are home again, though.”

“Neither will I.” Annabelle shuddered. “The thought that he has been following me gives me the willies.”

“I think we fooled him.”

A smile split Annabelle’s face. “I am so proud of you, Diana. You did a credible job of looking like a woman in mortal fear of her husband finding out her awful secret.” Diana laughed. “I had a terrible attack of nausea. It helped.” The trip to the bank went without incident. Annabelle was nervous about leaving the bank again. She feared that the plan to meet that evening had all been a ruse and once she came out of the building, supposedly five thousand pounds richer, Mr. Thorn would attack. She breathed a sigh of relief when she and Diana climbed back into the carriage and it started toward home.

Tags: Lucy Monroe Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024