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The Sicilian's Defiant Virgin

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With the town behind them, the ocean opened up in front of them. The part of Jen that had been so rigidly controlled for so long, knew it was time to stop before she got in any deeper. But how could anything wrong feel so right? she reasoned. There had been too much darkness, and when Luca glanced at her with his eyes full of warm amusement, she stared back to let him know how much she wanted this.

When they reached the cliff top, she issued a challenge. ‘Race you down to the beach!’

‘Too dangerous. I’d prefer you in one piece when we get there.’

With a laugh, she set off.

Reaching out, Luca caught hold of her. ‘Slowly and carefully,’ he instructed.

‘Is that always your way? No. I didn’t think so.’ Pulling away from him, she ran off down the path. ‘Here,’ she said, stopping beside a moss-covered bank. Stretching out her arms, she threw back her head and closed her eyes. Luca came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. It felt so right.

Jen’s womanly curves yielding to his body moved him in every way there was. Physically, mentally and emotionally, he’d never felt anything like it. Her vital spirit was like a shot of adrenalin in his veins.

‘Kiss me,’ she demanded, staring up at him.

He needed no encouragement.

No. He needed sex. He was hungry for Jen. Holding her as they danced could never be enough. It had only stirred his senses until they roared.

‘You have to kiss me,’ she insisted. ‘It’s a special holiday.’ Her eyes flashed a reckless message..

Pleasure anticipated was pleasure heightened, he concluded, bringing Jen down onto the bank beside him. He freed her hair, dropping kisses on her face and on the side of her neck as he did so, until he could lace his fingers through its silky weight. ‘Not enough?’ he suggested when she moved restlessly beneath him.

‘What do you think?’ she whispered against his mouth.

Her eyes were teasing him, but he could see Jen’s vulnerability flickering behind her clear jade gaze.

‘Touch me,’ she said when he hesitated, and, taking hold of his hand, she guided it to her breast.

‘Like this?’ he suggested, chafing one nipple very gently between his forefinger and thumb.

‘Oh, yes,’ she gasped, clinging to him as he attended to the other.

The sundress she was wearing might have been designed for love, with its tiny buttons from neck to waist. He took his time opening them until only Jen’s flimsy white lace bra remained. Lifting her into his arms, he carefully removed the dress, and then rested her back on the ground, where she lay in an attitude of complete trust with her arms above her head.

Running his fingertips very slowly down the length of her body, he lingered on her breasts. He loved how full they were, and how aroused she was. He moved on over the curve of her belly and down to the soft, tempting swell of white lace. It was an area that merited his full attention. She was beautifully plump, and he loved the way her breathing quickened when he touched her. He stroked her over the lace very lightly, and saw her grab hold of hanks of seagrass in hands that had tightened into ivory fists.

Jen grabbed a hectic breath, wondering if she could hold on much longer. She had never felt so aroused. It was as if she were standing on a ledge, teetering, and longing to fall off. She hadn’t realised that her body was capable of such levels of pleasure, and couldn’t help herself edging her thighs just a little further apart.

Tugging his shirt over his head, Luca hunkered down on the bank at her side. Half naked, he was magnificent. Fully dressed, he was magnificent.

Fully naked?

She wasn’t ready for that.

Luca shifted position until she had the perfect view of his thick, tangled hair, and the wide spread of his shoulders. His movements were unhurried and reassuring. She didn’t even gasp when he eased her legs over his shoulders to suckle her through the heated white lace. But she whimpered, and that whimper became a cry of pleasure as she arced her body towards him in the hunt for more contact, more pressure. But Luca was too clever for her, and he moved again, to keep her waiting; deliberately, she thought.

‘Please...’ She writhed impatiently beneath him, but he left her frustrated as he stood to undo his belt and drop his jeans. He was totally unselfconscious. She heard his zipper go down and then heard him kick his jeans away. Burying her burning cheeks in her arms, she remained motionless as he came to kneel beside her.

‘Are you shy?’ he asked with a smile in his voice.

‘No,’ she said, raising her chin. This was the tipping point. This was the moment when she decided yes, or no.

Reaching out to him was all it took for Luca to bring her into his arms. It felt so good to be embraced by him. He felt so good; so strong, so big, so certain.

Leaning towards him, she brushed her lips against his. He unhooked her bra and tossed it away. Maintaining eye contact, he cradled her breasts. She couldn’t stop herself exclaiming with pleasure, or rolling her head back, asking for more.

Weighing her breasts approvingly in his big, warm hands, he abraded the tip of each nipple very gently with his thumbnail, causing a wave of sensation to stream straight to her core. She was still pulsing with pleasure when he leaned forward to bury his head, before pulling back to suckle first one nipple and then the other, and when she thought sensation couldn’t possibly increase, he dropped kisses on her neck, her ear lobes, and then her mouth. And that wasn’t a teasing kiss, it was firm and deep as he continued to fondle her breasts. Lacing her fingers through his hair, she drew closer still, kissing him back, tongues tangling in the heat of discovery as Luca plundered her mouth.

He had not expected Jen to be quite so fiery. He had sensed the tiger in her, waiting to be unleashed, but she had wound her legs around him, and was rubbing her body against his with all the hunger of an experienced woman. She even gasped with relief when he stripped off her thong. She was impatient and he loved that. He loved the feel of her buttocks, so silky and soft and warm beneath his hands. He cupped them so he could bring her into direct contact with his straining erection. She cried out loud, a hungry, sobbing sound that prompted him to rotate his hips slowly.

‘Please,’ she begged him. ‘Please...’

He replaced the pressure of his straining body with his hand. Using the slightly roughened pad of his forefinger, he explored and tested Jen’s readiness. She was more than ready for him. She was hot and wet and swollen, and with each pass of his hand she rubbed herself against him in an attempt to increase the pressure of his touch.

‘I think you need this,’ he commented huskily.

‘Oh, yes,’ she gasped, exclaiming words of pleasure as he concentrated on the place where she needed him most.

‘And this?’ he said, upping the pace.

Her answer was a keening animal sound of need. Clinging to him, eyes closed, her lips parted, she begged him in words that surprised him to stop teasing her. His answer was to ease a thigh between her legs and, lowering himself down, he caught just inside her. The pleasure of that, and the anticipation of yet more pleasure left her gasping for breath.

‘Not yet,’ he warned.

‘Why not?’ she demanded.

‘Because waiting will only make it better for you.’

‘I don’t want to wait,’ she assured him, moving restlessly.

‘Then, I’ll do the waiting for you.’

‘Again?’ He kissed her mouth as he stroked the tip of his erection back and forth, back and forth.

Closing her eyes, she sighed with pleasure. ‘More,’ she insisted, thrusting her hips towards him, but when he responded, she uttered a sharp cry.

‘What aren’t you telling me, Jen?’

‘No! Don’t stop now!’

But he had stopped, and he wouldn’t continue until she explained.

‘Nothing—honestly nothing,’ she said. ‘Cramp, that’s all. I’m all right now.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Of course I’m

sure.’ Her hands, her body and her smile gave him permission to continue. ‘You’re so big,’ she exclaimed when he was on the brink of pulling back and, clutching his buttocks, she worked him in deeper.

‘Relax,’ he whispered when he was lodged to the hilt. ‘Let me do all the work.’

‘If you insist,’ she whispered, smiling.

‘I do insist.’ He guessed it had been some time since Jen had made love, and however frantically she tried to urge him on he was equally determined to take things slowly. He brought his hand in to play up the levels of pleasure as she got used to him.

‘Oh, yes...yes!’ she exclaimed, moving in time with him to catch the full benefit of each firm stroke.

He clasped her buttocks, withdrew, and then sank deep, moving firmly and efficiently until she had no hope of holding on. ‘Now,’ he whispered on a note of command. She obeyed immediately and fell with a cry of shocked delight. She was lost for some time, bucking beneath him as he held her in place to receive the full benefit of each pulsing throb of pleasure, and when the storm had finally subsided and she asked for more, he laughed softly and brought her on top of him.

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