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Keeping It Hot (Breakfast in Bed 1)

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“It’s the coffee,” she sighed as his tongue circled the shell of her ear.

“I’ve missed you, sweetheart,” he surprised her by admitting. “I’m sorry things have been so crazy since Saturday. I thought about coming over last night, but it was already midnight and I knew you’d be in bed.”

“You have a key,” she pointed out. “You could have let yourself in. I’d be happy just to have you near.”

“Yeah?” he murmured as he kissed the corner of her lips before fitting his mouth firmly over hers. Their lunch was quickly forgotten as he moved her around until she was straddling his lap. She’d worn a short summer dress today, which left very little fabric between her damp core and his now hard cock. “I want you so fucking badly,” he hissed as he pushed her hips down while raising his to meet hers. “Shit, we need to stop while I can.”

When he slowed, Zoe grabbed his wrist, saying urgently, “I need you now. Don’t stop.” He looked at her in awe before setting her gently on her feet and getting to his own. He unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his boxer briefs down around his ankles. He ran a hand under her skirt and growled his pleasure when he found her wet and ready for him.

“Bend over the desk,” he ordered, suddenly all alpha male.

Heat surged through her body as she scrambled to comply with his demand. Considering this was only the second time she’d had sex, she felt like she’d gone from training wheels to a Harley in the blink of an eye, and she absolutely loved it. The men in the books had nothing on the one currently palming her ass before flipping her dress up. “My panties,” she whispered as she attempted to move away long enough to pull them off.

“They stay,” he insisted. Oookay. Granted, she didn’t have a lot of experience, but she was pretty sure the tiny piece of silk separating them needed to go in order to connect the boy and girl parts together. Maybe he was simply going to finger her again, and while that was exciting, it wasn’t what she had in mind today. But why would he have taken his pants off for that? Well, she’d never gotten a hand job nor had a guy jack off in her office. He was definitely giving her some more firsts today. When he nudged her panties to the side and she felt the head of his cock pressing into her, she jerked in shock. Yes! She was pathetically eager to discover that they were indeed having sex and a little sheepish that she hadn’t thought of the whole moving-the-underwear thing. “Ready?” he asked as he circled his hips against her.

“God yes,” she moaned, sounding like some of the women she made fun of in porn movies. She had to think, though, that maybe they hadn’t been acting after all. The fit was incredibly tight as Dylan pushed into her slowly. The pressure was so intense that she wanted to widen her stance, but he kept her legs firmly between his own, controlling her movements. “Ohhh, Dylan,” she cried, then bit her lip, not wanting anyone in the shop to hear them.

He seated himself the last few inches, then paused for a moment to let her adjust. She moved her hips back against him impatiently and he chuckled before swatting her ass. “Patience, baby. I’ll take care of you.” Then without warning, he pulled almost completely out and plunged back in. “Fuck yeah,” he groaned as he set a fast rhythm. His balls were slapping against her as he bottomed out on each hard thrust.

Zoe was so close that she was shaking with the need to come. She ground against him, trying to get the friction that she needed to push her over the edge. She gritted her teeth and whimpered as she continued to climb higher. Her body was as taut as a bow as she chased her release. “Dylan . . . I need,” she gasped out, not knowing how to put what she was feeling into words. He seemed to know, though, as his hand reached around her and found her clit. With a few firm strokes to the sensitive bud, she was shattering around him.

“Shhh, baby,” he reminded her as he continued to pump into her wet heat until she felt him stiffen and jerk inside her. He moved in and out in a more leisurely fashion now as they both rode out their peak until he dropped a kiss onto her shoulder and pulled out. He grabbed a tissue from the box on her desk and wrapped his condom up in it. She hadn’t even seen him put it on and was grateful that he’d had the presence of mind to protect them, because she certainly hadn’t thought of it. Maybe it was time to go on birth control so that they always had a backup in place. She was glad to have a small adjoining bathroom so that she could clean up quickly. She pulled the door closed behind her, not quite ready to share so much intimacy with Dylan even though they’d just had sex.

When she walked back into her office a few moments later, he had one plate arranged on the desk and both of their glasses. “Have you already eaten?” she asked, wondering if she’d been gone longer than she thought.

Giving her a rueful grin, he pointed to the trashcan. “One of our body parts ended up in it. I thought we could share this one.” Zoe laughed, hardly able to believe that they’d rolled on her grilled cheese while having hot sex in her office. It was official, she was a wild woman. She took the chair beside him and reached up to smooth his hair down without thinking. He looked surprised by the gesture, but not unpleased. “Thanks, babe.”

“You go ahead and eat the whole thing. I’ll make something for myself after you’re gone,” she offered.

Waving the sandwich in front of her, he asked, “Are you sure? This looks amazing.” She motioned for him to take it all and he devoured his meal as if he’d worked up quite an appetite. When he was finished, he stood and pulled her into his arms once again. “I wish I could stay longer, but I have a busy afternoon. I think I can get away at a decent time tonight, though, if you want to have dinner.”

“I’d like that,” Zoe said softly. “How about I cook something for us so you can relax?”

He tucked her hair behind her ear as his finger stroked her cheek. “You’ll be on your feet all afternoon, sweetheart. Why don’t we have dinner at the restaurant here? Maybe you can run home and pack a bag so you can spend the night. Then we’ll both be close to work tomorrow.”

Zoe hesitated as visions of Carey and Kristen sleeping in his bed flashed through her head. Then she remembered Dana’s earlier advice and realized that she was going to have to let that go if she was going to be involved with Dylan. She couldn’t judge him for having a sexual past just because she didn’t. Giving him a big smile, she nodded, saying, “That sounds perfect. Call me later on when you know what time you’ll be free.” They shared one last kiss before Dylan pulled away and opened her office door. He took a few steps, then stopped so abruptly that she plowed right into his back. “What?” she asked in confusion.

“Well, there’s my daughter and her . . . friend.” Zoe cringed when she peaked around Dylan’s shoulder and saw her mother standing there with a knowing grin on her face. Dana stood off to the side, shooting her an apologetic grimace.

“Hello again, Vivian.” He turned sideways to Zoe, saying, “I had a meeting with your mother earlier to go over the restaurant budget and projections for the next quarter.”

“That’s um . . . nice,” Zoe muttered as she met her mother’s amused gaze.

“Dana told me that you two had gone out for lunch, but I was almost sure I heard . . . voices from this direction. Decided to eat in?” Oh, good Lord, what was her mother doing? Surely she hadn’t meant that last question to sound as dirty as it came out. Of course, knowing her as Zoe did, she was probably enjoying watching her daughter squirm. A quick glance at Dylan showed that he was thinking the same thing. Instead of looking embarrassed, his lips twitched as if fighting back laughter. “So while I have you two together, I wanted to ask if you’d have dinner with Marcus and me tonight. It’s not going to be anything fancy. I thought I’d grill some steaks and maybe twice-baked potatoes with green beans. How does that sound?”

“I . . . er—don’t you have to work late tonight?” she asked Dylan, praying he would take the hint and play along.

But apparently, the man had no self-preservation skills becaus

e she looked at him incredulously as he said, “No, I told you I’d be off in time to have dinner. Since we were going to eat in the restaurant anyway, this actually works out well. Thanks for the invitation, Vivian. What time should we be there?” Has he lost his mind? My mother knows we just had sex in my office and he’s willing to go eat dinner with her now?

Her mother actually clapped her hands, which was rather alarming to Zoe, before saying, “Perfect. Can you make it around seven? I know how busy you and Zoe get sometimes.”

Was it her imagination or was there an extra emphasis on the word busy? She saw Dana biting her tongue and figured the other woman had noticed it too. Dylan continued to prove that he was completely oblivious when he said, “That should work well. I’m looking forward to it.” He then turned to her and brushed a kiss across her startled lips before saying, “I’ve got to get back to work, sweetheart. I’ll call you later.” He smiled at her mother and Dana as he walked by. “Ladies. Have a good day.” And with those parting words, the bastard was gone and she was left to deal with two of the nosiest people on earth.

Holding up her hand, she said, “I swear I don’t want to hear a word. Dylan and I were just having lunch. There’s no need to stand there looking like you caught me in the act.”

Dana cleared her throat before handing her a napkin. “You might want to wipe the potato salad off your neck, sweetie. You were really a messy eater today.”

Zoe felt her face flush with color as she wondered how she’d missed that when she was in the bathroom. She had her answer as to what happened to the other plate now. Obviously, she’d lain in it at some point.

Her mother stepped forward and pulled something from the bottom of her dress. “You might need this sticky note. I believe it’s about ordering supplies.”

Closing her eyes in resignation, Zoe officially threw in the towel. Between the food on her chest and the sticky note stuck to her crotch area, there was no easy way to play this one off. If she was going to have sex in her office again, then Dylan would have to start looking her over before she went back out into public. “I give up.” She tossed her hands in the air. “You caught me. Dylan and I rolled all over my desk. Happy now?”

Dana fell against the wall laughing while her mother gave her a satisfied smirk. “There, that wasn’t so hard, was it, dear? It seems like when I’m not in the shop for a day, I miss a heck of a lot. When did you and Dylan go from being buddies to being butties?”

As Dana cackled at her mother’s crude attempt at humor, Zoe shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Really? I’m your daughter. I’m not even supposed to be discussing stuff like this with you, much less having to deal with your off-color humor. I swear you better not say stuff like that around Dylan tonight.”

Dana tossed her arm around Zoe’s shoulders. “Sweetie, this is your first time with a walk of shame. Don’t fight it. Just go with it. Trust me, it gets easier after a while. Well . . . I’m not sure, though. since generally you hide that stuff from your parents.”

“I’m trying!” Zoe snapped. Turning back to her mother, she added, “Dylan and I have decided to date and see where it takes us. We like each other as more than friends, but that’s as far as we’ve gotten. So don’t go knitting baby booties and Photoshopping him into our family pictures. No matter how things turn out, we’re committed to remaining friends, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t scare the hell out of him and send him running.”

“Oh, pooh,” her mother said, and laughed. “That boy isn’t the least bit intimidated by me. He would have pulled his zipper up in front of me without batting an eye.”

“Oh, brother,” Zoe moaned. “I need to get back to work. I’m sure we can discuss this later—or God willing, not.”

As if conceding that she’d embarrassed her enough, her mother gave her a hug before saying, “I need to run along anyway. I’ll see you tonight. Oh, and you might want to fix that hair a bit; you look like you were caught in a stiff wind.” With that parting shot, she was gone and Dana was once again clutching her side at her mother’s word choice.

“I absolutely love that woman,” her friend giggled when she could catch her breath. “My parents are so uptight, but your mother is awesome. You’re so freaking lucky.”

Zoe felt some of her tension from being busted by her mommy fall away as she conceded that the other woman was right. She was damned lucky to have the mother who was always cool. When her friends had complained about their parents, she’d shrugged it off because she never had those issues. It wasn’t that she was allowed to run wild or get away with everything. It was more that her mother allowed her the room to be a kid without tons of rules. Somehow that freedom was what kept her from going through the usual teenage hell years. She never had anything to rebel against so acting out seemed rather pointless. “She is pretty amazing,” Zoe agreed. “She’s not above humiliating me when the opportunity arises—shit, forget I said that.” Could none of them speak without using some code word for sex or a dick?

As they walked back toward the counter, Dana grabbed her arm, bringing her to a halt. “Just so you know, you and Dylan need to bring the sex moans down about two levels the next time you get nasty. I couldn’t hear you in the main shop, but you better be glad that Gladys in the kitchen is deaf as a doornail. Otherwise, she’d have been going home with quite a story to tell tonight.”

“Good Lord,” Zoe groaned before dropping her head. While her first public sex outing had been hot, it had also been somewhat of a disaster in the secret department. She wouldn’t be surprised if the hotel concierge winked at her when she left this afternoon. From now on, when they did something like that, Dylan would simply have to gag her. But as crazy as things had been since they’d opened the office door, she couldn’t regret it. She was actually living now instead of standing on the sidelines while everyone around her did. If that meant she had to suffer a little embarrassment every now and again, then it was a small price to pay to have Dylan and all that he had to offer in her life.


With one hand on the wheel and the other on Zoe’s knee, Dylan drove them through Pensacola to her mother’s house. He’d managed to leave the office with just enough time to spare for a quick change of clothes before picking Zoe up. She’d obviously done the same because she was wearing a different dress than she’d had on earlier. It was probably a good thing because he didn’t think he’d ever be able to see the other one again without getting instantly hard. Don’t think about sex this close to her mother’s house. Vivian might chop your dick off.

“I tried to get us out of this earlier, you know,” she grumbled. “If you had just taken my hint, we’d be having a nice, quiet dinner in the restaurant with no one making snide comments about what we were doing in my office.”

Dylan chuckled as he squeezed her fingers. “I’m sorry, babe. I thought we’d look guiltier if we didn’t go. Plus, I like Vivian. She’s a lot of fun and I know you enjoy spending time with her when you can. I didn’t want you to miss out on that just because we got a little carried away over our lunch hour.”

“That’s actually very sweet,” she said, and smiled. “I’m used to her after all these years. I just thought it might be a bit awkward for you because you know she’s not likely to show you any mercy tonight, right? If you were harboring any hope that she’d gotten it all out of her system earlier, then I hate to burst your bubble, but she wouldn’t let an opportunity like this go to waste. Plus, she’ll probably have a glass of wine, which will loosen her up even more.”

Strangely enough, he wasn’t bothered by the thought. He had been around her mother enough at work to know her fairly well by now. And due to the fact that she’d worked at the Oceanix since he was a kid and he and her daughter were best friends as well meant that he’d always had a close relationship with her. In some ways, she was more like a mother to him than his own standoffish mother had ever been. Hell, he hadn’t even seen

his mother in two years now, but Vivian he saw almost daily. “It’s not going to bother me,” he assured her. “We’re both adults, and if she wants to tease us about having sex, then more power to her. She’s probably been holding it inside for years waiting for it to happen.”

Zoe laughed. “She’s not the only one. Sometimes I thought I was destined to be the oldest living virgin alive. It never bothered me that much until thirty became such a close reality. Somehow that just seemed—old.”

Now that she’d brought it up, he jumped to ask her about it since he’d been damned curious. “Why did you wait so long? I mean, I know you’ve been busy getting the shop up and going for the last few years, but what about before that? Never anyone that tempted you?”

She shifted in her seat before putting her hand over his on her knee. “I guess not,” she said lightly. “And as I got older, it seemed a shame to let my first time be with just anyone. So I ended up being twenty-nine and you know the rest of the story.”

Dylan thought there was a lot she wasn’t saying, but he understood that it was a very personal thing and he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Besides, if she hadn’t have waited, then he wouldn’t have been her only lover, and that was something that he liked more than he could have ever imagined. It made him feel crazy possessive of her knowing that he was the only man to ever have her in that way. The fact that he’d taken her bent over her desk at lunch in the coffee shop was a prime example of how nuts she made him. Even with Vivian and Dana laughing their asses off afterward, he would have still done it again in a heartbeat. Hell, he’d been at war with himself all afternoon to keep from begging her to come up to his office and try out the desk there. Lisa would no doubt love heckling him over that. “I can’t say that I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” Dylan admitted as he turned into Vivian’s driveway.

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