Unintended (The Sin Trilogy 5) - Page 17

He lies there panting for a moment until he catches his breath. “That was so fucking good.”

I’ve seen movies and read books and heard all kinds of things from my girls, but all of that went out the window when he got on top of me. “I wasn’t sure what I should do.”

“I love that you didn’t know what to do. Our first time should only be about me taking you. Making you mine. It was perfect.” He lifts my hand to his mouth and places a kiss on top. “And now you are mine. Forever.”

“I am.”

I think this is the time when true lovers would talk about how much they love each other, but that’s not going to happen between us. Our relationship, if it can even be called that, is the epitome of putting the cart before the horse. “I don’t know you at all.”

“What would you like to know?”

I guess we should go back to the beginning. “Tell me about growing up in The Syndicate.”

“My grandfather, Douglas Hendry, is leader of The Syndicate. My father’s older brother, William, will become leader when my grandfather passes, which will probably be soon because he isn’t well.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Grandfather has had a long run. He’s tired and ready to go. My uncle will be a good leader. He’s been trained for it since he was a boy.”

“Does your uncle have sons?”

“Two. My father was never going to have a chance at being leader. As the second son, he accepted that a long time ago, and he was content to sit on the council.”

“But he was still trained as though he might one day lead?” It’s the way. Just as Jamie has been trained, to some degree, to lead.

“Aye, as was I.” He shakes his head as though he’s still in disbelief. “I never thought I’d be at the top of the hierarchy, and now here I am, the next leader of The Order. And you are going to be the wife of a leader, just not the one you thought.”

“I never thought I was going to marry Sin.” The whole notion was just ridiculous.

“Then what did you see in your future?”

“I was planning to leave The Fellowship. Marry someone normal.”

“Well, half of that actually happened. You’ve left The Fellowship.”

“True.” I giggle and feel a gush of something wet and sticky between my legs. I don’t want Kieran to think that I’m gross. “I feel dirty down there. I should clean up.”

“Just semen and virginal blood. It’s to be expected.” Kieran catches my wrist when I try to sit up. “Not yet, just in case you’re ovulating.”

He isn’t kidding around about trying to conceive. “You heard what Isobel said. Thane is agreeing to the treaty. I don’t have to get pregnant right away.”

“I heard what she said, and I also know that I’m not taking chances. A bairn is the only way to ensure that our bond can’t be undone.”

I want more of this. Lying in bed talking, learning what kind of man Kieran Hendry really is. “I’d like to get to know my husband before a baby comes into the picture.”

“No worries. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know me before our baby comes.”

Kieran rises and moves to kneel between my legs. He pushes them apart and cups his hands over my mound. He glides his fingers up and down my sticky, wet center. His fingertip grazes my clit with every upward stroke, enough to stimulate but not nearly enough to satisfy. It’s torture, the sweetest kind. “I have a plan for how I’ll keep you occupied while you lie here and wait. You’re going to like this.”

He wasn’t wrong the last time he said that. He places his fingers over the top of my slit and rubs it in a circular motion. My entire groin throbs. Every nerve ending between my legs is alive.

I tilt my hips and rock against his hand while he works my clit. I lift my arms over my head and grasp the pillow under my head. “Kieran… please don’t stop doing that.”

“I fucking love hearing you say my name while you’re writhing in pleasure.”

I tense all over when the rhythmic contractions in my groin begin. Once. Twice. I lose count of how many times my body contracts and clenches. “Oh my God. I’m coming again.”

I relax when it ends, and my entire body goes slack. That includes allowing my thighs to fall completely apart. I feel another wet ooze, but I don’t have it in me to care if Kieran sees the bloody mess between my legs. And I don’t think he minds anyway. He was more than happy to cause it.

“That was beautiful to watch.”

“That was beautiful to experience.”

Kieran lies down beside me and flattens his palm against my stomach. “I’m relieved that you’re not prudish.” He slowly moves it upward and palms the underside of my breast. The act feels more exploratory than sexual. “I think we’re going to have a very healthy sex life.”

“I hope so.” I’ve seen how important sex is in a healthy relationship through Bleu, Ellison, and Evanna. I’ve also seen the flip side where bad decisions regarding sex can drive apart two people who love one another. Leith and Lorna belong together. Everyone seems to know that except them.

I place my hand on top of his. “Our relationship is off to a good start. It would be off to a better one if you’d let me see Ellison.”


“It’s a hard no without any kind of discussion about it?”


“Kieran… I’ve given you my virginity. I’ve agreed to be your wife. I let you come inside me, and now I’m lying here to increase the odds of conceiving. I’m in this with you. What more could I do at this point to convince you?”

“You are in this with me, and I don’t need your friend trying to persuade you otherwise.”

“I’ve bent for you. A lot. Surely, you can bend for me, just a little.” I’m not asking for that much. “I know Ellison must be losing her mind with worry. She has no idea if Jamie is dead or alive. And she’s probably fearing the worst for me. I’d like to put an end to her anxiety.” I see the indec

ision behind his eyes. “You could go with me. Stand at the door and listen while I speak to her.”

He sighs. “I don’t know.”

“You said that you wanted to please your wife. Seeing Ellison would please me.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“You’re still treating me like your captive. Not like the woman you’re going to marry soon.”

He groans beneath his breath, reminding me of some kind of beast. “I’ll give you two minutes with her.”

I roll and climb on top of Kieran, straddling him, and press a kiss to his mouth. “Thank you.”

He smacks my bum. “You’re supposed to be on your back letting my swimmers do their thing.”

I grin. “Then I guess we’ll have to do it all over again.”

I open the door and Ellison is lying on the bed in the dark. She lifts her head and squints when the light from the hallway hits her face. “Wes!” She leaps from the bed, and we meet in the middle of the room. “Please tell me that you’re all right.”

“Two minutes, Westlyn.”

Ellison grabs my hands and pulls me to sit on the bed beside her. I can see that she’s straining to see my face since the only light in the room is coming from the doorway. “I’m so sorry. I know the last two days have been hell for you. Has he beaten you horribly?”

I can’t tell Ellison about the marriage treaty. At least not yet. I don’t have time to explain everything that has happened, and I can’t have her in here freaking out about it. And that’s exactly what she’d do.

I squeeze her hands. “I’m okay.”

“How can you be okay?” I hear the disbelief in her voice, and I understand it completely after the threats Kieran made the night he kidnapped us.

“Don’t fret about me. I’m all right. Really.” I know Ellison must think I’m putting on a strong front, but surely she can see that I’ve not been abused.

Tags: Georgia Cates The Sin Trilogy Erotic
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