Unintended (The Sin Trilogy 5) - Page 22

Thane pulls away and looks at my face. “You’re fine?”

“I was treated very well by the Hendry family. Like one of their own.” Because I am one of their own.

“That’s not the impression I got from the oldest son.”

Oh, Kieran. What did you say to my family during that meeting?

“I don’t know what Kieran said to give you that impression, but he was good to me. No need for a debriefing. Nothing to tell.”

I can see that I’ve shocked Thane. “Well, that changes things.”

“I’m exhausted. Am I free to go home?”

“Of course.” He hugs me once more. “We’re very glad to have you home safely.”

Isobel is silent until we get into her car. “Eventful weekend, aye?”

“That’s a total understatement.”

“Are ye a claimed woman?”

“I am a very claimed woman.”

Her smile is broad. “Are ye a happily claimed woman?”

“I’m very happy.”

“Oh, darlin’, I’m thrilled tae hear that. It was everything ye hoped for?”

“Everything and more.” I bite my bottom lip, trying to hide my grin. “So much more.”

“That’s wonderful. You really like Lennox’s son?”

“I do, and I don’t understand how. He kidnapped me. Threatened me. Manhandled me. I wanted nothing more than to see him dead. And then I wanted nothing more than to see him naked.”

“He’s a very handsome man.”

“So sexy.” That body… and the things he does with it.

“Just like his father.”

Isobel said that she’d known Lennox for a long time. I think something may have gone on between them. “Yes, Kieran definitely looks a lot like his father.”

“The claiming went well?”

Well doesn’t even begin to describe it. “Maybe too well. I didn’t want Kieran to bring me back early.”

“Why did he bring ye back early?”

“There’s trouble within The Order, and they mean to end it tonight. He felt I would be safer here while they tend to business.”

“His decision to bring ye home tae protect ye is a wise one. It shows that he’s more concerned with yer safety than with his image.”

I hadn’t thought of that.

“Are ye going to tell Thane that ye have been claimed?”

“No. I don’t want it to cause unnecessary problems.” Jamie would flip the fuck out if he knew that Kieran had officially claimed me before the marriage treaty was finalized. “I’m planning to keep things uncomplicated. I’ll simply volunteer to be the treaty bride.”

“Ye dinnae think yer motive will be questioned?”

“Maybe, but I’ll just say that Ellison isn’t Fellowship, and this isn’t her responsibility. If anyone says anything about Evanna, I’ll explain that I want to protect my sister. I’m confident that I won’t be drilled about it.”

“Sounds like ye have a solid plan.”

“I want to thank you for going to Lennox and Kieran after their meeting with the council. Everything you said to Kieran changed the path that he and I have taken together.”

“I’m glad it has worked oot for the best. I love ye and I want tae see ye happy.”

“I don’t know Kieran yet, but I think we can be happy together. We’ve both agreed to try. We want this marriage to be real.”

“That’s a better start than some of us get.”

Isobel drops me off at my flat, and the first thing I do is shower and prepare for bedtime. I lie in bed watching television, typically one of my favorite shows, but my head isn’t in it. I turn off the television and lie there tossing and turning for what feels like forever.

No way I’m going to be able to sleep.

Kieran dropped me off six hours ago. I’m certain that whatever happened with The Order members has gone down. And I don’t know if he’s dead or alive.

I’m losing my mind with worry for him.

I’m losing my mind with lust for him.

I know it’s irrational, and I don’t understand how it’s possible, but I miss Kieran. I want to be with him. I want him beside me. But those aren’t the only irrational feelings I’m having.

Kieran stole me… and I liked it.

He told me I was beautiful… and I liked it.

He took my virginity… and I liked it. A lot.

He calls me wife… and I love it.

Captor becomes intended becomes lover becomes husband. Something is very wrong with that picture. And something is very wrong with me for being okay with it.

Maybe I’m just fucked up in the head from being raised by a monster for a father. A stupid woman who’s desperate for love and affection from a man, and he’s the first to show me any.

Maybe I’m dick-obssessed. Because I damn sure can’t stop thinking about Kieran’s and when I’m going to get it inside me again.

Maybe I have Stockholm syndrome. Captive falls in love with her captor. He steals the woman, but in the process, he also steals her heart. That’s a thing. Perhaps a mental disorder, but still a thing.

Doesn’t matter what kind of fucked-up label you put on me, I want him.

I pick up my phone and scroll through my favorites list. Kieran placed his contact at the top. And I love that he labeled himself as My Intended. It’s sweet.

I don’t want to interrupt him while he’s busy taking care of problems, but I want to know that he’s okay. I need to know. Being in the dark about his safety is killing me.

Westlyn: I’m worried. Please let me know you’re OK when you can.

His reply is immediate.

Kieran: All is well. Overseeing cleanup. Almost done.

Cleanup. That means he killed people tonight. He’s going to be troubled by what he’s done. In pain. His soul, tortured.

I think he needs me. I want him to need me. And I know that I need him.

Westlyn: Come to me. Let me help you shut everything off for a while.

One minute goes by. And another. Three more and no reply.

Have I pushed too hard? Too fast? Maybe I shouldn’t have reached out and suggested that he’d have a need to shut everything off. Maybe he’ll see that as my calling him weak.

Kieran: Be there in 30.

I sigh with relief.

Westlyn: I’ll be waiting.

Westlyn Breckenridge. She could have used this time away from me to try and figure out a way to avoid our reunion. She could have run away and escaped her fate as my wife. But she didn’t. Instead, she has reached out to me at a time when I need her most. I think she may understand me better than I understand myself.

I don’t want to retreat into myself to that lonesome place. I want to retreat into her. Make her my refuge from my wicked evildoings.

Fuck, I need her.

This woman. She’s the light to my dark. The angel to my devil. The quiet to my storm. The key to my prison.

Tags: Georgia Cates The Sin Trilogy Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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