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Enthralled (The Enslaved Duet 1)

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“This is about the other side of BDSM,” he continued in the bland tones of a professor reciting a lecture to a group of inane students. “Our relationship is about control and submission. This means if I want to fuck you until it hurts, I will, and you will let me. It also means, if I want to eat the honey between your thighs for hours until you are an incoherent mass of quivering flesh barely able to think past the pleasure, I will. I do not need to hurt you or threaten you to own you. There is dominance in pleasure too.”

“Does it matter that I don’t want your touch right now? Do you care that I feel torn apart by what Noel told me? You… you want me to put my life in danger for you, and I barely know you, let alone like you!”

“Hush, my beauty,” he coaxed, pressing a finger to my mouth. “I will make this deal with you. If you play with me now, I will answer your questions after.”

“Why does it have to be like this? Why can’t we just talk?” I asked, squirming against the cuffs.

“Because many times in our relationship, you will not want to do something, and I will. You must learn that the only person’s desires that need be met are mine. Lesson three, bella. Now, do we have a deal?”

I wanted to fight him for the right to talk. To take my fists to him the way he was teaching me to do in our sparring sessions and make him bleed for being so pugnacious, but I was immobile and at his mercy, so I nodded tersely.

“Yes?” he prompted.

“Yes, Master,” I hissed.

There was a laugh in his dark voice as he said, “Good little mouse.”

I stayed quiet as he brought something soft as kitten fur against my chest and ran it down between my breasts and over my tummy to the apex of my thighs.

“As I was saying, this scene isn’t about pain. It’s about discovering all the delicious ways you can be made to come. I’m going to flog you, and then I’m going to do just that, settle between your thighs and feast until you orgasm on my tongue.”

“That sounds painful,” I whispered hoarsely around the instinctive fear in my throat. “Haven’t you taken enough from me?”

“It will make your skin sing for me,” he promised silkily as he ran the tendrils over my limbs in feather-light passes. “If you can stay quiet for me, I may let you have another phone call next week.”

“Manipulation and orgasms won’t endear me to you,” I snapped at him even as my nipples pebbled with unfurling lust.

“That would be a first,” he commented drily and then smack.

The flogger landed like hundreds of bee stings against my breasts.

I gasped like a woman possessed, and I felt it as he continued to bring the flogger down onto my flesh, as if a mindless spirit made for sin had overtaken my mind.

I loved it.

The soft swish of air as the leather came down on my skin and the gentle snap like the sound of sparklers as it set fire to my skin.

Before long, I was writhing, my mouth panting.

Every inch of my skin felt alive with sensation, and my mind felt bright in my head. If I hadn’t been tied down, I would have floated off the bed.

“Look at all that gorgeous skin turning rose gold for me,” Alexander murmured an interminable amount of time after he started.

There was a thump as he dropped the flogger to the ground and then one of his hands was pressing hard into my breast bone as the other hooked firmly inside my sex and unerringly found that knot of nerves on my front wall.

He curled his fingers hard into my flesh, and it felt like a key entering a lock.

I burst open, my cum crashing against his fingers, my spirit colliding with magnetic force to the potency of his hold over me, the pillar of strength he represented at that moment when everything else about me, around me, was lost.

His name was on my tongue and caught between my teeth, looped like a broken record in my voice box. I loved the taste of it, curling my lips over the vowels and biting hard into the consonances. It was as erotic and dangerous as Eve’s forbidden fruit.

Even as I reeled with sensation, the rational part of my brain recognized that now I’d had a taste for such dark delights, there might not be any going back.

“Such a good slave,” Alexander praised as he played his fingers in the wet pool between my thighs, the sucking, slippery sounds completely obscene in the midnight silence. “I’ll give you a pass on speaking because you say my name so beautifully.”

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