Enthralled (The Enslaved Duet 1) - Page 59

I panted softly as he ducked below my line of sight and returned with something that glinted dully in the low light.

“This will hurt,” he said and then his fingers were pinching my clit.

A growl of pain wedged itself into my throat as he clamped my swollen sex, already so sensitive from one orgasm. The flash of bright pain grew roots that curved around my inner thighs, arrowing into my sex and my buttocks where they throbbed and spasmed with constant life.

I wriggled and moaned against the cuffs, but they didn’t yield.

“This is your fourth lesson, topolina,” Alexander said over the rush of blood in my ears. “How to take your pleasure from the pain.”

He stood, looming for me as he looped a shimmering strand of metal between his hands. “These are nipple clamps. Are you ready for them?”

“You sadistic bastard,” I ground out.

A flash of light in the dark that was his wolfish grin. “I am a sadist. Just as you are a masochist.”

“A fanabla.” I cursed him to hell, and the devil laughed like it was a blessing.

“If you come in less than five minutes with these vicious clamps on those sinful breasts, I will make a liar of you yet,” he promised darkly.

I watched his shadowed head as he leaned over, biting at one nipple while his fingers plucked at the other as if it was a flower. When the tips of my breasts were red as poppies, he clamped those metal teeth over each point and kissed away my groans of pain.

He stepped away from the bed to survey his work, the soft pad of his bare feet against the floor my only indication that he had stepped away from the bed.

The lights flipped on and dimmed immediately.

I blinked away the spots in my vision, panting around the everblooming pleasure in my body and watched as he carried an ornate gold full length mirror to the bottom left side of the bed.

“There,” he purred, angling it just so. “Now you can see my masterpiece, and I can watch your beautiful cunt as I make you come again and again for me.”

He was right.

I could see the entire length of my body in the reflection. I looked obscene, my outrageous curves swollen red from the flogger, my skin limbs pulled taut by the thick, leather cuffs securing me to the scarlet bed. My hair was a pool of ink beneath my glowing face, my lips parted and plump from his kisses.

I looked wanton, elemental, and deliciously wrong. Lilith, the first woman created by God, but too willful, too full of passions that sent her plummeting straight to hell.

The sight of myself like that, bound and at Alexander’s mercy, shouldn’t have run me through with longing, but it did.

I was tied down, but I was not helpless. I was following orders, but I was not meek.

There was power in the eyes of the woman staring back at me from the mirror.

I only had to shift my eyes to Alexander to know where the power stemmed from.

He seemed carved from marble, Michelangelo’s David built to four times the scale. Every one of his muscles was clenched with longing and clamped off from movement by his ironclad willpower, but his eyes were savage. His pupil had blown them wide open so that the ferocity of his desire spilled forth, writing dirty words filled with his intentions across my red dyed skin.

“Please, Master,” I said without deciding to. “Please, fuck me.”

His entire big body shuddered, and then he was climbing onto the bed, adjusting the cuffs on my ankles so that there was more slack between my feet and the posts. I shivered at the feeling of his rough hands sliding under my ass to tip it up into the air and then he ducked his head and clasped his lips around my swollen pussy.

I could see him feast on me from where I lay and also from looking over at the mirror. His proud shoulder bunched with strength as he held me aloft, his strong feet curled into the bed so that he could loom over me and drill down into me with his tongue.

He fucked me like that with his lips, his teeth against my clit in a way that hurt so beautifully is made my skin feel as if it was going to tear apart atom by atom. I humped against his mouth wantonly, senseless noises of pleasure streaming out of my mouth. He used two fingers to stretch me wide, working brutally in and out of my cunt until he could add a third and then, even though I screamed, a fourth.

I wanted to be filled to the brim by him, used until I had nothing left to give him. As if heeding my thoughts, he braced my thighs on his shoulders and used his other hand on my asshole, brushing his fingers around the sex dampened bud before twisting his thumb inside with a pain bright pop.

Tags: Giana Darling The Enslaved Duet Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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