Enthralled (The Enslaved Duet 1) - Page 83

His rough hands moved over each cheek of my bare ass, pulling them apart and kneading them like dough.

“Such a sweet arse,” he praised. “Tip it higher for me.”

I canted my buttocks at a steeper angle for him and was rewarded with his finger tracing down my crack into the wet seeping from my pussy.

“You love being displayed for me like this,” he confirmed, dipping one finger and then another just inside me so I could feel the teasing stretch.

My hips thrust back, seeking friction. He laughed cruelly and stepped to the side so that I could watch him slowly unbuckle his belt.

He watched my eyes flare and stopped. “I was going to take a crop to you, but it looks like my beauty is craving something a little harsher.”

I squirmed against the wall, my lips parting as cool air kissed my swollen folds.

“Answer me.” His voice whipped across the space and landed on my skin like an electric shock.

“Yes, Master. I want something harsher.”

“I love to hear that lush mouth form the word Master,” he admitted with a sexy groan. “Now,

“I’m going to give you fifteen lashes with my belt until your skin blooms redder than a rose, and then I’m going to fuck you against the wall like the beast you claim me to be,” he told me in his silky, soft voice, his word binding me to his will. “Would you like that, topolina?”

He was hot in the way of nuclear blasts and raging wildfires that tore up the earth and razed it down to nothing. He was hot in a way that was elemental and truly, painfully dangerous to human health.

I decided then and there, as he looped his leather belt between his hands and snapped it taut in preparation, that I wouldn’t mind a little heat.

“Yes, Master,” I said as he stepped behind me with his hand raised.

The crack of the leather met my skin like a hot kiss in the next instant. My hips bucked forward trying to escape the pain as it tunneled from my skin into the muscles and through to my aching pussy.

“You move again, and I will still fuck you, but I won’t let you come,” he warned.

I gritted my teeth and presented my ass.

The next blow landed, and I hissed through my teeth at the strength of the swing. The belt was different from anything else I’d taken before. It carved a wide path of heat that flamed hotter the longer it settled into my skin.

As he continued spank me, my mind grew heavy and dark, melting into a place where there was no noise or chaos, no troubles or terrors, just pure velvety blackness and bright colour wheels of bliss each time a blow landed.

Unconsciously, my hips punched back toward each blow, inviting the pain because my body was well acquainted with how to twist it into mind-numbing pleasure.

I whimpered when I heard the belt drop, not because I was in pain but because I was greedy for more stimuli.

I felt like a faulty outlet, leaking electricity everywhere, desperate to be filled so that the currents would stop ravaging me.

Alexander knew just what I needed, but he didn’t give it to me.

Instead, he teased his plump cock head at the slick entrance to my cunt.

“I can feel you drenching my dick,” he said as he teased me, nudging against me and then sliding away. “Close your legs.” I did, and he groaned as I trapped him between my sticky thighs. “I could fuck you just like this and come all over your belly. Would you like that?”

“No,” I panted as he began to fuck through my wet thighs, the hot tip of his erection bumping with each thrust against my throbbing clit. “No, fuck me.”

His hot breath wafted over my sweat dampened neck as he pressed into me and me into the wall. I gasped when the breadth of the hearth scraped over my sensitive nipples.

“Tell me exactly what you want, and I might just give it to you.”

I moaned as he wrapped one hand over my hips and began to flick my clit piercing into my aching flesh. My legs began to shake, an orgasm on the horizon that I knew would raze me like a tsunami to the very ground.

“Please, Master, give me your hard cock and fuck me until I can’t take it anymore,” I begged.

“Good, topolina,” Alexander said on a groan, and then he tipped his hips and sank his entire thick length deep inside me.

Alexander wrapped a hand around my throat to keep me steady and bucked up into me like the wild animal I knew lived at the heart of his civilized veneer.

Instantly, I came.

My entirely body shook with the force of the orgasm, rattled my teeth and my bones, jarring my thoughts inside my head until only two words remained.

Tags: Giana Darling The Enslaved Duet Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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