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Enamoured (The Enslaved Duet 2)

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“By using Yana and di Carlo?”

“Yes, though I know two others who might help. I’ll visit them to find out where di Carlo’s poker game might be held tomorrow night. I don’t need you involved in this,” I started to say and then silenced Cosima’s protest before she could voice it by sliding the steel of my Dominance into my tone. “I don’t want you involved in this because it could be dangerous, but I also know you’re strong enough to deal with this, capable enough to help me with this. So, my beauty, for perhaps the first time, it’s up to you.”

I watched something precious and warm slide over her face as she absorbed my words, as she relished her choice. We both knew what she would chose because she was the same atavistic Italian girl she had been when she’d arrived at Pearl Hall and spat in my face, but there was delight in the pause before the answer, for both of us.

“To kill our demons, first we must master them,” she said in answer.

“Don’t tell me you write fortune cookies now,” I teased.

She blinked at me and then pressed her breasts tighter to my chest as she arched her neck back to laugh loudly at the ceiling. I held her as she laughed, felt her joy vibrate through my very bones, and knew that at the end of all the horrors of our lives, we were each other’s reward.


“Mason, please, trust me. You can stop worrying. I’m fine,” I said with impatient exasperation as I tossed my mascara back into my make-up bag, fluffed my hair, and then exited the bathroom with my phone in my hand to get dressed for the day.

The morning had begun as it hadn’t in years, with Alexander’s body tangled up in mine, his heavy weight a soothing pressure on my torso, his breath ruffling the hair over my temple. I watched him unabashedly until the lust building between my legs forced me to trace his sleep soft mouth with my tongue. Working gently, slowly, I made my way down his long, broad torso, kissing the edges of his v-shaped form, running my tongue over the square cut moguls of his abdominals, drawing my nose over the crisp trail of hair leading from his naval to his groin where I inhaled the intoxicating sweet and salt musk of him.

Only when my tongue smoothed a slick path up his hardening cock did Alexander wake up with a deep, guttural moan. The next second, his hands were fisted in my hair, his hips jerking up to impale my mouth with the hot slide of his dick.

I moaned around him, loving the taste of his heated flesh, the brine at his tip that I worked for with swirls of my tongue and hard, sucking pulls from my lips. He kept mostly still, so still, at first, that I worried I wasn’t pleasing him. But when I tipped my eyes up through my lashes to look at him, his eyes were blown fully black with dark pleasure.

“Am I pleasing you, Master?” I asked, needing the validation, vibrating with tension.

He blinked lazily and pulled his hands from my hair to cross them behind his head. My mouth watered over his cock head as I studied the way his muscles bulged beneath all that golden skin, the tufts of flaxen hair beneath those massive arms, and the way his abs contracted as I tugged at his dick. A trickle of wet leaked down my thigh, and I squirmed, Xan’s eyes tracking the way my ass waved in the air.

“You’re doing fine, topolina,” he praised mildly, like an unimpressed boss. “But if you don’t make me come in the next two minutes, I’ll have to punish you.”

My nipples furled so tightly I could feel each beat of my pulse heavy in my swollen breasts.

I went to work.

Tongue whirling, hand pumping and twisting, throat working to take his long, thick pole deep inside where I could seal my lips around his root and suck so hard my mouth ached.

“Thirty seconds.” Alexander’s voice cracked across my sensitive skin with the pain of a whip. There was no break in his words, no hoarseness to give away how well I was servicing him.

His impassivity worked on me like an accelerant, lighting my already burning flesh on fire with lust so severe I shook with it. My hips pumped at the air, seeking any kind of friction as I slammed my mouth back over his throbbing flesh.

“Be still,” he ordered. “If you’re a good girl, I won’t have to clamp your pussy and paddle you until you cry for me.”

I whimpered as I traced a thick vein up his shaft and then sealed my lips over the head to suck hard.

A flood of precum pooled in my mouth. I lapped it up like a cat with cream, so greedy for more I was salaciously moaning and making lurid wet, sucking noises in my quest for more.

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