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“People only obey as a sign of respect.” The moment the words fly out of my mouth, I want to swallow them back. My hair is tugged backward so hard by the bald man behind me, I cry out as the biting pain shoots through my scalp.

“It’s okay, George,” Mr. Marlin says, and the bald man releases me. “I like her fire. I think she’ll do great when the buyers see her. They like those who fight a little, you know.”

“The what?” I squeak as my knees wobble. He didn’t just say what I think he did?

“Tonight, I’ll take you to meet some friends of mine,” he tells me. “They’ll definitely like you. And once you’re on a ship to some unknown location, I’ll be richer, in both money and the death of the son of a man who tried to bring me down. You see, girls are frivolous. They come and go as they please. Family,” he tells me, turning to regard me once more. “That’s your blood.”

“What are you—”

“His father may have tried to stop it, but what he doesn’t know is that James’s mother was working for me all these years. When Montagu walked into my compound, I knew who he was. And when I killed him, he was nothing more than a plan that worked out perfectly.”

Poison drips from his words. The thought of JD finding out his mother made sure his father was killed will mess with his head. He’ll never forgive her.

“And when you’re gone, I won’t have anything more to worry about.” The old man shrugs as if it’s nothing to him that he just mentioned selling me. He wants to trade-in a human life. This isn’t just a man looking out for a woman he’s been working with. It’s a man who’s in love with said woman. Pure and simple. And there’s no getting around it.

I don’t know how JD will ever find me.

I’ll be taken away, and I’ll never see anyone I love again.

Chapter Fourteen


By the time I reach the Virginia offices, I’m tired. My mother wasn’t impressed when I told her I was flying down here, but she didn’t have a choice. I told her I had a meeting that was important, and it had to do with Dad’s murder. Something was off about her, but I didn’t have time to try to figure out what it was. My focus was stolen by the thought of Autumn being hurt.

My cell phone buzzes in my pocket, and I expect it to be my mother, but the name and number are blocked, which means it’s most definitely not her.


“James,” a familiar deep voice comes from the other end of the line. “This is William Sunderland, your father and I worked together for many years.”

“Yes, Mr. Sunderland, I remember Dad talking about you. What can I do for you?” I ask wearily.

“We’ve received a message, a threat rather, from the man who killed your father. And we think it may be meant for you.”

“What? Why would you think that?” I straighten my spine, rigid at the thought of the murderer wanting me. If he wants a fight, I’ll bring him one. And he won’t be walking away from it.

“It’s a video from a man called Christopher Marlin. Your father was working undercover in a trafficking ring,” Sunderland tells me. “He’s requesting you to be the one to find him, or the girls in captivity will all be killed.”

“Girls?” It seems like time is standing still. For a moment, I can’t wrap my head around the vile piece of shit who could take girls and sell them.

But then William says, “He has Autumn Starling.” My heart slams wildly in my chest. “He’s demanding a ransom for her. You need to deliver it. But he’s made this a game of cat and mouse. Find him within seventy-two hours, or he’ll be sending her to one of his associates, and James,” William says, his voice low, filled with a warning I didn’t need, “This asshole breaks girls. Mentally. He toys with them until there’s nothing left. If you don’t find her…”

“I will. I’m on my way to meet with a team that I trust. But we need your assistance.”

“Let me know when you’re ready, I have a second team on standby, I have my best guys working on decoding the whereabouts of Marlin. If I find something, I’ll let you know. Listen to me, James. He’s dangerous.”

“I will find him. Whatever it takes.”

“I’ll call you soon.” He hangs up without a goodbye, and now I’m even more anxious to talk to Jackson. They have to help me. Or I’ll go it alone. This asshole wants me, and he’ll get me.

The taxi drives me from the airfield, and we make our way to the offices of Cole Security. I pull out my phone and tap out a message to Autumn’s mom before I call Jackson to let him know I’m on the way.

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