Fractured - Page 51

Inside is a computer bag made of pure leather and a small golden badge with my name engraved on it.

“We figured every teacher should have a good briefcase, or computer bag, and we wish you all the luck with your career.” Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them back. I move toward each man, hugging them closely, as I thank them again. The thoughtfulness of the gift means so much to me, but I can’t find the words to express myself. Not right now with emotion clogged thickly in my throat.

When people show affection, it makes my heart fill with love. And I’ve felt more friendliness since I’ve been here, which has helped strengthen me through all the dark times I’ve had to relive while going to therapy.

Once the guys are gone, I head into the bedroom to get dressed. The graduation ceremony at school is taking place in an hour, and we need to leave.

I get ready with a smile on my face and a heart that is full.

* * *


The party is in full swing. And I’ve still got the small gift I bought Autumn burning a hole in my pocket. She hasn’t had a moment to herself with all the students keeping her in conversations, but it’s time to have a moment with my girl.

Watching her get her degree fills me with pride. After all she’s been through, she shone like a star as she accepted the piece of paper that will soon allow her to venture on a path to follow her dreams.

I head into the crowd, my hand sliding along her waist, and I pull her to me. Two of the girls offer a smile when I ask, “Do you mind if I borrow my girlfriend?”

They giggle. “Not at all. We’re going to grab another drink.” Once they’ve walked off toward the kitchen, I tug Autumn all the way down the hall to our bedroom. Inside the room, I lock us in to make sure nobody will disturb us.

“Is this really the time for a quickie?” she questions. The sassiness that she gifts me makes my dick jolt, but she’s right; we can’t be doing that right now. As much as I’d like to.

I ignore her feistiness and ask, “Would you like your surprise now? If not, I’ll happily keep it for myself.” My teasing has her eyes widening in shock. Her mouth drops into an O, which looks cute when she glares at me with her fire that I’ve come to love.

“You can’t keep it for yourself,” Autumn huffs playfully, causing me to chuckle. She’s right, though. Her gift is far too feminine.

“Sit,” I tell her, pointing at the bed. She flops onto the mattress, and I move closer toward her. Pulling the box from my pocket, I hand it to her before I settle in beside her. I almost dropped to one knee, but it’s too early for that.

“What is this?” Her fingers touch the black velvet so tentatively, as if it will break. She flicks the lid, and inside is a necklace that I knew would be hers the moment I laid my eyes on it. “Oh my god, JD.”

The yellow gold is thin, but if you hold it up to the light at the right angle, I’ve had an inscription engraved on it. It would fit her much like a choker, so one would see it no matter what she’s wearing, and right now, I wouldn’t be averse to having her wear only the gift and nothing else.

“This is beautiful,” she whispers, picking up the necklace before setting the box on the bed. I wait for her to see it. Twisting it between her fingers, I know the moment she spots the writing.

“Do you like it?” I’ve been nervous giving her gifts before, but each time in the past, it’s been easier because we were friends. This means so much more. It shows her just how much I love her.

“I love it. I love you. This is everything I could ever want and more.” Her voice is a soft whisper that tangles in my heart. Her words remind me that I have her, she’s safe, and she’s mine.

“You’re everything I could ever want and more, songbird.” It’s the truth. The inscription reads "Forever yours, my Songbird". And I know, no matter what life throws at us, we’ll be together through the storm.


Tags: Dani Rene Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024