Tempted - Page 62

I tilt my head up until our eyes meet again, and I see no judgment at all.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I just . . . I couldn’t hack it. It was too expensive, and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. It was a big waste of time and money.”

“Do you want to go back to school?”

I ponder his question. “Yes. When it’s the right time.”

“Well, things are good now, right?” I nod. “So why not consider going? I’ll adjust your schedule if I have to.”

“It’s not that, Drew. I had to take this job just to avoid being homeless. What I’m making now is only keeping me afloat. I can’t afford school yet.” His lip turns up into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

“I guess you need that raise effective immediately.”

I shake my head. “You’re not giving me the raise early. Not until I start. I haven’t done anything to warrant it.”

“You’re going to more than earn it.”

“Even with the raise, I have so much to get caught up on. I’m not sure it’s a great idea.”

“There are other options, Bailey. You could apply for loans. You could even take out enough to pay your bills if needed. I wouldn’t suggest that, though. You’ll be paying loans back forever that way.”

“Really? You think I could get loans for school?” I ask excitedly.

“Yeah, really. I can help you if you need it.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Of course. I just don’t understand why your family hasn’t helped you with this.”

My face reddens in embarrassment. “My mom could afford to pay for school. She just won’t.”

“We all make mistakes, Bailey. At least you are a big enough person to recognize yours. Your mom, however, she sounds like a bitch.”

“She is,” I whisper. “The worst.”

He doesn’t say anything more, and I’m thankful. I don’t want to talk about my mom.

As scary as it is to start the process of going back to school, I know it’s time to move forward and start planning my future. If Drew can help me find ways to do it without putting myself in a bad situation financially, then I’m ready to do it.

“Okay.” I take a gulp of my drink and turn my head toward the large projector screen.

The movie begins to play, and Drew moves closer to me, laying his hand gently on my thigh and tracing circles on me. I smile up at him, and he leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. My eyes flutter closed, and I bask in his warmth. Our bodies are so close that I can feel his heat radiating off him and through me.

Opening my eyes, I peer up into his. “This was a great idea, Drew. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he says as he drops another kiss to my lips.



The past month with Bailey has been amazing. Scratch that. It’s been sublime. Every time I'm with her, she tears down one more wall I've built. She chases away the demons, allowing me to be happy for the first time in years.

She has helped me more than she’ll ever know.

Without her, the restaurant would have died with Cal and Reese’s betrayal. But not with Bailey on my side. She jumped in, rolled up her sleeves, and got to work. Her tenacity floors me. I’ve never met a woman like her. Ever.

She’s picked up all the broken pieces of the past and helped me put it back together for a much brighter future.

Now it’s my turn to help her the way she’s helped me.

Taking her to the park last week and helping her realize she had to do something more with her life was a start. It meant everything to me that she opened up the way she did.

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that a small part of me is still holding back because of the fact that she’s a recovering addict. I swore I would never go there again.

But it’s different with her.

Bailey’s strong, and I’ll be right here to help her.

This is our second chance.

My redemption.

Now I just need her to open up to me more. I need her to help me understand the best ways I can help.

As much time as we have spent together this past month, it’s almost always when we are working. On the rare occurrence we don’t have to be at the club, we get lost in each other. I want to spend some uninterrupted time with her.

No work.

No interference.

Just us.

A plan springs forth in my mind. I pull out my phone and start to work on it.

We are pulling into the luxury hotel I booked a few hours later. A very excited Bailey has her leg bouncing up and down as we turn into the circle drive.

“I’ve never been to Boston before.” Her soft voice echoes through the car as I put it in park. I turn to face her.

Tags: Ava Harrison Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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