One Hot Daddy - Page 34

A flush creeps across her cheeks. I love how small things embarrass her.

“Just a book I got a few days ago. It’s about sailing. I wanted to learn as much as I could.”

I’m touched. Lexi is adorable. The more time I spend with her, the more I discover new things about her. And every new thing I discover makes me want to know more. Like what makes her happy? Her dreams and hopes for the future.

“So, what have you learned so far?” I ask her and turn the ignition key.

“Loads. Though for now, they’re just words. I’m hoping that a practical lesson will bring it all together,” Lexi says, laughter in her voice. “I know you need to raise the sails first,” Lexi says, her voice sweetly hesitant.

“You’re doing well,” I tell her.

“The front of the ship is called the bow,” she says.

We talk boats on the drive down to Santa Monica and she impresses me with how fast she grasps the intricacies of being out at sea.

“When did you start sailing?” Lexi asks me.

“I can’t remember. My dad was an avid sailor and he taught me and my brother to love being out in the water. I guess we’ve always sailed.”

I have good memories of being out on the water from morning till evening. We’d come home after a day spent in the water and while everyone was exhausted, I wished I were still out there on the boat. I chuckle as I remember something. “My mom never came to like it. She would sit on the boat with her hands gripping the side the whole time.”

Lexi laughs. “I hope I’ll like it.”

“You’ve never once been on a boat, like ever?”

It's unfathomable to me that a person can live for over two decades and never experience the joy of sailing. Anyone who has grown up near a body of water is snobbish that way.

“Nope, never,” Lexi says. “We were lucky to have a roof over our heads, let alone a boat.”

Though I’m curious I refrain from asking Lexi questions. I feel as though is it an invasion of privacy.

“Are you frightened?” I ask her later as we drive down to the marina where Park and Rachel’s sailing tour offices are located.

“No,” Lexi says. “I’m with you.”

It’s a simple statement but it makes me feel six feet tall. I make her feel safe.

I find a parking space on Second Street. After locking the car, Lexi and I walk down the promenade to the pier where the Tour offices are located.

“I love the salty smell in the air,” Lexi says. “What I wouldn’t give to live here.”

“It’s a relaxed lifestyle,” I grudgingly admit. When I left Santa Monica two years ago, I vowed never to return but Lexi’s enthusiasm is catching.

An open sign hangs at the glass door and I push the door open. Rachel is at the reception and she smiles and stands when she sees us.

She hugs both of us. “Park’s been coming in every few minutes to check if you’ve come yet,” she says with a laugh. “He’s eager to re-introduce you to Serenity.”

As if on cue, Park walks in a pristine white t-shirt and a pair of shorts. “About time you got here,” he says by way of greeting.

We man hug and then he kisses Lexi on the cheek. Two men enter the office and after a wave to Rachel, the three of us leave. We make our way to the marina where the boat is docked.

I smile the moment I spy Serenity. She’s white and gleaming in the sun.

“I took her out yesterday with day guests, but she’s clean and restocked now,” Park says as we make our way onboard.

I give Lexi a quick tour of the sailboat. She falls in love with the kitchen. It's tiny but it has everything that a full kitchen has.

“It’s about time you took this baby out,” Park says when we’re in the cockpit.

Together we get her ready to sail and at the last minute, Park makes his way out. “Enjoy yourselves, kiddos.”

“Thanks, bro,” I tell him.

I know a beautiful spot north of Santa Monica, about forty-five minutes away. I navigate the boat out of the dock and soon we’re on the open sea. The water is calm today and I invite Lexi to hold the helm with me.

“Are you sure?” she says.

“I’m sure,” I tell her.

Not my best idea, I conclude minutes later as I stand behind her, the front of my body brushing against her back. I lean forward and catch a whiff of a scent that is all Lexi. I brush my lips against her neck.

“This is amazing!” Lexi shouts.

Her hair whips behind her and the sound of her laughter mingled with the wind is the sweetest sound I’ve heard today. It’s a beautiful day to introduce Lexi to the ocean. I find myself musing how nice it would be to go off the grid for a month or two with Lexi.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024