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One Hot Daddy

Page 41

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“Mama,” she says.

“I love you, baby,” I tell her and pull her onto my lap.

The panic I’d felt earlier dissipates. I’ll take whatever happens with Ace in stride as long as I have Luna and Vanessa. She hugs both of us.

“He’ll come around. Who can resist her?” She pats Luna’s hair.

“Yeah, he will.” Once I didn’t care if Ace ever returned to LA but now that I’ve gotten a peek into the kind of person he is, the thought that I might lose him is frightening.

“I’m going to love and leave you, guys,” Vanessa says and stands up. “Work beckons.”

“Thanks, sis,” I say. I don’t need to say more. She knows what I mean.

After Vanessa leaves, I leave Luna playing and go to the kitchen to prepare her dinner. I cook skillet-fried rice with cauliflower and carrots. Every so often I pop into the living room to check on her. Luna has got to be the easiest child to raise. The only time she’s fussy is when she’s not feeling well. All other times, she’s easy as long as her meals and naps are on time. I serve her food on a plate and carry her highchair to the living room. We’ll have a TV dinner, I decide.

Before I can lift Luna into the highchair, a knock comes on the door, startling both of us. It’s rare to have a guest after seven in the evening. My friends at work don’t even know where I live. I peer into the peephole and all air leaves my lungs. The first emotion I feel is joy followed quickly by apprehension. I open the door. He smiles and I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“Hi,” I say softly.

“Hi,” Ace says and dips his hands into his pockets. “I came to apologize. I had no right to tear into you like that. You did what you believed to the best and you were looking out for our daughter.”

At the use of the word ‘our’ to refer to Luna, my heart melts.

“I’m sorry, Lexi. You’ve done a good job raising her.”

And just like that, I start bawling like a toddler in the middle of a tantrum. Noisy sobs escape my mouth and I cannot bring myself to stop. Ace pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. We stand like that swaying together until they subside. When I finally manage to get myself under control, I let out an embarrassed laugh.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” I say.

But I know exactly what happened. He said well done. Good job. Words I desperately needed to hear. Pathetic I know. I’m Luna’s mother and I have to do a good job. Don’t ask me why I need praise or recognition for it.

But it feels damn good to hear it.

“Can I come in?” Ace says.

I’d forgotten that we’re still at the entrance. “Of course.” I lead the way in. “I was about to give Luna her dinner.”

“I’d love to help,” Ace says. “I’ll wash up first.”

“Okay,” I tell him.

He goes to Luna first and kisses her on the forehead. She looks up at him and smiles. When he goes to the bathroom, I pick Luna up and before placing her in the highchair I give her a quick squeeze.

“That’s your daddy, baby,” I whisper to her.

Ace returns a minute later. “Can I feed her?”

“Of course but be warned that the majority of it will land on you, her face, and the highchair.”

He grins and my heart does somersaults in my chest. Ace has got to be the sexiest man who’s ever walked the face of the earth.

“That sounds like fun,” Ace says and grabs a chair from the dining table and brings it to where the highchair is. “Ready, sweetheart?” he says and takes the spoon.

Their first dinner as father and daughter goes surprisingly well. It’s almost as if Luna is trying to make a good first impression.

“Your mommy was trying to spoil your good name,” Ace says as he gently wipes Luna’s face with a wet cloth.

“Believe me,” I say in a dry tone. “That’s not our usual modus operandi.”

Ace chuckles. “She’s a good girl for her daddy.” He lifts her out of the high chair and sits her gently on the rug.

It’s not the first time that Ace has played with Luna but today is a momentous one. I lean on the doorway and watch them. Tonight, they are playing together as father and daughter, and just watching them makes me want to cry.

Regret comes over me. I can excuse my decision not to tell Ace in many ways, but the fact remains that she’s his daughter and he deserved to know. I cheated him out of being a father even if it was only for a few weeks.

It feels like we are a real family as we spend the evening playing with Luna until she grows tired.

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