One Hot Daddy - Page 77

“Better?” I ask her as I lie on the bed and watch her dressing.

She grins. “Much better. I like how you apply lotion on my back.”

“Yeah, that’s my area of expertise.”

She twirls around when she finishes dressing. “How do I look?”

“Do you want me to show you what I think?”

Lexi wears an expression of horror and inches toward the door. “Nooooo noo.”

Chapter 31


No doubt, the last couple of weeks have been the happiest in my life. The more I get to know Ace, the more I fall in love with him. I’m glad that I chose him as Luna’s dad. Scratch that. I’m glad the universe chose him as Luna’s dad.

“What are you smiling at?” Liz, one of the servers says as she brings a tray of clean glasses from the kitchen.

I shrug. “Just happy to be alive I guess.”

“Lucky you,” Liz says and proceeds to arrange the glasses.

I am lucky to be happy. I know because I’ve spent most of my life surviving and not really living. A stab of guilt comes over me. In the last week, I haven’t spoken to Vanessa. I’ve sent her a couple of ‘How are you?’ text messages but nothing else.

I’ll call her later today. I can’t believe how busy I’ve become. Just by letting new people into my life and I’m finding myself invited for lunch and other social occasions.

A shadow of sadness comes over me as I remember the visit to Sarah Turner’s home. We’d all had a good cry as she explained to us how she had instinctively known that he was gone even before she heard the news. Still, behind her sadness had been a ring of pride in her voice.

An older lady by the name of Elizabeth did a lot of talking. She also lost her husband in the line of duty. Seeing her made me happy because it meant that you did not stop being part of that community because your firefighter husband was gone.

I feel privileged to be part of them, but I have to learn to balance. I don’t want Vanessa to feel like she’s lost her sister and niece. I must make a point of seeing her more.

Just before I started my shift, Ace’s mom called me to ask if they can pick Luna up on Saturday and take her out for lunch. I said yes, I don’t see the harm in that. I’m glad she didn’t invite me. I’m not comfortable with her since the day we visited. I may be a lot of things but I’m not an idiot. I can read between the lines as well as the next person. I understood her message loud and clear. She thinks I had a baby with Ace for the money and my next step is marriage. The surprise will be on her.

Marriage is not part of my plans. I’m happy with our relationship as it is. I don’t want anything to rock the boat and even though I know Ace doesn’t think the same, I never ever want him to think I’m interested in his trust fund. All I want is for us to raise a happy child and maybe give her a sibling or two. I was always glad I had Vanessa even though she was a lot of work when we were younger. But it was all worthwhile just to have a friend for life.

The bar becomes busy soon after as Wednesday regulars start trickling in. I make conversation, asking about their kids and jobs. I listen with half a mind as one of the regulars, a middle-aged woman called Madge tells me about a man that she met the previous week.

“He promised to call, and he hasn’t,” she frets.

I deduce from what she’s told me that the man in question already got what he wanted. I doubt she’ll ever hear from him again but of course, I don’t tell her that. I’m not a shrink. I’m a bartender. My job is to keep customers happy and drinking.

“Give it time. Some guys take their time. Anticipation and all that,” I say.

“You think so?”

Her hopeful expression almost makes me break down. That was me two years ago. Looking at Marge, I see why guys take off after a night with us. It’s the needy, desperate look. That is a major turn off.

“I’m sure,” I tell her and feel like a complete bitch, but I don’t want to spoil her evening.

Luckily, another customer demands my attention and when I speak to Marge next, she’s in happy land.

It happens at three in the afternoon. I look to the door in disbelief as Mom comes strolling in in the arms of a man that can only be described as rough. He has long hair held back in a ponytail, tattoos that cover all the skin on his arms, and a dirty pair of jeans.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024