Hard Rider - Page 153

“Angel, my darling… I love you too.”

As we kissed, the sun’s early rays illuminating the heavens beyond, I knew that no matter what the future brought… with Trent Masters in my life, I was finally home.


Six days.

That’s how long it took to put the asshole in jail. Her mother tried to play completely ignorant. For her sake, I hoped she didn’t know what that man did to Angel. I was just glad to know we wouldn’t be seeing him again anytime soon.

We’d finally settled in, our home free of the police and the media who’d been storming this place since we got back. Angel had finally calmed down. Her sleeping fits had relaxed, and she woke up refreshed for the first time since I found her again.

The experience had drained me, too, although not nearly as much. To my surprise and satisfaction, I didn’t hear a peep out of Steven, nor the rest of the band.

There would be time for them soon.

However, there were much more important things on my mind for the time being. I hadn’t dreamed of being physical with Angel for a while after such a harrowing, traumatic experience, but she’d started showing hints that she was ready for things to return to normal between us.

That’s why, the first day after she woke up refreshed, I took her out for a day of calming and relaxation. While she was enjoying a therapeutic day of mud baths, massages, and mani-pedis, I took care of a few errands – mainly, striking the fear of God into the traitors who had almost separated us forever.

Once I’d come home confident that I wouldn’t have any more surprises like that, I took a dip in the pool and a relaxing shower. There were things she and I needed to discuss, but I still wanted the night to be one that she would always remember.

I half-dragged Angel around through the door and across the house. She struggled to keep up with me, but didn’t speak a word of complaint. Sliding the back patio door open, and we stepped out on the topless porch. There wasn’t a cloud across the night sky, exposing all the twinkling stars in all their glory.

She instinctively placed her hands against the bannister lining, her back towards me. As she delicately but casually steadied herself, my hands fell upon her beautiful shoulders.

“Is everything ok?” she asked quietly.

“Tell me why you left, Angel…”

She cast her eyes downward, trying to avoid my probing gaze. I knew that she didn’t want to disappoint me, but it was time that we finally had this discussion.

“Your manager, he said…”

“No, Angel. Don’t put this on someone else. I need to know what you were thinking,” I replied in the calmest voice I could muster. Just thinking of him made me grit my teeth, but I needed to be comforting and understanding to her now.

“I didn’t want to drag you down. You, this band, your future. I’m a nobody… I don’t deserve this.”

“Do you mean that, babe?” I whispered. “Is that really how you feel?”

She sighed. “If you’d asked me that a week and a half ago, I’d have said yes. I don’t know how I feel anymore. You’ve made me so happy, and you’ve been so understanding… I know I don’t deserve this, but goddammit, Trent, I don’t want this to ever end…”

“Angel, meeting you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Before you came into my life, I was going through the fucking motions. I was a broken, filthy, unclean man, barely happy with what I had… and looking for something, anything real. I had resigned myself to my fate… to a life of cold cynicism, flaming out early and never making anything more of myself.

When she didn’t respond, I continued.

“But Angel… you make me want to be better. You make me feel better, about myself, my place in the world, everything I can possibly fathom. You think I don’t know where you’re coming from? Trust me, I never deserved any of this shit,” I said, waving my hand around at our surroundings. “And I sure as hell never deserved you.”

My beloved looked up at me, her pretty eyes full of tears, and I said the words I knew she needed to hear again. I would spend my entire life hammering the point home, if that’s what it took.

“I love you, Angel. I will always love you.”

Those gorgeous windows into her soul glistened over as the tears ran down her cheeks. Caressing the side of her face, I brushed them aside. She clasped onto my forearm with both hands, holding me close.

“I love you too, Trent. Oh god, can you forgive me for being so stupid? I’ll never leave you again.”

“Never?” I asked, sensing the moment.

Angel matched my gaze, filling her eyes with love and… something somehow more. Her soul burned with complete adoration and a rising, primal hunger. After all, we hadn’t been intimate in a week.

One look in those beautiful eyes, and I knew that she was definitely ready.


I didn’t let a second pass. I pulled her into a deep, satisfying kiss, my hands sliding across her shoulders and clasping her soft skin. As I felt Angel gasp into my lips, I ran my strong hands down her arms, tracing her silhouette and cupping her ample bosom.

Angel’s murmurs of pleasure sent a burning chasm of need through my body. I could feel it in my lungs, in my fingertips, and definitely in my twitching cock, awakening from its long slumber.

My hands slid to her back, and with a powerful tug I shredded her blouse. As she gasped, I pulled it all the way apart, ripping the cloth free from her body.

Her round, perfect breasts were immediately exposed for my hands, and I graciously wrapped my fingers around them.

I could already feel her erect little peaks.

Her nipples were springing to action.

I was going to make sure Angel never, ever left my side again… with the most extravagant night of sex that she could possibly imagine.

My lips found her neck, nestling into the lean muscle. Parting them, I bit down, enjoying the sweet taste of her skin. I could feel her gasp, her neck stretched out for me as I took her in.


I was going to make this special.

Hunger overcame me, but I pushed it back down. Instead of ripping her body completely bare for me, and penetrating her against the railing, I took my time: slowly, surely shimmying her out of her jeans. I left her panties and socks alone, simply casting the leggings aside – already forgotten to me.

With my loving partner in just her panties and socks, I allowed my fingers to set to work. They carefully, firmly traced the contours of her skin, gliding across her curves and her creases. I wanted to memorize every last detail, every slight dip of her flesh.

My eyes closed, letting my fingertips do the seeing for me.

The picture they painted was that of a trembling but confident woman, a woman who knew that she was loved and protected by the one she cared for most. They told me the tale of a woman who knew it was all going to be okay from now on.

But they told me more.

The painting increased in depth


My shuddering, exposed partner suffered from inflicted uncertainty. Her contorted memories were an unstable foundation upon which she built herself up, shakily rising to meet coming challenges.

She didn’t know for certain whom she was.

But I knew I could help her decide.

Every step of the way, I’d be there.

I’d always be ready to support her.

Ready to hold her up.

My fingertips began to squeeze, to dig into her bare skin. I couldn’t hold myself back much longer…but I knew how to diffuse a little heat and keep it all about her.

My hand slid down, and I grabbed a handful of her ass beneath her panties. With a slight gasp of pleasure slipping from her lips, I lifted the other up, gently caressing her breast again. My thumb slid across her nipple, playing with the tight, engorged nub…

She was pushing against me now, indicating subtly her readiness. But it wasn’t quite time yet.

Instead, I slipped my hand around front, diving into back into her panties. My intrepid finger hadn’t even parted her lips before I could feel her enticing nectar.

“Angel, you’re so wet,” I whispered huskily.

She simply nodded breathlessly.

“We should do something about this…”

With that, I dove the finger inside, eager to please her. Her muscles clenched down around the digit. She was so fantastically tight that I was afraid she might crush it, but I slowly, gently worked her drenched mound into submission.

My thumb found her engorged bead, hiding beneath the hood and ready for my touch. Taking care to not overstimulate it, I gave it ample attention as well.

Her restrained bucking and deep breaths told me everything that I needed to know.

As I pushed her further, sliding a second finger deep inside, I listened and watched for every last signal her body was sending me.

They all screamed one thing:

Fuck me.

But no…not yet.

There will be time for that soon.

I finally pushed her panties down, over her thighs, stripping her to her socks. She stepped out of them quickly, trying to turn around to unleash my throbbing tool from its prison within my jeans.

Tags: Nikki Wild Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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