Caged: The Underground - Page 13

As much as she liked it in the ass, I was shocked she didn’t shit herself every time she sneezed.

But, hey, I wasn’t judging. Bonnie was always down for a good time and that kind of woman was golden.

I would probably keep Bonnie around, even though she was older than most of my girls.

I’m not sure I wanted to soil my sweet dove with sordid ass play. The mother of my future children deserved better.

But Bonnie…she would take whatever I would give her.

That kind of loyalty deserved to be rewarded.

“You’ve earned something pretty. What do you want, sugar?”

Bonnie smiled and said, “I could use new brakes on my car. They’re getting kinda squeaky.”

“You got it,” I answered, feeling magnanimous. “Take your car over to Ricky’s and tell him I sent you. He’ll take care of you. Throw in a tune-up, too.”

Bonnie nodded, blushing as she rose to redress. “Thank you, darling. You’re the best.”

And then she let herself out.

I smiled, satisfied, all tension released from my body.

Things were going to work out just fine.

I tucked my spent cock away.

Time to get to work.

I just loved when things turned my way.

Chapter 14


I knew we couldn’t stay at my place much longer. After stuffing what I could of food and water in my backpack, I looked to Damon one last time.

“You with me or not?”

It was a loaded question. So much hinged on his answer. I wanted him with me but I wouldn’t beg.

I shouldn’t want him.

I mean, he went down on me without even asking if I wanted him to.

I’m pretty sure that qualified as assault.

Heat stung my cheeks at the memory of how my hips had risen to meet his lips of their own accord.

I guess my body had a different opinion on that score.

I’d succumbed with very little fight. I chewed my bottom lip, wishing in hindsight that I’d protested a bit more, put up more of a fight.

But I wasn’t going to say he forced me when the only thing that’d been coming out of my mouth had been embarrassing moans.

Deep down, I knew that if I’d asked Damon to truly stop, he would have.

I’d let it happen.

Something had urged me to pull him closer. Nothing had felt sweeter than the feel of his head between my thighs.

Not even fresh New York style cheesecake had been as delicious.

And that was saying a lot.

I fucking loved cheesecake.

My self-respect was cringing right now.

But it was done. It happened. There wasn’t time to dwell.

At least not right now.

Staying alive and convincing Damon that his best bet was with my plan was more important than my weakly outraged dignity.

But the rub was…I wanted him to decide on his own that I was right.

Was it pride? No, nothing so easily defined.

I wish it were only my pride at stake.

There was something about Damon that made me yearn for things I’d never entertained for even a heartbeat.

He was everything I shouldn’t want in my life and yet, here I was hesitating, desperately hoping against hope that he would choose me.

How pathetic.

I slung my pack on my shoulder with impatience. “Time is wasting. Make your decision.”

Damon ignored my demand, choosing instead to pause at a photo of me and Tommy. I tried not to wince at the sudden pain.

He turned to regard me, those dark eyes boring into my fucking soul. “Bringing down Davonte won’t change anything. Your brother will still be dead.”

My sinuses tingled with the threat of tears. “I know that.”

“Then, why is it so important to you?”

“Because I can’t stand the thought of knowing Tommy was just one of many. Someone has to stop Davonte and I’m willing to be that person.” I drew a short breath, ready to put the plan in motion. “Are you with me?” I asked again, my voice hard.

This time Damon nodded, resigned to dying, maybe, but definitely with me.

“You’re right, Davonte ain’t going to let me ride this one out. I’m as good as dead as soon as I deliver you to his bed. And fuck that,” he spat. “Time for new management, anyway.”

I paused, his statement sending a warning tingle down my back. “I want to destroy everything Davonte has built. That includes The Underground.”

As I feared, Damon wasn’t on board with that part of the plan. “You can’t take down The Underground. Too many kids depend on it to get out of this shithole.”

“It’s an illusion and I aim to shatter it,” I said, immovable. “Tommy should’ve gone to college, not signed up to be someone’s punching bag.”

He shook his head. “I ain’t gonna argue with you about something you know nothing about. I said I’d help you with Davonte. He’s the problem, not The Underground.”

“We can agree to disagree,” I returned, turning away. “Let’s go. I know a place to start.”

I knew that was going to be a point of contention between us but what did I care? We could work together during the time being at the very least.

And I could work on snuffing out the tiny tingles that stole my breath at odd moments when Damon was around.

I wasn’t like most girls my age, that much I already knew.

When the girls had started looking to hook up to escape their shitty home lives, I buried myself in books.

I loved learning. Education seemed the answer to every obstacle in our lives.

If only Tommy had signed on with the same dream.

If The Underground hadn’t preyed upon his dreams of fame, he would’ve left this rathole with me to try college.


The truth was, I’d never know.

Tommy was gone.

Davonte was an evil, untouchable bastard and the good guys didn’t win anymore — because there were no more good guys.

I blinked away the sting in my eyes and walked out.

Either Damon would follow or he wouldn’t.

It didn’t matter to me.

Chapter 15


Charlie left me behind, all piss and vinegar and fired up ire but she wasn’t going to get far on foot.

Lucky for her my truck was parked out back.

I took one final look around the small house,

knowing after this moment nothing would ever be the same.

I didn’t know if Charlie understood what she was taking on, or if she knew how tasting her had left a mark.

It’d been stupid of me to lose myself like that but Charlie was in my veins like an exotic drug and I was already hungry for more.

And I knew without having the wherewithal to explain that I wouldn’t let anyone else touch her.

Charlie was mine.

The possessive voice in my head clashed with the gut instinct telling me to ‘stop playing hero and leave the crazy chick to her suicide mission’ but in the end, my feet took me in the direction Charlie went.

“I’m parked in the back alley,” I said, passing her as she stood on the sidewalk, stalling. I cast her an amused look. “Unless you want to walk.”

Charlie scowled but quickly caught up, sliding into the truck and settling on the passenger side.

My truck wasn’t winning any beauty contests but it got me from Point A to Point B.

Her expression at my interior told me she wasn’t surprised at the condition. There were food wrappers, old sports drink bottles, forgotten protein bars stuffed in the crack of the seat and change floating around the floor.

Yeah, it was pretty much a dumpster.

Material things had never interested me. My truck was just my ride. All I’d cared about was making it out of this town.

“If I’d known I was going to have company I would’ve cleaned up the place,” I joked, semi-serious. I’d never been embarrassed — hell, never gave it a second thought — by my ride but suddenly I noticed that it stunk like dirty balls and sweaty jock straps.

She ignored my comment, already chewing her lip. She seemed to do that when she was nervous or her mind was spinning.

“What do you know about Davonte’s business dealings?” she asked, going straight to business.

I shrugged, uncomfortable. “Not much. I mean, I’ve heard rumors that he deals in drugs and shit but who doesn’t? This is Detroit. Everyone’s got a side gig going on. That’s just the nature of trying to stay alive in this place.”

“What’s your side gig?” Charlie asked.

“Some nights I bounce for Jimmy’s Pub,” I answered. “Puts cash in my pocket when times are lean.”

Tags: Alexx Andria Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024