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Caged: The Underground

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“Please, tell me.”

I looked away, my gaze finding the sea and locking there. I supposed I owed her at least that, seeing as I could offer her little else.

“Your brother used to frequent the place we just left. My sister’s best friend, Shay, used to be a waitress there. Butcher took a liking to her. But Butcher also liked to hurt women.”

Shame crawled into her eyes and I almost stopped but I needed to tell her why I’d set all of this in motion.

“Once Shay realized Butcher was a bastard, she tried to dump him but Butcher wasn’t through with her. He beat the shit out of her. She called my sister, Christine for help. But Butcher had a plan for Shay. As soon as Christine arrived to help her move, Butcher shot them both. Shay died but Christine is lying in a coma with brain damage. If she wakes up, she won’t be the same person. My sister is gone.”

Holly gasped in horror. “I’m so sorry,” she said, reaching for me. “I don’t know what to say. I wish I could do something to help. No wonder you hate Butcher,” she murmured, her eyes glistening. “Did you file charges?”

“Butcher runs the Ice Town Rebels, the biggest, most well-organized gang in New York. Any report to the cops would’ve ended up in the trash. He has the money to grease palms needed to make things like this go away.”

Holly didn’t deny it. “My brother knows a lot of people,” she murmured, distressed. “I can’t imagine the pain you’re in. You must love your sister very much to be willing to go to such lengths to avenge her.”

I nodded, swallowing the immediate lump in my throat. “Yeah, Christine and Shay were best friends since they were kids. It’s been hard to deal with. Christine was always smarter than me. She shouldn’t be the one lying in a hospital bed, wasting away.”

Holly rose up to press a kiss to my lips. I accepted the sweetness like a starving man.

When I released her, I was truthful for the first time since I’d stolen her from campus. “I’m going to ruin him, Holly. And then, I’m going to deliver him to the Feds for crimes they don’t even know he committed.”

A subtle frown creased her brow. “How?”

“I’ve been tracking Butcher for months. I’ve got people on the inside, eager to take him down. He may run the Rebels, but he isn’t loved.”

“My brother scares people,” she admitted. “He isn’t exactly friendly.”

“So what’s your story? Why’d he tuck you away from everything? He had to have a reason.”

Holly reflected a moment then said, “I like to think that he was fulfilling a promise to our father to take care of me. He may not have honor in many things but he treated me well.”

“He isn’t a good man,” I told her. “He’s fucking evil. The shit I’ve seen him do…turns my stomach.”

“I understand. I’m not defending him. I’m just stating how he treated me.”

“I can guarantee that man doesn’t have a good bone in his body. If he protected you, it was for a reason.”

Holly frowned. “Well, I am his only family.”

“Are you?” I countered, causing her to blink with confusion. “Holly, why did no one know about you?”

“Someone knew, how’d you find out?”

“By complete accident. I admit, it was the ace I needed but only a few in his inner circle know that you exist. Do you have any pictures of your father?”

“No,” she answered. “Butcher isn’t the sentimental type.”

“How about your mother?”

She shook her head. “He said our father destroyed all the pictures. I had no reason to doubt what Butcher said was true. I mean, honestly, I never knew anyone but Butcher. He was my family.”

“Something feels weird about it,” I admitted. “Kids just don’t show up out of nowhere. Do you have a copy of your birth certificate?”

Holly became flustered. “No.”

“Then how’d you get into college?”

“Butcher took care of everything. I didn’t even get to pick the school. He did but because he was paying for it, I didn’t complain. Not to mention, it was a great school so I just went with it.”

“And how would you feel if you discovered Butcher wasn’t your brother at all?” I asked.

“I don’t know. If that were true…that would mean my entire life has been a lie.”

“And how do you feel knowing that I’m going to destroy him?”

“I don’t know about that either,” she admitted. “You’re saying that Butcher killed that girl and put your sister in a coma. But I just met you. I’ve known Butcher my entire life. Why should I believe you over him?”

It was an honest question. She was smart. But I had one chance to show her that if someone was lying, it sure as hell wasn’t me.

I leaned in and kissed her, slow and thorough. My hands traveled down her front to cup her sweet mound. I broke the kiss to say, “I’m a lot of things but I’m not a liar. I can take you to the hospital where my sister is, I can show you where Shay is buried but most of all, I can promise you that if you look in your heart, you’ll know the answer. Deep down, you know your brother is a bad man.”

“You told me you were a bad man,” she reminded me, her voice a breathy whisper. “If you haven’t lied to me…what does that mean?”

“It means I was prepared to do a bad thing for a good reason. Someone has to take him down. I’d rather die trying than live my life knowing that I did nothing to avenge my sister.”

Holly held my stare as if measuring my words against what she felt in her heart.

Her expressive face plainly showed she was wrestling with what I’d told her. But she was right, we were practical strangers and yet, there was no denying something between us.

“I know we don’t make sense. Hell, Holly, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around what is happening between us and I don’t know what is coming but I do know that one way or another, Butcher is going to pay.”

At this point, all I had was honesty to give her. I held my breath in fear that it wouldn’t be enough.

Then she shocked me by saying, “Then let me help you.”

I stared, unable to believe what I’d heard. “You would betray your own brother?”

Holly’s brow creased as she reflected her answer, then concluded firmly, “It’s not a betrayal if he earned the consequence of his actions. If what you say is true, he’s had this coming a long time.”

I didn’t know what to say. I certainly hadn’t expected to gain Holly’s help in taking down her brother. Was this a game to earn my trust?

A seed of doubt began to germinate. I’d hurt Holly. Maybe this was her way of punishing me for what I’d done.

I wanted to trust Holly but I hadn’t done anything to earn that trust so why would she offer it?

I pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, sensing the wall coming down between us.

“Holly, you can’t play a player,” I quipped, casting my gaze out toward the waves. “Why would you help me? C’mon, give me some credit. I know I don’t deserve your help in anyway after what I’ve done to you. I purposely did those things so you would hate me. Now, you’re saying that after everything you’re still willing to betray the only person who cared for you?” I snorted. “Baby girl, that’s a hard one to swallow.”

“You don’t trust me?” Holly returned with an incredulous snort. “That’s rich. You’re right, you’ve done nothing to earn my trust but if I choose to believe you…you ought to be grateful and just say thank you.”

We were at a stalemate.

I’d hurt her feelings by questioning her motives but I couldn’t very well blindly hand over my plans to the one person who could ruin everything.

“I have to think of Christina,” I said finally because that’s all I had. “My sister deserves justice. For fuck’s sake, so does Shay.”

“My brother was scheduled to pick me up after finals. I’m to come home after graduation. Right now, he doesn’t know anything has happened. Take me back so I

can get the information you need without arousing suspicion.”

If Holly were being truthful with me, she was right; Holly could get to information that I couldn’t. Information the Feds could use to lock up Butcher for good.

Right now, I was playing fast and loose with circumstantial evidence and it could all blow up in my face.

I’d do anything to see that bastard off the street.

But would I trust the girl I’d tried to ruin?

Like I said…this was a hiccup I hadn’t planned for.

Fuck, in all honesty, I don’t think I ever could’ve planned for Holly.

She was a game-changer in every sense of the word.

Chapter 23


I knew how absurd my offer sounded.

I understood why Cason didn’t immediately jump at my offer.

His reticence bruised my feelings but I supposed he was being cautious.

“Tito said you were part of a different gang…who do you run with?” I asked.

Cason shook his head. “Does it matter?”

“I guess not but I’d like to know.”

He sighed and tossed a shell he’d found in the sand. “Cold Heart Crew.”

“I haven’t heard of them.”

“We don’t have the same press as ITR,” he said with a sardonic half-smile.

“Well, that’s not necessarily a bad thing,” I told him.

Cason brushed a tender kiss across my lips and I couldn’t help but melt a little.

How was this the same man who’d been so brutal with me in the beginning?

What if I liked that brutality?

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked, zeroing in on a private subject that always made me feel lacking. “Are all the guys around you blind?”

I sucked in a quick breath. And just like that I melted some more. The way he saw me, really saw me, was addictive.

“Dating has been difficult,” I answered, feeling every bit the forlorn girl I’ve always been. “I’m not the cultural standard for collegiate beauty. And, to be fair, I spend a lot of time in the library.”

“Fuck that. I’ve never been to college but you’re fine as hell. You shouldn’t be wasting away with dusty old books.”

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