Falling for Her Fake Fianc? - Page 14

‘I hate the bad stuff. I couldn’t be the doctor giving people awful news. It’s hard enough helping them after they’ve learned it, but I like being there to help them through it.’

‘That’s why you make a great nurse. And I doubt it stops there.’

Maybe this was still a date of sorts. It sure was starting to feel like one again. Keep the compliments flowing and for the next hour she’d sideline her determination to enjoy Mac from a distance.

‘Hello, Kelli,’ boomed her father from above her.

‘Dad! You’re joining us for lunch? I thought Mum cancelled.’ Disappointment at not having Mac to herself warred with happiness and trepidation.

‘Your mother wasn’t cancelling my lunch with my girl and her new man.’ Dad turned to Mac with his hand out. ‘I’m Dale Barnett, Kelli’s father as you’ve probably gathered.’

Mac stood and took the outstretched hand to shake. ‘Pleased to meet you. I’m Mac Taylor.’

‘Sit down, sit down.’ Her father pulled out a chair beside her, and directly opposite Mac, no doubt to observe him. ‘You two work together, then?’

‘Yes, we do,’ Mac agreed. ‘The dreaded night shift.’

‘Lots of quiet time to hide away in storerooms together?’

‘Dad,’ Kelli protested. ‘It’s not like that.’

Both men stared at her, one amused and one, Mac...wistful?

‘The emergency department’s always busy,’ she muttered. Nearly always.

‘There are times...’ Mac stopped when she ramped up her glare to I-will-kill-you-if-you-keep-going. He shrugged. ‘Just—you know.’

Playing his role to its full potential? Regret floored her. She wanted to hide away in a tiny room at work with Mac and kiss him till she couldn’t breathe. Wanted, wanted, wanted it. But it wasn’t happening outside her imagination, an imagination that was only operating to keep the hoax up to speed. ‘Mac’s head of ED. He has to be super careful.’

Her dad did a mean eye-roll, one she’d known all her life and it always made her laugh. Today was no exception. ‘You are my father. Not my girlfriend. I’m shutting up about now.’ She gave an exaggerated shudder.

Mac was watching them both with amusement all over his face. He really did relax more when he was away from work. Or could be it was when he was with her? She wasn’t sure which, but was more than happy to see him like this.

Their meals arrived, including her father’s usual carbonara. ‘Wine?’ he asked.

‘Not when I’m working in a couple of hours’ time, thanks, Dad.’

‘Likewise, Dale.’

‘Then I’ll just order a glass for me.’ He nodded at the waiter before turning back to them. ‘How long have you two been going out?’

First question and they hadn’t prepared for it. As Kelli floundered for an answer Mac spoke up. ‘Since Tamara and Conor’s wedding.’

She locked her gaze on him and nodded. Smart. True in a warped way. ‘Guess the romance of the occasion got to us.’

Mac leaned back in his chair, his eyes flaring. Hadn’t thought of that, had he? ‘Yeah,’ he drawled.

Kelli couldn’t take her eyes off him. When flustered, he was adorable. Gone was that haughty I-am-always-in-control thing, replaced with apprehension and possibly excitement. He was getting to her in more ways than she’d have imagined. And didn’t need.

Dad cleared his throat. ‘Hate to interrupt, but your food’s getting cold.’ Meaning he wanted to talk.

Heat swamped her cheeks, and there was a reciprocal colour going on in Mac’s too. ‘Sorry,’ she muttered.

‘Don’t,’ warned Mac softly.

‘Don’t what?’ Oh, sorry. ‘Got it.’ She’d been working at keeping that word off her tongue but embarrassment had got in the way.

‘You okay with the lift-off time arranged for you on Friday?’

Thank you, Dad. Keep it simple and we’ll get through lunch unscathed. ‘No problem.’

She should’ve known better than to think unscathed. This was the man who’d known her from the moment she arrived in the world. ‘You’re booked into one of the front suites overlooking the beach. Secluded for when you want to get away from the crowd.’

Dad. ‘Err, thanks.’

Mac was pressing his lips together, as if he was smothering a smile. ‘We’re very appreciative, Dale. Aren’t we, Kelli?’

Mac. ‘Err, yes.’

Mac pushed back his chair and stood up. ‘Excuse me.’

Kelli watched him head to the men’s room, thinking she wanted to strangle him for leaving her to deal with her father’s amusement. ‘I suppose it’s time to leave. I’ve got heaps to do before I go to work.’

‘I like him,’ Dad said. ‘A lot.’

Trouble was stirring. ‘You hardly know him.’

‘I make instant decisions every day of my working life. I am good at reading people. Your Mac is an excellent man.’ Dad rose and tugged her up onto her feet and into a familiar hug. ‘I’m pleased for you.’

Tears threatened and she had to blink hard to prevent the spill-over. ‘I’m pleased too.’ She meant that. When she shouldn’t.

‘How serious are you?’

‘We’re engaged.’ Agh! Where did that come from? Being with someone she was never on edge around had its downside.

Dad leaned back to stare at her. ‘You are? When were you going to tell us?’

‘After the wedding.’ Liar. ‘Or maybe on Friday at the family dinner. We didn’t want to steal the show from Billy.’

‘This isn’t a bit sudden?’ The hug was over, the mood serious. Not that hugs weren’t serious in her family, but they interfered with straight questions and answers in Dad’s book. ‘You might’ve got together at Tamara’s wedding but since then you’ve spent most of your time in Fiji.’ Nothing but love and concern stared out at her from those faded blue eyes. Eyes that rarely missed a trick. ‘You’re not doing this to spite Jason?’

Absolutely. ‘No. Please start believing me.’

‘How sure of your feelings for Mac are you?’

She got brave. ‘The first time you met Mum how did you feel?’

‘Baffled, bemused, and... I’m not telling my daughter what I was feeling.’


‘That’s how you feel about Mac?’

‘I’m not telling my father.’ She wasn’t even admitting it to herself. Not much.

Dad chuckled. ‘Then I’m happy for you. Your mum’s going to be ecstatic.’

‘Don’t rush us. I want to enjoy this one day at a time.’ Her heart slowed. Now she seemed to be believing her own lies. Even a faux engagement to Mac was proving to be intriguing and exciting, and she was beginning to wonder how she’d walk away from it. No walking away from Mac though. He’d be in her life every day, every shift, every visit to the gym—though she could change that. Male and pine scent would be in the air she breathed. Mac induced heat under her skin. No, not that close. Yes, that close. Grr. Now she’d have to fight harder to keep her distance.

‘Love you, baby girl.’ Those comforting arms returned, winding around her shaking body and holding her against that familiar, to-go-to-in-moments-of-pain chest that had been a part of her whole life.

Tears leaked down her face. What a mess. Breathing in, she dug deep for composure. It was all a lie and she’d told it to this man who’d always had her back. ‘It’s okay.’

Tags: Sue MacKay Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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