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Isla Island: Ryan's Harem (Erotic Archipelago 1)

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Ryan had never had anything more than a passing thought on the subject of fertility in his old life. Falling off a cruise ship and into a different dimension had changed everything including that. Isla, their island goddess, told him that in order for the island to prosper he had to exhibit virility by gifting his seed to each of his women as often as possible. Balancing the seemingly insatiable desires of seven women makes for a busy life.

It would be easier if he could focus all of his energy on having sex, but the girls still need to be fed and housed. They were born from the very island itself and are in many respects different from human women. They need a strong alpha male to tell them what to do or else they spend all their time simply drifting about. They pick food when they are hungry, but they don’t save any for later. They sleep on simple bamboo platforms instead of creating more permanent structures. They also wear barely anything, but that is definitely something Ryan had no interest in changing.

The outrigger canoe they used to retrieve him when he first arrived was something they found beached on the shore one day. They didn’t make it themselves. That gives him another concern to deal with, obviously there are other people in the area and there is no guarantee they are friendly. At least he had the presence of mind to move the canoe out of the range of the tides. He plans on using it to fish once he makes a fishing line or nets. He thinks that he can smoke fish to save for any potential lean times. Surely the fruit won’t be available year around.

He decides to start with a way to store food and water. Having extra food is useless if he can’t store it. The women use hollow gourds to drink from during the day, but they have no corks and degrade quickly. There’s a natural well on the island but it’s not close to the beach or their campsite. Besides something could happen to it. It could cave in or stop producing water at any time.

He believes in hoping for the best but being prepared for the worst. He has no idea what they might face in terms of storms in this new dimension, and Isla had been disturbingly vague when asked. She said as an island weather meant very little to her and the island could provide all they needed.

It is the “could” that bothers Ryan. A lot of what Isla said was couched in terms of the island rewarding virility. There are almost no specifics. And while in the week Ryan has spent on the island his body has changed significantly from his increased muscle mass to his longer and thicker dick, the small part of the island the women live in is largely the same. There are a few new fruit trees and there are now insects and birds where it was devoid of animal life but that’s the extent of the visible changes.

It’s been a busy week but that’s no excuse for him not to go exploring as soon as he could. It is his responsibility to protect and care for these women. He decides to start with mapping the island and hopefully he’ll find things they can use for storage and shelter. He has a long list of things he needs to accomplish and almost no practical knowledge to go along with it. For the first time in his life he wishes he’d joined the boy scouts as a child.

He uses a piece of charcoal to draw a crude map on a rock. He puts the beach he initially landed on and the path he walked to the clearing that housed both the women’s bamboo sleeping platforms and the altar they used to contact Isla, the spirit of the island. He calls it their campsite because it’s not ideal for long term habitation. He’s hoping to find a better location and eventually build something studier than the little bamboo platforms they currently use.

Behind the altar is the path he took on his first challenge. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know how long the path is or what lies off of it. He decides to re-trace his path from the first challenge first thing in the morning. In the meantime he has more enjoyable duties to preform.


He sets off early the morning of his eighth day on the island. Candi comes with him. They make it five minutes into the interior of the island before she claims she needs to sit down and rest. It is a clever ruse to drop to her knees in front of him and get her mouth on his dick. The things he has to deal with.

“Candi, we talked about this. You promised that you wouldn’t distract me if I let you come.”

“But I want to make you cum.”

She looks up at him through long lashes beseechingly. It’s hard to deny anyone who is that excited to suck your dick and when they look like Candi it’s pretty much impossible.

“Fine, but it has to be fast. I need to get work done.”

“You could fuck my face that would make it fast.”

This girl. He’s never met anyone who gets off more on being roughly face-fucked. She looks like a perfect little angel with her wide eyes and freckles, but she sucks dick like a succubus.

He slides his hands in her hair and maneuvers her until his dick is just resting in front of her parted lips. She darts her tongue out for a taste and he moves back just out of reach. He gives her head a little shake.

“What are the rules for face-fucking, Candi?”

“I am not in control. I will take what I’m given and be grateful for it.”

“If you can’t remember the rules I can go find someone who will.”

“No, please, I’ll be good. I want your dick.”

One of the things Ryan loved about his harem was how much they truly did want him. The island goddess said that his pleasure was their pleasure and that they were created to crave making him happy. Candi shifts on her knees. Her bare tits jiggle as she moves. He puts his dick back in front of her lips and this time she holds still.

“Good girl, now make an “oh” with your mouth.”

She smiles up at him and then obeys. He pushes the head of his dick through the ring of her lips. He uses his grip on her head to move her up and down on his dick instead of doing any thrusting of his own. She does her best to suck and rubs her tongue along his shaft as he uses her face.

He pulls her far enough forward that the swollen head of his dick is hitting the back of her throat with every stroke. Tears bead in the corner of her eyes and start rolling down her face to mix with the saliva bubbling out of the corners of her mouth. It’s a sloppy, messy blowjob and he loves it.

He starts thrusting in counterpoint to moving her head so that he’s hitting her throat with twice the force. His balls are slapping her chin and her tits are smacking into his shins. He could slow things down and draw this out, but he really does need time to get work done. He pumps hard a couple more times and then pulls her toward him until her face is buried into his abdomen and his dick is enclosed in her throat.


She does, swallowing over and over again. The rhythmic movements of her throat push him from hazy pleasure into roaring bliss and he erupts straight down her throat. He holds her there another few seconds as she keeps swallowing before letting go of her head. She slowly withdraws with his cum glistening on her lips. She slithers up his body dragging her tits across his dick as she goes. He gives her the kiss she wants before sending her back to camp with a good smack on the ass.

Obviously bringing her with him is bad for his productivity. He immediately starts walking again. Like the women he forgoes clothing for the most part. Today he just has a vine looped across his chest and from it hangs a gourd full of water. He heads back down the path for a few minutes before he sees

the path branch into three more paths. The paths themselves are weird. They don’t resemble an animal trail as much as they look artificially made. He marks the right hand path and walks down it.

It winds through the forest for maybe a quarter of a mile before the trees thin out and he can see the ocean. He’s looking down from a nearly sheer cliff that rises about thirty feet over the beach below. The path winds along the top of the cliff for a bit with the beach on his right and trees on his left before it ends. He decides to leave exploring the area further until after he’s gone down the other two paths.

He makes good time back to the clearing where they’ve set up housekeeping. Unfortunately he arrives to a bit of a squabble. Apparently the other girls aren’t happy that Candi got to suck his dick this morning when she was only supposed to be going to help explore the island.

It takes a while to mediate between them to come up with a punishment for Candi that she won’t enjoy. Candi likes most things other people would consider punishments. Finally they agree that her punishment will be watching all six of the other women take turns sucking off Ryan while she is tied to a tree and cannot touch.

Ryan loves their dirty minds. They may not be the brightest flowers on the tree, but they are second to none when it comes to making him cum. He spends the next hour being slowly edged by six different mouths. Ari is the lucky girl that he finally cums in but the other girls are quick to shove their faces under his erupting dick.

Candi is squirming against her bonds by the end of the hour and as soon as she’s released her mouth is on his soft dick and her hand is on her clit. He rises to the occasion and now all seven girls take turns bringing him to release again.


For all his plans he gets a late start the next day. Katie and Kaylie managed to tie themselves to each other when collecting vines. It was almost farcical how tangled they were. Katie ended up with her face smushed into her twin’s tits. At least if she got thirsty she could drink the sweet, effervescent drink all the women produce when suckled.

They are all hot, sweaty and exhausted by the time Ryan gets the vines off of them. He ends up taking a nap with them after helping himself to some of his favorite drink from Ari’s tits. All the girls have magnificent boobs but Ari’s tits are the biggest and he’ll never tell the other girls but they produce the sweetest drink.

By the time he gets a start on mapping the island, the sun is nearly directly overhead. Today he takes the middle path. He thinks the path has changed, but he can’t remember if the rocks lining it were there yesterday. Candi had been far too distracting for his mental acuity.

This path seems to head straight into the center of the island. The trees get closer and taller and soon there’s barely any sunlight filtering down. Ryan has nearly decided it’s too dark to continue when the path ends abruptly. In front of him is the open maw of a cave. He thinks he sees glowing eyes blinking at him from inside.

He takes two quick steps back. He hasn’t seen anything bigger than a bird on the island so far, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. He’s looking around for a handy stick when there’s a screech and something pelts out of the cave and climbs up his leg.

He dances and shrieks before realizing he’s not being eaten alive. Instead the cutest little lemur he’s ever seen is clinging to his shoulder. It wraps little arms around his neck and snuggles under his chin.

“Aww, you’re a cute little guy. The girls would love you, but I bet you have a family around here.”

Ryan gently detaches the animal from his neck and puts it on the ground. He’ll come back another day with torches and look at the cave, but for now he’s going back to camp. A few minutes down the path he hears a chittering in the trees above him. The lemur is following him.

It’s still shadowing him when he gets back to camp and the moment Haylie sees it he knows he’s never going to be able to return it to the cave. Within minutes Haylie, Dani, and Belle are hand feeding it little bits of fruit. He resigns himself to having a pet, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t plan on getting the girls to “convince” him.

Belle runs up to him her dark curls tumbled around her beautiful face.

“Can we keep it?”

“Well, I don’t know . . .”

Belle yells over her shoulder, “He’s not sure!”

Dani looks shocked. Haylie stomps over to him and he can’t take her pursed lips seriously when he’s too busy watching her naked tits bounce.

“But it needs us!”

“It was fine without us up until now.”

Dani gets a knowing glint in her eye, “You don’t actually want us to give him up. You want us to give something else up.”

Haylie crosses her arms underneath her full breasts. “You know you don’t have to convince us to do anything for you.”

He smiles roguishly at them, “But it’s more fun this way.”

Belle drops to her knees in front of him. “You know what else is fun? Cumming on my face.”

His dick goes from soft to hard fast enough that all the blood rushes from his head. Ari walks over just in time to hear Belle. She steps behind Ryan and starts massaging his shoulders.

She whispers in his ear, “Cum on her face. Show her who she belongs to.”

He doesn’t need any more encouragement. He guides his dick towards Belle’s open mouth and she runs her hands up the back of his thighs until she gets a good grip on his muscular ass. He flexes and she squeals. She rubs her face against his dick as another pair of hands start massaging his shoulders. Dani and Hayli join Belle just as she sucks the head of Ryan’s dick into her mouth. The two lick and kiss his balls while Belle sucks on his dick like she’s dying of thirst. All the while Ari is whispering dirty things in his ear.

“Gag her with your dick.”

“Look at how much Dani and Hayli want you. They’re drooling for it.”

“I want to lick your cum off of their tits.”

It doesn’t take him long to blow his load across the faces and tits of Belle, Haylie, and Dani. True to her word Ari licks up every drop of his cum off of the tits of the other women. He spends the rest of the day making torches for further cave exploration but decides to check out the last path before he goes back to the cave.


The path has definitely changed since he walked it yesterday. It’s wider and paved with stones. Spontaneously appearing infrastructure: another benefit to living on a supernatural island? He decides he needs to ask the Isla, the spirit of the island if there’s a way to control what they get. A storage shed would be more useful than a paved path.

He continues down the path and takes the final branch on the left hand side. Within a quarter of a mile it leads to a rocky area with a series of cascading pools. He spends a couple of hours exploring and discovers that the top pool is the result of a natural spring and that the water bubbles over the side and then flows down into a series of pools ranging in size from a hot tub to something nearly the size of the lap pool at his old gym.

The first pool, the one with the spring, is the largest and deepest. He drags over a bamboo pole that’s about twenty feet long and the pool is deeper. The next pool is about half the size and ten feet deep. The third is about the size of a backyard pool and about as deep and then the last one is the hot tub sized one and it’s about waist deep. The water flows in little waterfalls from one pool into the next and ends as a stream flowing out of the last pool and disappearing into the forest.

This is the first discovery he’s found that he’s really excited about. The water is fresh and clear and will make a great secondary source of drinking water and he can imagine some fun ways to enjoy it with his women. The girls are as excited as he expected when he gets back and tells them.

“We should go swim right now!” Hailey squeals.

“We can go in the morning. I need to speak to Isla first.”

Ryan makes his way over to Isla’s altar. To speak to her all he needs to do is touc

h the altar. Instantly she’s in his head communicating telepathically.

“Hello, Ryan. What have you come to speak to me about?”

“I’ve noticed several beneficial changes to the island. Are these the fertility benefits you told me about?”

“Yes, new plants, animals, and better paths: isn’t it wonderful?”

“It is, and I’m very grateful, but I was wondering if there’s a way to direct the changes?”

“You cannot choose what you want, but there is a way to make bigger changes.”

“Bigger changes?”

“Say all the material you need for a building versus a new path.”

“That’s exactly what I want.”

“It’s not guaranteed that you would receive that. It’s just an example.”

“Bigger changes are better as long as the change is positive. What do I have to do?”

“A more vigorous example of vitality is required.”

“What does that mean?”

Her amusement suffuses his mind. “You’ll find out when it happens.”

Ryan spends a few more minutes chatting with Isla without getting any new information. He decides not to worry too much about her cryptic words. He knows from experience that she doesn’t like to give explicit information, but so far nothing he’s experienced here has been dangerous or even unpleasant.

When he takes his hand off the altar the girls are waiting for him with a series of questions about swimming in fresh water. Dani wants to know if pool water is the same as well water. Katie is concerned about possible predators. All of them want to know if they can have sex in the water and they spend a few minutes playfully debating logistics. And then the girls start in on one of their favorite topics: what women on Ryan’s old world did.

“Do women wear anything special when they swim in your old world?” asks Ari.

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