The Collar (The Submissive 6) - Page 28

“We’re not in the playroom, and you took your collar back years ago. You have to play by my rules for the moment.” She was pushing him, pushing him hard. How much more would he take? “You thought it was a punishment, but I loved every second—your taste, the feel of your hand holding me down, kneeling for you.” She kissed his tip. “I fucking loved it.”

He thrust his hips forward.

“Maybe I’ll stay here and stroke you softly for an hour or two.” She blew on him. “Consider it payback?”

“Fucking suck my dick. Now.”

She hid her smile. He was almost there. Lifting her head to look at him, she blinked innocently. “Make me.”

That was all it took. With a growl, he flipped them over and half pulled, half dragged her up the bed, so her head rested on a pillow. Keeping her head steady with one hand buried in her hair, he knelt by her face and thrust his cock in her mouth.

He was rough. Just like she wanted, what she’d been missing. “This what you want?” he asked. “My cock fucking your throat?”

She couldn’t answer verbally, so she wrapped her arms around him and sucked harder, relaxing so he could go deeper. He wasn’t going to last long. He’d already been on the edge after their time in the playroom.

“Damn it, Dena.” He fisted her hair harder.

Tears prickled her eyes. Whether from his use of her or because he still wouldn’t call her “Angel,” she wasn’t sure. He didn’t say anything else, but kept up a steady, almost punishing rhythm, and she wasn’t surprised when her own arousal grew. It had always been that way between her and Jeff.

He jerked in her mouth. When he held still, she prepared herself and swallowed as he came.

Too soon. It was over too soon.

And she wanted more.

He slipped from her mouth and sat down, pulling her up beside him. Now would come the part she hated. He’d withdraw from her once more. She resisted the urge to grab her knees and rock, choosing instead to look at the bed. It hurt too much to look at him. But he knew her too well.

“Look at me.”

She’d do it for him. Only to him would she give that part of herself—the vulnerable, the unsure, and the needy part of her.

She met his eyes.

“God, what you do to me,” he said seconds before crushing his lips to hers.

She gave herself over to the kiss, relishing the feel of him. In those seconds she knew he gave her the hidden parts of himself as well. His thumb stroked her cheek, and she nearly hummed in pleasure.

But then he pulled away and it was agony.

“Three hundred eighty-two,” he whispered in her ear.


“The number of times we’ve played together.”

She sat speechless as he kissed her cheek, hopped off the bed, and walked off to shower.

Two weeks later, Jeff looked around Daniel’s guesthouse and sighed. He should have skipped the monthly meeting for the group’s Dominants. Neither his heart nor his mind was in the right frame of mind. He’d given a few obligatory grunts at appropriate times, but other than that, he’d been worthless.

When only Daniel and Nathaniel remained, he addressed them. “I need some help, guys.”

Something in his tone of voice must have startled the two men, because they both had concerned expressions on their faces when they looked at him.

“What’s up?” Daniel asked.

Jeff decided he should start at the beginning. “A lot of things. I had a call from Colorado today.”

“Your dad?” Daniel asked.

“His nurse, actually.”

“Nurse?” Nathaniel’s forehead wrinkled. “What’s that about?”

The call had caught him off guard. Even now, hours later, it was painful to think about, much less bring up in conversation.

“Dad’s not retiring. He’s dying.”

Nathaniel placed a hand on his shoulder. Daniel looked like he’d been punched in the gut.

“Prostate cancer,” Jeff continued. “Terminal.”

“I’m so sorry,” Daniel whispered.

“What can we do?” Nathaniel asked.

Jeff took a deep breath. “I’m going to have to go to Colorado, which is a problem because I haven’t been able to find the person threatening Dena.”

“Nothing?” Daniel rubbed his temple and didn’t wait for an answer. “Obviously she can’t stay by herself. I would tell you she could stay here in the guesthouse, but Cole’s due back next week.”

“She can stay with us,” Nathaniel said. “She’s welcome in New York, and the estate is safe.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Jeff said. “But you have kids. I wouldn’t want to put them in danger.”

“You won’t be putting anyone in danger,” Nathaniel assured him. “The grounds are gated, and there’s a security system in place. I don’t anticipate any trouble, but I will tell you that if it comes, I’m calling the police.”

Jeff nodded. “I understand, and thank you. I’ll talk to Dena tonight.”

“You haven’t had any luck figuring out who’s been threatening her?” Daniel asked.

“No. I had her pull together a list of people she’s prosecuted, but that was a dead end.” Jeff got angry every time he thought about someone harming her. Who could imagine hurting Dena? She had dedicated her life to serving others. “Unfortunately, now I have to look into who might be using her as a way to threaten her father, and that’s not as straightforward.”

“It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway.” Daniel glanced at his phone and sent a quick text. “If you or Dena need anything, let me and Julie know.”

He was a fortunate man to have such good friends, Jeff thought later, driving to his house. Other than Dena staying in New York with the Wests, there wasn’t much else either of the two men could do, though. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. It was such a bad time to leave the city.

He needed to call his partner, Tom, and fill him in on the investigating he’d done on Dena’s case. As much as he would like to handle it personally, he had no idea how much time he’d have to devote to the case once he arrived in Colorado. He needed someone he could trust working on it while he stayed with his dad.

And while he stayed with his dad, Dena would be with Nathaniel and Abby. The case she’d been working on had pleaded out, which meant there was no reason she couldn’t work remotely. He thought about asking her to come with him to Colorado but decided she probably couldn’t be that far away from work. He wasn’t looking forward to having that conversation with her. She would not be happy about moving in with the couple.

She’d kept mostly to herself for the last two weeks, working in the evenings at his desk. Not once had she complained about his overbearing manner. After the flogging scene a few weeks ago, he’d thought she might want to play more, but so far she’d given no indication that she was interested.

He pulled into his driveway and scratched Bo’s ear when the large dog trotted up to him. He needed to find someone to feed them while he was gone.

Tom was on the front porch, sitting on one of the weather-worn Adirondack chairs Dena had insisted on buying years ago.

“Thanks for staying,” Jeff told Tom. “I feel much better knowing she isn’t alone.”

“It’s no problem. Noting to report. She came home from work and has been inside ever since. No sign of anyone here.”

“Fucker knows better than to come on my property.” But that was okay. It was only a matter of time before his luck ran out and Jeff caught him.

“I’m going to head home now if you don’t need me anymore,” Tom said.

“I have it covered. Thanks again.”

He waited until the taillights of Tom’s car disappeared into the night before unlocking the house and stepping inside. He looked for Dena at the small desk in the corner, but she wasn’t there. He glanced at his watch. Seven. Usually at that time of day, she’d be nose deep in the next day’s work.

Maybe she was in the bathroom. That would give him a few more minutes before he had to tell her she’d be packing for New York while he headed to Colorado. He walked toward his bedroom, planning to change, when he noticed the door was half-closed and the light was on.

Tags: Tara Sue Me The Submissive Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024