The Collar (The Submissive 6) - Page 53

He gave a grunt of satisfaction. “Love the feel of your release when I’m buried deep inside you.” He circled his hips, grinding against her in a way that allowed him to hit new spots. “I want you to come again.”

Somehow he moved faster and deeper, and within seconds, she was coming again. This time he followed, holding still and releasing inside her with a grunt of complete pleasure.

He held on to her, not letting her go because her feet were still bound. “Hold on to me,” he whispered. “Lean on me.”

She let herself relax against him, and after she assured him she was good, he let go of her just long enough to unbind her ankles. With his customary gentle strength, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the blanket.

For a time they stayed in each other’s arms, watching the stars come out and speaking in whispers. They spoke of their future, their hopes, and their dreams.

And when it was fully dark, she leaned closer, placed his hand on her belly, and whispered a secret.



One week later

“Mr. West,” my admin, Sara, said when I picked up the ringing phone. “Mr. Parks is here to see you.”

“Send him in,” I said, standing up to meet him. I’d been awfully curious as to why Jeff wanted to see me when he’d called the day before to schedule a meeting.

As the door opened, I crossed the floor to shake Jeff’s hand. “Come on in. It’s good to see you. What brings you into the city?” I waved toward a small sitting area. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Jeff sat down. “Dena wanted to do some shopping.”

“Sounds like another woman I know. Speaking of Abby, she told me your news. Congratulations.”

He smiled, and I noticed how different he looked. Nothing like the guy I’d first met, with his always-stern expression. He looked happy now.

“Thanks,” he said. “We’re trying to settle on a date.” He leaned forward. “I know you’re busy, and I’m sure you want to know why I’m here.”

“I was surprised when I got your call.”

“It’s about the group. I know you and Abby are joining when you move, and the senior members would like for you to take an active role as soon as possible.”

“What kind of role?”

“You know what happened with Dena?” At my nod, he continued. “She’s not the first submissive to be mistreated by a Dominant in the group.”

I had heard murmurings the few times we’d been with the Delaware group. I knew a friend of Julie’s had been badly whipped. “Sounds like there’s a problem.”

“There is, and we’d like for you to help us. I’m here on the group’s behalf to ask you to take on the responsibility of restructuring the group, especially the mentor program.”

“That’s no small task.”

“I know, but we think you’re what the group needs: an experienced Master with an outsider’s perspective.”

“Can I say I’ll think about it and let you know?”


“If I agree, I’ll be working with Abby. You need a submissive’s input, too.”

“Of course.”

Abby and I were still working through the details of our newly extended playtime. Working with the Delaware group might be mutually beneficial. I thought back to a conversation Abby and I had had recently, during which she’d admitted how much she’d enjoyed the demo we did in Delaware. Since then, I’d been looking for ways to push her. This might be just what we both needed.

A way to expand all our limits.

Read on for a sneak peek

at the next seductive book in Tara Sue Me’s

Submissive Series

Coming soon from

The smell of lust filled the room. In fact, the sexual tension was so high, I would bet most of the women present longed to be in the place of the lovely redhead. Currently standing in front of Cole Johnson, the Partners in Play group’s newest senior Dominant, the petite woman trembled slightly. Although she was fully clothed, she displayed a vulnerability I was all too familiar with.

“Daniel told me she’s been having difficulties focusing,” my husband and Dominant, Nathaniel, said. We were at a play party being held at a private residence. He stood behind me, and though we were somewhat removed from the group, he still whispered. “He said he hopes the session with Cole will help.”

“With everyone watching?” I asked. “That seems unlikely.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

We couldn’t hear Cole’s voice, he spoke too softly. The submissive’s gaze drifted from him to the crowd watching. Bad move. Quick as a lightning strike, Cole grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

“On me,” he said, the threat in his voice noticeable before it dropped back down to a whisper.

“Perhaps he believes if she can focus while in the middle of a crowd, she can focus during anything,” Nathaniel said.

There was probably some truth to that. The submissive certainly didn’t appear to be tempted to look our way again. Then again, Cole had placed his hands on her shoulders and started a slow stroke up and down her arms. All the while, he kept his eyes locked on hers. I doubted there were many women who would be able to think about anything else if he was looking at them like that.

After a few minutes, he stepped back and spoke to her again. “As far as you’re concerned, you and I are the only people in this room. Understand?”

She answered with a softly spoken, “Yes, Sir.”

“Louder,” he said. “Own your words.”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated, this time with more confidence.

“You are to keep your eyes on mine the entire time we’re together unless I tell you to do otherwise.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“What’s your safe word?” Cole asked.

“Red, Sir.”

“Thank you. Take your shirt off.”

Her gaze briefly flickered to the floor.

“That’s one, sub,” Cole said, and she sucked in a breath. “Tell me what you did.”

“I looked at the floor, Sir.”

“And what were you supposed to do?”

“Keep my eyes on yours.”

Cole nodded. “Take your shirt off the proper way.”

This time, she kept her focus on him while she unbuttoned and slid the shirt off her shoulders. It fluttered to the ground.

“Very nice,” Cole said. “Now, remove your bra.”

I wasn’t a Dominant by any stretch, but I’d been an active submissive for long enough to know and recognize hesitation. Hell, I’d done it often enough myself, but I always learned something new when I was an observer. It was certainly interesting seeing things from a different prospective.

Cole took a step toward her. “On the checklist you filled out, how do you have public nudity listed?”

“As won’t object, Sir.”

Tags: Tara Sue Me The Submissive Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024