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Dare to Resist

Page 20

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Colton lifted Kady in his arms and spun her around, making her laugh. “Oh, I’m so damn glad.”

“Me, too,” she said.

Colton gave her a quick kiss, still hating to let her go but feeling a lot more settled about where things stood. The rest would fall into place—he’d make sure of it. “Okay, go. I’m still calling you tonight, and we can start putting some plans into place.”

Walking backward toward the gate, Kady nodded. “Okay. God, I don’t want to leave you.”

Damnit, he didn’t want that either. He was already scanning through the schedules of the upcoming weekends to see when he could fly out to see her. This Saturday’s rock-climbing plans were definitely getting postponed, but Colton knew Logan would understand. “This isn’t good-bye. One way or the other, I’ll see you soon.”

She smiled and turned away, giving the agent her boarding pass to scan. “I’m really sorry,” Kady said.

The agent leaned closer. “Don’t be, honey. If that man had just told me he loved me, we’d be heading to a hotel.”

Kady burst out laughing and looked with wide eyes and a reddening face to Colton.

“Smart woman,” he said with a grin and a nod.

Both the agent and Kady laughed. “Best hurry now,” the attendant said.

Kady gave a wave as she stepped through the door and onto the gangway.

“Hey, Kady?” Colton called.

She turned and smiled, her face absolutely radiant.

“Just be ready for me, sweetheart. Because this isn’t the last time you’re going to say yes to one of my questions.” He winked.

“We’ll just see about that, Brooks,” she called as she blew a kiss and ran down the hall.

As the agent closed the door, Colton stood there smiling. He’d never felt happier than he did at this moment, because the last and most important piece of the puzzle of his life had finally clicked into place.

And though he already missed Kady, Colton was content. Because separating right now represented their beginning, not their end.

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