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Brazen Bachelor

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By the time I’m back in the living room, the buzzer sounds, and when I peek through the peephole, I see Colton on the other side. Unlatching the door, I pull it open, and I’m met with those teal eyes that steal my breath.

He’s dressed in a black button-up, which is undone just enough to taunt with the smooth skin beneath. And his black slacks are tight, hugging his thick, muscled thighs, along with those slender, tapered hips.

“Wow,” he speaks first, causing heat to sneak over my cheeks. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.” I smile up at him. “You don’t look so bad either,” I tease, stepping aside so he can come in.

“I think I scrub up well,” he jests. Once again, we stand silently for a few moments, but it’s Colton who makes the first move. He leans in, his hand landing gently on my hip, and he pulls me in to whisper his lips along mine.

It’s the gentlest of kisses, but the passion emanating from his touch captures the breath in my lungs. I don’t deepen it, not yet. I allow him to step back.

“Are you ready?” He doesn’t seem put out that I didn’t push for more from the kiss, but I have a feeling he is slightly disappointed. And to be honest, I am too, because I do want more. But it’s fun to watch him squirm and work for it, just a tad.

“I am.”

I grab my purse and keys, and we head out. I leave my phone because if I get any more messages from Victoria, it will only sour my mood. And tonight, it’s only about the man who’s currently leading me to the town car at the sidewalk, and me.

Colton opens the door, waiting for me to slip into the bench seat before sliding in beside me. He nods at the driver, who seems to not need any address or direction as we pull away from the curb.

“This really is a surprise,” I whisper while glancing at my date. There’s a mischievous smile on his lips, which has my eyebrow arching in silent question.

“It is,” he affirms with a cocky wink. There are times I wonder just what he sees in me. Like right now, when he slides his hand against mine, his fingers tangling through my own. I still can’t believe this is real.

“So, how was your day?” I ask.

Colton doesn’t look at me immediately, and he doesn’t answer right then. My stomach bottoms out when he finally glances my way. Something is wrong.

“I spoke to Blythe,” he replies. “I have a few things I need to chat with you about, but that’s for later.”

“Tell me,” I beg, needing to know if my heart is about to be broken or not. I didn’t want to feel anything for him, but over the past couple of weeks, I found myself being swept away by a fairy tale. Even though it’s only our second date, I do have some feelings for Colton King.

“I promise it’s nothing serious. We’ll talk over dinner.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Tell me about your day. How long is your boss away?”

I realize no matter how much I ask, he won’t tell me, so I sigh and sit back. “Clarissa is away for a few more days I’m guessing. She hasn’t actually let me know a definite day she’ll be back. And that’s what stresses me out. Without her there, the day was busy. After lunch, it seemed like I just didn’t stop.” I didn’t even stop to look if I got a response from Ida. And I wanted it before the date. Not that it would’ve made a massive difference in what I do tonight, but it’s the security blanket I’ve always held on to.

“That’s a good thing.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“But?” Colton prompts, and I know I’m going to have to tell him about the wedding. I’m not sure he’ll still be around by then, but I suppose a second date is as good as any to attempt at chasing the hot man you’re crushing on away. Isn’t it?

“My past isn’t filled with happy memories. Or at least, what I believe happy memories should be.” I’ve never once told anyone about my life as a child. Never wanted to talk about Victoria and what she did while we were growing up. Some kids are bullied at school, some on the playground, but my nightmares came from the girl I lived with.

“Tell me.” Colton eases along the seat, twisting to face me fully. His eyes seem like they’re illuminated in the dim space of the back of the car. He seems honestly interested in what I have to say, and right now, I know I have to make a choice as to what I’m going to do. Do I tell him who I really am, or do I hold a part of myself close to my chest?

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