Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2) - Page 35

They stopped at the edge of the woods hours later, well after mid-day. Beyond the MacKinnon keep loomed large.

“Are you ready for this?” Arran asked her, still holding her hand.

She got the feeling the question was more for him than her, so she answered for both of them. “We’re ready.”

This time Quiver followed behind them, next to Hope, though Princess and King walked beside Purity, King jumping off Princess’s back to strut in front of them as they emerged from the woods.


Purity startled at her name being screeched and when she saw it was Oria, she left her husband’s side in a rush, tears gathering in her eyes and falling just as she and Oria collided in a hug.

“I’ve been so worried about you and praying that you would return soon,” Oria said, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held tight to Purity.

“It is so good to see you again. I have missed you and…” Purity didn’t finish, she didn’t have to, Oria understood and missed Raven as much as she did.

They parted and Oria looked down at the cat weaving his way around her ankles. “King certainly has grown, and he remembers me.

“I named him well,” Purity said with a laugh. “He’s a little tyrant.”

“And who is this beautiful creature?” Oria asked, reaching out to rub the large dog who had come to stand beside Purity.

“This is Princess and she and King are the best of friends.” The horse nudged her from behind and she turned to stroke her face. “And this is Hope.”

“The special way you have with animals always astonished me.”

Oria’s fine features always amazed Purity, but even more so now. Her heart-shaped face glowed not only with beauty but happiness as well and her honey-blonde hair fell unrestrained over her shoulders. “You look wonderful and happy,” —Purity pointed to the bump in her stomach— “and I see part of the reason.”

Oria’s hand went to the round bump and she smiled. “When spring blooms so will I.”

“I am happy that you and Royden are finally together as you should be,” Purity said, remembering how much the two had been in love since they’d been young.

“And who have you brought with yo—” Oria’s eyes went wide as the man approached and she recognized him. “Good, God, Arran! You’ve finally made it home.” She turned searching the area for her husband and spotting him in the distance, she screamed for him. “ROYDEN!”

He came running, a look of pure fear on his face until he spotted Arran. He ran right to his brother and he stopped in front of him for a moment, then the two men came together in a hug, their eyes shutting tight against tears while relief flooded their faces, and turned Oria and Purity teary-eyed again.

They slapped each other on the back before parting.

“It’s good to finally have you home again,” Royden said.

“It is good to be home, though I won’t be staying long,” Arran said.

“What do you mean you won’t be staying long?” Oria asked, upset. “You just got here. You can’t leave.” She looked to Royden. “You can’t let him leave.

Royden went to his wife and kissed her cheek. “Arran is a grown man. He will do as he pleases.” He turned to his brother. “Though, I do wish you would stay.”

“I won’t be going far,” Arran said, the concern on both their faces stirring something in the pit of his stomach. He stepped next to Purity and took her hand. “Purity and I are wed and I will be making my home with her at Clan Macara.”

Oria broke out in a huge grin and hugged Purity again. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for the both of you.”

“So you heard and agreed to Galvin’s request to wed his daughter?” Royden asked.

Arran knew what was on his wife’s mind as soon as she turned and looked at him and he settled her question before she could ask it. “I know nothing about that. Purity and I wed so I could keep her safe. There is a bounty on her to be returned to the Clan Macara and those who attempted to see it done didn’t have Purity’s safety in mind.”

Royden shook his head, stunned. “Galvin put a bounty on his daughter?”

“We’re not sure who placed the bounty, but I intend to find out,” Arran said.

“We’ll help anyway we can,” Royden said and gave a nod past Arran. “Who lurks a distance behind you?”

“That’s Quiver,” Purity said with a smile. “He serves Arran most faithfully.”

“That’s yet to be determined,” Arran said and received a jab in the side from his wife.

“He’s a good man, who was a bit lost, but not any longer,” Purity explained. “And King, Princess, and Hope like him.”

“Quiver,” Arran called out and the skinny man hurried to him.

Quick introductions were made.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, sir, and Mistress Oria,” Quiver said with a slight tremble.

Tags: Donna Fletcher Highland Promise Trilogy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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