Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2) - Page 38

Arran leaned close to Purity, moving a stray strand of hair off her cheek. “Go with Oria. I need to talk with my da and brother. I will join you later.”

Later. Would they consummate their vows later?

She didn’t want to wait and wonder, so she said, “I will wait for you.”

“You are tired, sleep,” he said, knowing what she asked. He kissed her cheek and helped her off the bench.

She walked away with Oria, Wren joining them, wondering when they would finally, truly become husband and wife.

Chapter 11

Arran joined his brother and father at the round table in his da’s solar and reached for the tankard of wine that Royden had filled with wine. After a strong swallow, he sat the tankard on the table and gave a nod to it. “You’ve entered into trade with some of those merchants we met while captive. A wise move.”

“I’m glad you agree. I figured it was better to keep such people close, since they have loose tongues and will sell information for a good price,” Royden said.

“Exactly,” Arran agreed. “I will do the same once at Clan Macara.”

“Is that what took you to Purity, purchased information?” his da asked.

Arran shook his head. “I didn’t know I’d find Purity. All I knew was that a woman in the woods might know the whereabouts of Raven. I wasn’t confident of the source, but I had to follow the lead.”

“I would have done the same,” Royden said. “Wren believes Raven is alive and her predictions regarding our family have proven true. Unfortunately, there is no trail for us to follow. Any bit of information leads us to a dead end.”

Sadness filled his da’s every word. “It’s as if she’s disappeared.”

“Or someone hides her well,” Arran suggested.

Royden raised his tankard. “Something we all hope.”

“But who? Who would hide her?” his da asked, his brow wrinkling with worry.

“With the Clan MacKinnon coming together again, it will be known to all that we will not rest until our sister is returned to us. Someone is bound to speak up and others will follow. We will find Raven,” Arran said and his da and brother nodded firmly in agreement. “I prefer no notice is sent to Purity’s father that we’re here. He’ll want her to return home immediately and we both would like to spend a few days here before doing that.”

“Galvin is away,” his da said. “He’s not expected back until next week sometime. It would be good to have you stay until then.”

Arran was pleased with the news and he knew how his wife would feel when she heard it. “I’m sure Purity would be happy to hear that. She’s not eager to return home. And I’d like to know more about what went on here and at the other surrounding clans before going to my new home.”

“Much has changed,” Royden said, refilling all their tankards. “Wolf is the Northman responsible for the attack on our clan and our capture.” He stopped and took a hard swallow of wine.

Arran knew his brother well enough to know why he hesitated to continue. “There is something you don’t want to tell me.”

Royden delivered the news quickly. “We found out that Oria is Wolf’s sister. It’s quite a tale best left for another day. Wolf helped me rescue Oria when she was taken by one of the mercenaries, the one who left her with the scar on her face that I imagine you saw but was polite enough not to mention. We have since met her true parents and they hope to return for the birth of their first grandchild.”

Arran said nothing as Royden took another generous swallow of wine.

“Wolf’s sister, Demelza, and her husband, Trevor, now rule the Clan MacGlennen. Oria has become friends with Demelza, who gave birth to a son, Aric, about three months ago, and they visit often. Wolf claims the land of the clans he attacked and confiscated had been taken from his grandmother’s family and he’s taking back what had been taken from her clan.”

“Through battle, which seems to be the endless way of things,” Arran said. “Oria does well with all of this?”

“It wasn’t something she accepted easily, though she had gotten to know Demelza some before finding out and she liked the woman, so that made it a bit easier. Trevor, her husband, is Wolf’s right-hand man.”

“And given Clan MacGlennen for being faithful, I suppose,” Arran said, still trying to comprehend all the changes and difficulties those changes could bring. “Has the Clan Macara yet to fall under his rule?”

“The plan was to find Purity and marry her to one of Wolf’s warriors,” Royden said.

Arran nodded realizing Wolf’s intentions. “Then all the clans would be loyal to him. You do have to admire his plan. With the clans joined in fealty to him, this area would be well protected.”

Tags: Donna Fletcher Highland Promise Trilogy Romance
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