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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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“No!” Purity said, taking tight hold of her husband’s hand. “I will not be left to sit and worry. I will hear what is said.”

“She will join us,” Arran commanded.

“If that is what Arran wants, so be it,” Royden said from the entrance to the hallway that led to his solar. “Come, I’ve received important news.”

They all followed him to the solar, Purity wondering, hoping, praying it was good news about Raven, though the tightness in Royden’s shoulders told her otherwise.

They all took seats at the table, Purity keeping hold of her husband’s hand, sensing whatever news Royden was about to share with them was not good.

Royden looked to Arran. “Trevor sent a message. Brynjar is on Scottish soil.”

Chapter 13

Arran kept calm, much calmer than he felt. That the man who caused him and so many others such suffering was now on his home soil should worry him, yet all he felt was that he would now have a chance for revenge.

“How did Trevor learn this and where exactly is Brynjar?” Arran asked.

A knock sounded at the door before Royden could answer. “Enter, Penn.”

Arran took stock of the man who entered; light colored, long hair, lean, solid body, a knife tucked in his boot, and eyes that took in the room in one glance. He looked to be a skilled and prepared warrior. He was also one of Wolf’s warrior’s, the one left behind when Wolf had withdrawn his men from the Clan MacKinnon.

“Penn was tasked with delivering the message to me after delivering some healing potions Wren had prepared for Trevor’s wife,” Royden explained. “Tell them what you told me, Penn.”

Arran took note that Penn didn’t hesitate to do as Royden commanded.

“Word came while I was there,” Penn said, as he remained standing. “Wolf sent a message, alerting Trevor that Brynjar was here and had been for a couple of days. His reason for being here is unknown, though it is believed that his arrival here was prearranged.”

“Meaning someone sent for him,” Arran said. “Where is Brynjar?”

“That is presently being determined. Trevor assumes you well know that Wolf is no friend of Brynjar,” Penn said. “Brynjar has no friends, those who follow him do so out of fear or are as evil as Brynjar himself. Wolf is trying to find out why he’s here, but it isn’t easy. If he rides on his camp uninvited, Brynjar will attack and a battle will ensue and endless lives will be lost. If he sends one of his warriors with a message to meet, he risks the man suffering a horrible death. Wolf believes it is a wait and see situation.”

“He could attack any of the clans without cause or provocation,” Arran advised.

“Wolf doesn’t believe that’s his intention. He believes Brynjar has a specific reason to be here, possibly an invite from someone. Until that can be established, Wolf commands that we all wait and see what transpires,” Penn said.

“And what if we wait until it’s too late?” Royden asked what he assumed they all must be thinking, recalling the attack five years ago.

“Wolf will not lose the land and clans he has gained here,” Penn said. “His troops are far greater in number than anyone realizes.”

“So he would ride on Brynjar if he should attack any of the surrounding clans?” Arran asked.

“He would,” Penn confirmed. “And he would put an end to Brynjar.”

Arran wanted that satisfaction. He wanted to feel his sword slice through the man until there was nothing left of him.

“So what you’re telling us is to leave ourselves vulnerable once again,” Parlan said an edge of anger to his tone.

“It is different now,” Penn said. “The oath of the beast protects you now. Wolf will let nothing happen to those under his protection. His men will descend on the area like the hounds from hell until nothing is left of those who go against him.”

“Wolf may send the hounds of hell, but Brynjar is the devil himself and will swallow them whole,” Arran said and felt his wife’s hand tremble in his.

Penn had no response for Arran. He turned to Royden. “Trevor says that as soon as he receives more news he will let you know.”

“Thank you, Penn,” Royden said, dismissing the man.

“As much as I don’t like agreeing with Wolf, on this, it is a wait and see situation,” Arran said. “If Brynjar’s intention was to invade, it would have been when his feet touched soil. That means someone extended him an invitation and who invited him and his intentions behind it are what matters more. There could be far more to his presence on our home soil than imagined.”

“Perhaps you and Purity should remain with us until this is settled,” Royden suggested.

“As it is your responsibility to protect the Clan MacKinnon, it is now my responsibility to protect the Clan Macara,” Arran said. “And with Galvin absent at the moment, it falls to me to make sure the clan is protected. We will need to leave sooner than planned.” His wife’s hand tensed in his. He knew she wasn’t keen on returning home, but this couldn’t be helped.

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