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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

Page 54

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He heard someone enter the room and ended the kiss to turn and see a slim woman, her bright red hair piled in a mass of curls on the top of her head, with several falling free, standing there staring at them with wide eyes. It took him a moment to see that her expression wasn’t one of surprise at seeing them kiss, but that her eyes were naturally wide.

Purity turned when she saw her husband’s eyes focus elsewhere and smiled. “Iona, Orvin is no longer the keep’s cook. I would like you to take over the position.”

A smile brightened Iona’s pretty face. “I would gladly do it, mistress, but your father would forbid it.”

“I’ll see to that,” Purity said. “As of this moment, you are the new cook and all in the kitchen answer to you. I will make it clear to those in the kitchen that you are in charge now and they are to obey your orders.”

“Some may refuse, mistress,” she said almost apologetically.

“Then I will see them removed and you may choose who you like to replace them,” Purity said and with a smile encouraged the young woman as she wished she had been encouraged. “Do not be afraid of speaking your piece, Iona. I encourage you to do so and expect you to do so. Besides, I believe many in the kitchen will be pleased with the change and grateful they no longer have to contend with Orvin’s belligerent nature.”

Her heartening words brought a smile to Iona. “I believe you are right, mistress. I will see to my new duties right away. And I will have food and drink brought to you and your husband. something Orvin failed to provide on your arrival.”

“Thank you, Iona,” Purity said and turned with a smile to her husband who quickly took her in his arms.

“You’ve grown into a beautiful, confident, wise woman and I’m proud to have you as my wife,” Arran said.

Purity felt her heart swell along with her smile. “It pleases me to hear that, husband.”

Arran leaned down to nibble along her neck after saying, “I do so wish to please you, wife.”

She chuckled and drew up her shoulders, his playful kisses tickling her. “I will hold you to that.”

He raised his head and she almost gasped—he wore a slight smile. One that would normally not be noticed, the corners of his mouth barely curved up, but it was the sparkle of delight in his eyes that gave it more credence.

“No need, I will see it so.”

The delight in his eyes turned to a flare of passion and Purity had all she could do to stop herself from grabbing his hand and rushing him off to bed. She was glad the servants entered distracting her wicked thoughts. There would be time for them later.

“I see the disappointment in your lovely eyes, wife,” Arran whispered close to her ear as he guided her to the table where the servants were busy placing food and drink. “Nothing will stop me from slipping inside you tonight.”

She made it appear that she casually drew her elbow back when it was with enough force to jab her husband in his ribs. She thought she heard a brief chuckle, but she couldn’t glance back since he kept propelling her forward.

“Not fair,” she whispered when they were finally seated at the table beside each other.

“I don’t always play fair,” he said with a wink and kissed her cheek.

She wondered if he realized that he teased her, that the old, playful Arran was escaping, freeing himself from wherever restraints had been forced on him. She didn’t intend to point to it or make mention of it to him, for fear he’d retreat. She’d let him rediscover himself in his own time, welcoming every peek he revealed.

“Tell me what you’ve learned,” she said, changing the conversation for her own sanity.

The sparkle faded from his eyes and she was sorry to see it go, though grew a bit worried when he took her hand.

“Your father is ill,” he said.

“How ill can he be if he rides off for a week?” she asked, the news not that upsetting to her.

“Some say he goes to find a healer and others wonder if he went to make a deal with Wolf while some speculate that he went in search of you.”

“If he searched for me it would be to make sure I wed,” Purity said and gave a sad shake of her head. “When I first took refuge in the woods with the others, I had this recurring thought that my father would be worried about me and search for me. He didn’t.”

“Perhaps he thought you safer if you stayed hidden away,” Arran offered. “If you had returned, surely you would have been forced to wed one of Wolf’s warriors and your father feared that.”

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