Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2) - Page 83

Chapter 23

“You need to watch where you wander, wife,” Arran said and dropped his hand off her mouth and turned her around in his arms.

Purity swatted him in the arm, but was relieved beyond measure it was her husband’s arms she was in. “You frightened me senseless.”

“You did the same to me when I saw how far you wandered into the woods.”

She looked around and gasped. “I didn’t realize.” Her glance returned to him. “I was so caught up in my search—”

“You paid no heed, a mishap that could prove deadly,” he warned, the fright she had given him having his stomach churning. “What are you doing here?”

“Orvin’s murder troubles me,” she said and pointed to the ground. “No tracks.”

Arran examined where his wife pointed.

“Wouldn’t there be at least some tracks showing the person approached from the woods? If not, then that would mean the person came through the village and wouldn’t that mean the person had to be known to the clan?”

“Travelers stop for drink or food that can be spared, not all are watched the whole time they are here. Brynjar could certainly have had one of his men disguise himself as such a traveler. He would have been paid little heed. Believe me, if Brynjar wanted entrance to this village, he would get it. Nothing would stop him,” Arran said, knowing all too well the evil ways of the man.

Her husband’s explanation made sense. Why then did she find it difficulty to accept?

Arran kept keen eyes and alert ears to his surroundings. It was far easier than most knew to sneak through the woods unheard and Brynjar’s warriors were good at it. They could be upon a person so fast, one wouldn’t have the time to draw a weapon. And though they weren’t that far into the woods, Orvin’s cottage still visible, he wouldn’t take a chance with his wife’s life. He took her hand and led them out of the woods.

“Are you prepared to wed me tomorrow?” he asked.

Purity was surprised by how serious he sounded and decided to toss his question back at him. “Are you prepared to wed me?” His response astonished her.

“More than ever. You’ve become part of me. I couldn’t do without you.”

“You touch my heart, husband,” she said with a soft smile.

“I touch all of you, wife,” he said with a teasing wink.

She laughed softly and leaned in against his arm as if in a hug. “That you do, husband, and I welcome and look forward to every touch.”

“Now you’re tempting me.”

“No. No,” she cautioned teasingly. “There’ll be no poking before the wedding.”

He stopped abruptly, his face poised in shock. “You’re not serious, are you? You don’t intend to refrain from coupling until we wed tomorrow, do you?”

“We coupled only hours ago. We can wait until tomorrow to couple again,” she said, though seriously questioned her own suggestion.

He brought his nose to almost directly rest against her pert one. “Tell me you can wait.”

She nibbled along her lower lip while giving his question thought, though knowing the answer.

“Keep plumping your lip, I love the taste of it even more when it’s plump and ripe for the picking,” he whispered and his teeth were quick to replace hers, nibbling along her lower lip.

She drifted into a passion-filled daze and yet a question intruded on her pleasure. She eased her mouth away from his. “You’re prepared to wed me, but tell me why you wed me.”

His hands went to her waist, holding her snug. “That’s easy to answer. It’s pure and simple —I love you. There isn’t another I would have as my wife.” He gave her lips a quick kiss. “And remember, you’re already my wife. I do this to show everyone I wed you freely. Our wedding will be a good day, a good memory to long remember.”

“I don’t know many of these people,” Purity said, turning to Oria after peeking into the Great Hall where so many were gathered for the wedding. “It reminds me of your wedding day when so many gathered.”

Oria took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “That might be so, but even if this day ended in an attack such as mine did, which it won’t, you will still be wed to Arran. Royden and I never got the chance to wed on what was to be our wedding day. And that Arran weds you freely for all to see makes this day even more special.” She squeezed her hand again. “Now let me see if I can tell you who some of these people are.”

Purity waited anxiously as Oria peeked out.

“The man with the golden-red hair, plain features, and solid girth is Fergus. He is Alynn’s husband. You remember Alynn from the Clan MacDonnegal, don’t you?”

“Aye, though I did not know her well,” Purity said. “I recall now, she was forced to wed him.”

Tags: Donna Fletcher Highland Promise Trilogy Romance
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