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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

Page 89

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“And what do you have to offer, Clive?” she asked, wondering if she should trust him or not.

“Spices that tempt the tongue and beautiful cloth finely weaved by talented hands,” he said with a chuckle to his words, then quickly lowered his voice. “And a message from a friend.”

“Let me taste these spices you praise,” she said and stepped closer to him.

Clive rummaged in his cart and produced several small sacks he sat on the cart’s seat. He opened one, holding it out for her to try. “George hopes you have fared well with the man Arran he met.”

Purity’s worry eased some. Clive had to know George if he had that information. Still, she would be cautious. “You can assure George all is well. Arran is now my husband.” She dipped her finger in the sack and caught a small amount between two fingers to drop in the palm of her hand and examine.

“Then please accept this spice as a gift for such joyous news,” Clive said, seeming far more pleased at the news than Purity would expect a stranger to be. “And I will be sure to share the wonderful news with George when I meet him at Stitchill Monastery.”

“He has not left on another merchant journey?” she asked.

Clive smiled and lowered his voice. “He’s no longer a merchant, but you knew that and were testing me to see if I truly know George.”

“He’s made no mention of you,” she said cautiously and caught a small amount of the spice on the tip of her finger to place on her tongue. It had a pungent but pleasing taste.

“And for a good reason that you don’t need to know. I, for one, didn’t see the point in me coming here but she insisted on it and insisted you could be trusted with the message—as long as you were wed.”

Purity felt a catch to her heart.


She dared not say her name aloud. Raven had kept herself safe these last five years, no one able to find her, and Purity wouldn’t be responsible for bringing her any harm.

“You can ensure her that I’m good and wed. My husband, Arran, and I have exchanged vows twice, once with Brother Noble and again with Abbott Thomas. And I can tell you she will be pleased to learn who I wed.”

“I will make sure that she knows,” Clive said with a brief nod. “She asks that you maintain your silence and do your best to keep her brothers from searching for her. She knows they are intent on finding her, especially Arran. He was relentless after his release. His interference does not help her. A plan is in motion and will soon reveal itself.”

“Arran is far too busy with problems we are having here right now. Presently, he has no time to search for her. How long before this plan is revealed?”

“The start of winter will finally see its fruition.”

“May I ask if this plan has anything to do with a buildup of Wolf’s warriors at Learmonth?” she asked.

“The buildup is not meant to harm any of the clans, our king and Wolf’s king has seen to that. Wolf is claiming Learmonth as his home,” Clive said.

“That explains the arrival of his warriors. They’re settling in before his arrival and securing his safety,” Purity said, grateful that puzzle was solved.

“I believe Oria and Royden were already aware that Learmonth now belonged to Wolf,” Clive informed her.

“I’m sure they are aware, though I don’t know if they expected him to take residence there this soon, if at all. It is difficult knowing our enemy will be our neighbor. He has brought much harm to our clans, our families, and that is not easy to forgive.”

“Perhaps not easy, but necessary, if you want to have peace,” Clive urged.

Purity got the distinct feeling that he was trying to tell her something, but she didn’t know what.

“Will you come this way again?” she asked.

He smiled. “You’ll see me again.”

That wasn’t what she had asked him and this time she thought she understood. She would see him again but she didn’t think it would be as a merchant. If not? Then who was he?

“Let me see your cloth, and I’ll also have my cook see if she favors any of the other spices,” Purity said with the authority of the mistress of the keep.

Clive bobbed his head. “As you say, mistress.”

Purity looked over the cloth while Iona examined the small sacks of spices. After haggling over cost, spices and cloth were purchased.

“I’ll see you again,” Purity said, cradling the roll of cloth as Clive climbed up on the cart and took the reins of his horse in hand.

“That you will, mistress. That you will.”

Purity watched him ride off. She thought he might stay for the night but he was eager to reach the Clan MacKinnon before nightfall and before the rain returned.

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