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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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“Are you ready to watch your wife die, Arran?” he tormented with gleefulness.

“I love you, always,” Purity called out, trying to remain brave but her heart broke, shattered completely, that she wouldn’t live to share a life with the man she loved.

“I swear I will let you go, Freen, and I will tell Wolf to leave you be,” Arran bargained, willing to do whatever it took to save his wife’s life.

“Wolf wouldn’t care what you asked of him,” Freen said. “A warrior who goes against his orders dies. His warriors would see to it before I took a step off this land.”

“I will have you escorted safely to wherever you want to go. You have my word,” Arran pleaded.

“I like that you beg. It makes taking your wife’s life that more satisfying,” Freen said.

“NO, KING!” Arran shouted, seeing the cat ready to attack Freen and fearing it could cost his wife her life. If he could keep the man talking, there was hope he could somehow keep his wife alive.

“Wise move,” Freen said, seeing the cat stay where he was but not taking his eyes off Freen. “My knife already cuts into her skin.”

Purity felt the trickle of blood as he pressed the blade against her throat. She was going to die and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Arran saw it then, the flash of satisfaction in Freen’s eyes and he knew he was about to slice the blade across his wife’s neck. He’d never make it in time to stop him. He saw the resolve on Purity’s face that she knew she was about to die, and she smiled at him.

He went to move, thinking he had to try. He had to do something when Freen’s wrist was suddenly grabbed from behind and yanked away from Purity.

She ran and Arran ran… right into each other’s arms and hugged each other so tight it felt like they almost became one. They both looked to Freen, wondering what had happened. His eyes turned wide in shock, his chest expanded as his shoulders drew back, and his mouth fell open in a silent scream as the blade of a sword emerged from his chest. The knife, he still held, was jabbed into his throat. His eyes were spread wide and he gagged as his life dwindled away, then his lifeless body dropped to the floor.

A dark figure emerged from the shadows and shoved his hood back revealing his face.

“Abbott Thomas,” Purity cried out in disbelief.

He smiled, took a step forward, and collapsed.

Chapter 29

One Month later

* * *

“Tell her or I will,” Arran warned.

“How did you know?”

“Only someone who loves deeply would give their life for another,” Arran said. “And I’m forever grateful that you were willing to do that and even more grateful you survived.” He raised his hand, not finished. “You owe it to her and yourself. My wife has suffered enough. She is entitled to know the truth.”

“What truth?” Purity asked, hearing her husband as she approached where he and Abbott Thomas sat in the Great Hall.

Arran stood and went to his wife, wrapping the shawl she wore more snugly around her. “You need to keep warm. A light autumn snow warns of a cold winter.” He kissed her firmly and reluctantly stepped away from her. He would have much rather carried her off to their bedchamber and spend the remainder of the evening making love with her. However, it was far more important that she speak with Abbott Thomas. “I will wait for you. Take all the time you need.”

Purity stared after her husband as he left the Great Hall. What was so important that their lovemaking could wait?

She turned to face Abbott Thomas. It hadn’t been an easy month and yet it had been a settling one. Wolf’s warriors had seen that Brynjar had been escorted to his sailing vessel and watched until he was out of sight. Still, sentinels had kept watch for over a week to make certain he didn’t return.

Wolf had been furious when he had learned of Freen’s betrayal and offered Arran more warriors to keep watch over the Clan Macara. As much as her husband hadn’t wanted to accept the offer, he wisely chose to do so. When the clan saw the amount of warriors there to protect them, they praised the chieftain’s unselfish and wise decision.

But it had been Abbott Thomas’s unselfish act to save Purity’s life when he himself had been injured that everyone gossiped about. A man of God had seen fit to protect their clan and they all felt blessed.

Purity, however, had wondered over his actions. It had taken days for the Abbott to even wake and speak and weeks after before he was able to sit up in bed, thanks to Wren. She had seen to his wound and had warned he might not survive. He had, to the surprise and relief of everyone.

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